I'm a 26 year old female with very few friends. Some of which I realized are shitty friends. I have social anxiety so it's hard for me to meet people. I don't mind being on my own but I do miss same sex friendship. Is anyone else in the same boat?
I'm a 26 year old female with very few friends. Some of which I realized are shitty friends...
Yes but this is a board for advice. I think you're looking for /soc/. Go get a hug (and possibly sex) from them.
Find a hobby
24 but same as hell.
Better question is, why does it seem like girls either have le social anxiety or are turbo sluts, and really nothing in between
Because you don’t know any women who aren’t your mom.
I'm 18 and I totally get what you mean. I have little to no girl friends because I left them all behind when I left high school. Do you have any interests where you could go and meet other girls?
find a boyfriend, befriend his pals, dont cuck him
Also 24 and same. Making other female friends who are a) similar to me and b) not shitty seems quite hard sometimes. I'm introverted, and my interests just make it easier to make male friends.
Do you work OP or have any hobbies or interests? I have friends from school, work, uni, Jow Forums, hobbies... while I don't speak to them all regularly, it's good to know there there and there are some I talk to relatively often. I feel quite lucky desu
If "making male friends is easier" - you are not making friends, you are meeting guys who want to fuck you.
Anyway, it seems like a lot of girls I know have this issue. And it's always because they want to be the hottest bitch in the pack and see other competent women as competition, but then claim that they "can't meet anyone normal."
Just by this thread, you can see that other women have the same issue - so try to meet more people and be a good fucking friend, not a flaky self-interested bitch.
>Do you have any interests where you could go and meet other girls?
Try going to fucking yoga or running a marathon. Completely serious.
Terrible idea. When you break up you Will lise your Friends.
Nah it's literally cause I'm in stem and super interested in things most of my female friends find boring and "weird". I still love women and am working on trying to find another in crowd.. it's just harder than it was when I was in school. I'm also not around as many women as I used to be.
I think you're being quick to judge, but that's the norm lol. I do agree with you on the fake-friend-fucky-motives of tons of dudes though.
Uh yeah, ummmmmmm women jus aren’t that interesting so ......... I don’t care.
I'm 23 and I'm gonna meet up another girl that posts nature pics I "met" on instagram. Here's to hoping I won't get killed by what turns out to be a killer guy
Get some gay male friends
Was in you situation at your age. Honestly, for me I just grew out of that phase at around 30. I was socailly awkward and had anxiety too but I just learned to stop caring about conforming to the norm and just be myself. People will start to like you more when you’re genuine and life just becomes way easier.
identical 26 year old lonely female boat reporting in. Can't make friends because I have 80 hours of homework a week.
every time i do meet a girl that could be a potential friend, I fuck it up because I don't get enough practicing talking to people and also I browse Jow Forums too much and other girls don't usually want to hear my about my political pessimism and clown world memes
Imagine being a woman and failing on easy-mode. How fucking retarded can you bitches be?
make friends online
That image always cracks me up, ah good old times..
I’ll be your friend, you fucking clown
but I’m a guy lmfao
I like clown world memes, I like clowns in general.
To be honest i want to friend all the anons in this thread. But i can never get rid of my deep desire to have sex with you. We can be friends for a decade,nothing has to happen but that urge will always be there.
Not that anything will happen, but i guarantee you 99% of your male friends have that same urge. Even the married/committed ones, like i said they will not pursue it even if they have a chance (even if it was no strings attached, no chance of being found out) .
C'est la vie
>tfw male
>tfw 41
>tfw 0 friends and relatives
>tfw very happy with life
Must suck not having a dick. Be yourself.
I am in love with you already. Please live in western Europe
Same OP, same. I'm 29 and I don't have any female friends besides my spouse, just a couple of male friends I've known since middle school. I had a few female friends from years ago that I had a bad falling out with and I haven't spoken to them since, but I don't want to reestablish contact with them because of how long it's been and because it would be weird to hit them up out of the blue like that. For the most part the loneliness doesn't bother me, but it always pops up in my mind from time to time and makes me feel like shit.
Honestly I've thought the same about most of my male friends. Would of course never do anything, but I think about it. I avoid friendship with dudes who are too attractive cause I just act like an idiot without meaning to. I know a lot of women that feel this way but would never admit it. Imagine if your female friend let you know she thought the same, lol. People think men and women are so different, but I disagree. Then again I'm on Jow Forums so maybe I just have an autistic boy personality
I feel you user. I never was friends with that looking girls either, not for a long time at least dropped my spaghetti either here or there.
But even with my ugly friends it is not like there was never nothing. Just after years it is easy to treat them more as siblings than potential love interest.
Am girl, would be your friend lol. focusing on school is fine though, you will be able to make many friends once you're not so busy.
this thread is wholesome desu
Damn i’m a boy and i did not know women could not have (many) friends so this is kinda shocking for me to read but it’s a new insight
Not really.. Im thinking of joining a yoga club but in my area its mostly middle aged moms who go. Are you going to college?
What do you think of meeting someone who is as equally introverted?
You are lucky. Going to school makes it easier to make friends
Not about competition. The 2 friends I do have I feel happy for when they accomplish something. For me its the initial getting to know stage that is the problem
Tagged photos?
That gives me so much hope. Thank you.
Lmfao what are clown world memes?
True unless they are A spouse is like a live in friend