The chad anti-Zionist

How can one man be so based?

Great interview

Attached: adam_green.jpg (487x615, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>works with Red Ice
pick one

Attached: jew_votes_donors.jpg (1660x1350, 591K)

>didn't even watch the vid
you glow

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there.

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

Attached: jew US WW2.jpg (1651x1620, 400K)

Who wants to bet Adam Green is a spook and or controlled opposition.

He literally shits on Zionism, jews and their desire to rebuild the third temple in every video. He talks about how Trump is owned by the jews in almost every video.

How could you call that a spook?

2019 US Congress jews (1.4% of the US population)


Tammy Baldwin (D)
Bernie Sanders (I)
Ron Wyden (D)
Chuck Schumer (D)
Jacky Rosen (D)
Ben Cardin (D)
Chris Van Hollen (D)
Richard Blumenthal (D)
Dianne Feinstein (D)


Adam Schiff (D)
Bill Posey (R)
Brad Sherman (D)
Pete Aguilar (D)
Alan Lownethal (D)
Mike Levin (D)
Susan Davis (D)
Ed Perlmutter (D)
Lois Frankel (D)
Ted Deutch (D)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
Jan Schakowsky (D)
Brad Schneider (D)
Abby Finkenaur (D)
John Yarmuth (D)
Jamie Raskin (D)
Elissa Slotkin (D)
Andy Levin (D)
Dean Phillips (D)
Josh Gottheimer (D)
Lee Zeldin (R)
Jerrold Nadler (D)
Max Rose (D)
Eliot Engel (D)
Nita Lowey (D)
Suzanne Bonamici (D)
Chrissy Houlahan (D)
David Cicilline (D)
David Kustoff (R)
Steve Cohen (D)
Elaine Luria (D)
Kim Schrier (D)

Attached: jews SCOTUS.jpg (1013x391, 106K)

>He talks about how Trump is owned by the jews in almost every video.
>How could you call that a spook?
Meanwhile, in reality....

Attached: jewish money.jpg (1298x517, 216K)

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Attached: AIPAC to Deploy Hundreds of Lobbyists to Push for Syria Action.png (893x2251, 575K)

It's called playing both sides, clearly Hillary was the preferred candidate but Trump will just as obediently carry out the Zionists wills as Hillary would have.

We are in the middle of a Jewish civil war.

Look at Trumps actions. Look at who he is surrounded by. Look at how little he has done for America and how much time and energy he has spent on Israel.

Attached: 337ea5137718aa2ecd216466b42cfde60f9c627732f70909fc2e3239bbe49b97.png (720x720, 775K)

Attached: Cantor, Hoyer Forget to Take “AIPAC” Off Their Letter’s File Name.png (1014x1573, 252K)

Attached: FBI Says Pentagon Analyst Gave Secrets to Israel via AIPAC.png (863x2595, 192K)

Attached: head-of-aipac-quits-after-boasting-of-his-influence.jpg (752x890, 219K)

Attached: Just a coincidence, I’m sure.png (890x425, 58K)

I'm not sure what to think of him.
He came out out of the blue around the summer of 2017 when a lot of conspiracy stuff was coming to light and people started talking more about the JQ.
I'm suspicious of any youtube political commentator who just pops out of nowhere and suddenly gains a huge following.
Also he went to Palestine with Jake Morphoneous of Blackstone Intelligence Network, that guy is definitely ex-military and in one of his videos he talks about being chased after by the FBI while he was meeting with the Bundy family of all people.
I want to believe that these guys are legit and just really brave journalists but idk I have been deceived so many times.

Attached: The Iraq war coverup What did AIPAC do and when did it do it.png (736x3967, 687K)

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Attached: American Jews, Embrace Your Dual Loyalties.png (873x3783, 744K)

Attached: In Praise Of Dual Loyalty.png (621x666, 283K)

You aren't wrong to be skeptical and for the sake of principle I'm not ruling out the possibility entirely that you are correct and he is controlled oppo, but I mean he's dropping nuclear bomb redpills that no Zionist would ever want to get behind. If he's controlled oppo he is the worst shill ever because he is just redpilling the fuck out of thousands of people.

Attached: Why American Jews Shouldn't Be Afraid To Put Israel First.png (997x2832, 639K)

What kind of faggot copies the fox news logo for their own channel? How unoriginal and revealing of their character.

Attached: The Pollard Affair Was it dual loyalty.png (944x2647, 1.27M)

It's making fun of faux news, a Zionist owned news corporation.

>implying he didn't single handily bring pushing back against globalism to the forefront
>implying normies even knew what globalism was before he ran
>implying that even that alone doesn't make Trump the best president we've had in decades
>implying the jew media and DC establishment hadn't fought him tooth and nail like no other candidate/president in modern history
WTF, I hate Trump now! I will now vote 3rd party or not at all!

You shills are getting more and more desperate, I love it. It's a win/win. All you are doing is raising JQ more, basically doing our work for us.

Attached: trump hitler.png (1406x475, 786K)

>reeeee stop posting actual political facts on the politics board
You kikes really don't like the light being shown on you, huh?

Keep raising JQ at Trump's expense, like I said, it's a win/win.

>oy vey le ebil jew FOX news
>WTF I love CNN now!
You shills are as transparent as glass.

Easiest way to spot shills = they don't care about the jew infestation of our media, politics, academia etc. unless it somehow hurts le ebil orange man.

Attached: the media.jpg (8336x3208, 2.79M)

who said I love CNN? Both fox news and CNN are jewish owned Zionist trash

you are attacking me yet I am agreeing with everything you are posting???

Thanks for the pill. Couldn't believe this

its eye opening isn't it? Imagine if Americans knew, they'd be in the streets calling for all the Jewish elite and Zionists heads by morning.

The jews successfully demoralized the white man and made him submissive. I don't think there is a way back from this shitty time line. We can only hope some steins get some bullets to the head by some woke Chads and that's it

>Jewish elite
That's the trick, to get them to realize "le evil white males" are actually jews.

Even just pointing out that jews are just 1.4% of the US population and 0.0025% of the world population will open their eyes... they'll start noticing they see jews and their tricks non-stop in media and politics far beyond what their 1.4% should warrant.

Attached: muh elite.jpg (1544x1889, 841K)