How long will urine be safe in fridge?

Got a piss test coming up bros any anons have any tips? I have access to substitute my urine with a clean friend's but only today, but test may not be for another week. Do job tests pat your crotch down or watch you piss?

Attached: IMG_6356.jpg (500x500, 38K)

you can't drink it after a week, fridge no fridge

you're saying it as if fresh urine is something palatable

Stop using drugs, nigger.

>help, I'm being tested to see if I've smoke weed in the past week
>the test isn't for another week

here's the easy solution: don't smoke for a week you stupid fuck

Go back to /b/ or /adv, nigger. I got banned for threads like this. So have fun getting banned, pussy.

Use product in picture. Use hand warmers to keep at 98•, fold a silk Oakley case and place hand warmer on outside wrapped in rubberband. Use 2 layer tighty whities. Do a couple dry runs . Will stay heated for at least an hour at 98

Just remember that when you go in for the piss test they will do a temperature test so it has to be body temp when you give the sample. Also, no coats or any type of clothing that can potentially hide a sample or a fake bladder will be permitted. You can try downing a fuck ton of water in the time before the test but good luck

forgot to mention that depending on the vendor and the site they may only allow you a couple of minutes in the bathroom, and they may also tell you not to flush the toilet (as they want you to get the piss started by going in the toilet first and then get some in the cup).

Ok user I feel bad for you so I’ll give you the best advice I can. I hold a government clearance but I can’t say what level. I don’t do drugs myself because I’m not a nigger but I’ve heard this privileged information from colleagues. The night before your test, mix milk and lemon juice. A lot of lemon juice. Usually one of those plastic lemons is good. Drink that the night before and idk why but you’ll be clean for your test. Try it

The expensive fake dick device worked for my friend for a high level insurance job. Just google it.

pic related is EXACTLY what you want user

Conf., Sec., or TS b0ss?

>inb4 "Q"

if it's DOT you're 99% fucked, otherwise buy a belt device, sleep with it on or wear it touching your skin for 4+ hours, add in a heat pad and calm the fuck down. Cut the tube to the length of your dick, slide the pincher down to the end, tape the tube to your shaft, wear white underwear, jeans, and business casual shirt to the test (no shorts, don't look/act sketchy, stay calm). It's not hard to cheat unless its DOT, which you are probably too autistic to figure out how to cheat.

Different problem for me.
How do I produce urine for my test by my pain doc that DOES have oxycontin in it, but DOESN'T show weed? I take both, but not allowed to ingest weed per my pain contract.

I’ve said too much already friend

i hope they take a hair sample faggot....

buy the same shit as in the OP but crush up an oxy pill into it?

fuck off shill

Yea, i thought that too but supposedly the test detects the "metabolic proteins" of the drug after your system has broken it down, and not the actual drug.

>no oxy reading
Simple. Just say you have been feeling ok last few days and backed off your oxy usage.
They cant complain about a lower result.
>or stop smoking weed numbnuts

Just do what every other normal person does and buy it an hour before the test. Shit isn't hard.
That doesn't work. Drug tests test for the metabolites, not the drug itself.