How is a foreign group that shuts down native dissenters able to survive? Imagine if there was a group like this, but Russian. The ADL. The anti defamation league that defames everyone
How is a foreign group that shuts down native dissenters able to survive? Imagine if there was a group like this...
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Because they've been here for a long time and nobody has done anything to stop them.
I have a feeling that they're gonna be involved the spygate Mueller report though.
what are you talking about, goy! the ADL are 100% all-american!
You can thank Hitler for that. If that retarded Austrian didn't go kill-happy with kikes they would never have this kind of power.
Hitler saved more Jews from genocide than anyone else in history
In his world view they already took over Germany/USSR and was spreading to all the west so it was either fight or not
The ADL predates Hitler being chancellor and WWII.
>How is a foreign group that shuts down native dissenters able to survive?
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there.
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
It would have stayed an insignificant little lobby group were it not for the political shield of the Holocaust, hoax or not, that guards them from any and all criticism.
La chance
>speaking out against jewish nationalism should be illegal
>supporting white nationalism should be illegal
they actually take these positions.
>How is a foreign group that shuts down native dissenters able to survive?
Because they are supported by millions of US (((citizens))) that belong to the same tribe that ADL serves.
Off topic post, but whites are dominating in MMA tonight. 2 niggers were taken out consecutively. Turn on ESPN.
Jews also created the NAACP for blacks, every racial hustle in America is kikes behind it.
Israel is becoming a tech giant, and (((they))) want to see who is being a good goy online and who is being bad. they don't like it when you criticizes them.
There are more groups like the SPC, JDIF, Black Cube, other "private Mossad", internal US gov't and military/intelligence stuff, big tech...
The double standard gripe is such cringe. It's so obvious it's grug-tier to even mention it let alone complain about it.
I think you already know the (((answer))). The ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center are basically two organizations that should be classified as economic terrorist organizations. They destroy peoples finances and their future prospects sometimes for something as simple as disagreeing with the persons/organizations political beliefs. Of course they will never be classified as such because both are made up of people that are eternal victims that hold no power at all goy.
A satnic judean international terror group linked to and international crime syndicate called judaism that has completely taken over the world through immoral, unjust, and genocidal means.
Sounds like kikes to me
Its funny, this is exactly what happened with Khazaria, who controlled the silk road during the muslim conquests when trade on the Mediterranean essentially ceased altogether. Eventually the entire world saw the Khazars as too large of a threat with too much power and they were destroyed (by russians)
Fucking this. Ignorant teens need to do their research t b h.
>I have no reading comprehension skills
I see that. The reference was to how much power they have now.
>The ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center are basically two organizations that should be classified as economic terrorist organizations. They destroy peoples finances and their future prospects sometimes for something as simple as disagreeing with the persons/organizations political beliefs
So evil.
The ADL is essentially Bni B'rith turned into a tax exempt corporation. They were one of the biggest factions behind the Civil War fighting on the side of the South representing the jewish slave trade.
>They were one of the biggest factions behind the Civil War fighting on the side of the South representing the jewish slave trade.
didnt know this any links ?
>the silk road
they are actually trying to remake the silk road, with the Chinese and Russia . Its called the one belt one road.
Tacitus said the Jerusalem was wealthier than Rome in 70AD. The temple was the largest bank in the world and the wealth was take back to Rome after t was sacked and used by general Titus to build the Roman Colosseum
saw that so damn tru
uh this is antisemitic
this reminded me of that jew at cpac talking about this and hearing the hate he has for the Romans(goyim) in his voice.
>white nationalism is a mossad psyop
>white nationalists are zionists, goy!
>Don't be a white nationalist or you are a zionist!
fuck off kike. just because you are a fat jew moarpheus. TAKE YOUR MEDS SCHIZO
After I kept being called anti Semitic for pointing out all the things I hate, I finally put 2+2 together
There is no denying that (((they))) want to make white nationalist seem to be the most dangerous ideology out there. They have been playing off the NZ shooting big time and seems to have helped other agendas as well.
Rome fucked up Judea the same way the US will inevitably. The dynamic is exactly the same with Rome protecting Judea, allowing it to grow rich and powerful while being surrounded by powerful enemies. Meanwhile they funded Romes enemies and staged terrorist attacks against Rome. Even the Roman emperor at the time was a Jewish puppet (Nero), the Talmud says he converted to Judaism. His generals tried in in absentia and convicted him to be executed but before they could kill him he killed himself.
The Rome Judea relationship is the exact same as US Israel and the outcome will be just the same once US citizens are aware of the shit Israel has done to them and continues to do.
Basically boomers still exist. When they Mcain's death symbolized the turning point where the US will no longer have to deal with their shit.
>Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now
You're absolutely right.
There is no point discussing with antifa, leftypol, etc. on the other hand we can move the MAGApedes/MIGApedes, redditors, gamergates, etc. further right.
because apathetic people who call themselves american do not rise up and expel them