Why do a majority of Anons from the US seem to hate nature so much?

Why do a majority of Anons from the US seem to hate nature so much?
Green technology not only creates jobs and wealth, it also improves peoples everyday life.

Why do you defend drinking water with poison in it, or inhaling toxic fumes every day?

Attached: green.jpg (850x500, 73K)

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The only way to reduce overall pollution is to reduce overall populations.
Everything else is just bait.

Because capitalism has preached against environmentalism in America for literally generations and humans are stupid plebs who will believe anything they're told enough times.

I disagree. Your statement might have been correct a couple of hundred years ago, but we do have the technology to decrease pollution without nuking everything off the face of the earth now.

And the amazing thing about this is that everybody wins.

Weren't your Republicans pro environment protection back in the days?
Oh well, I guess they just dumpstered that Idea because it would not make them enough money from lobbyists.
Sad truths aside, I hope that your next administration will bring back renewable jobs.

Attached: green-city.jpg (1200x820, 1.25M)

who hates green energy?
maybe government contracts for it, or social engineering, but wtf are you talking about?

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Wrong. The bigger the population the more you need to pave over everything. More places for jobs, more places to live, more places to produce food. As is the larger the population the more nature is at threat.

[citation needed]

In all fields

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They are capitalists who worship the dollar.

I don't think that the USanons hate nature, nor do they hate green tech, they just hate the fact that what is proposed (nullification of fossil fuel energies for muh windmills, carbon taxes, etc) is not only counter-intuitive on a logical basis, but also seen as an attempt at kneecaping the american industries in favour of other nations favoured by the (((globalists))) that dont neccesarily follow such philosophies. But I guess thats a bit too esoteric for any shallow minded greenie to understand, despite it being self evident for anyone that considers the opposing opinion.

If the technology already existed, it would be making somebody money. What you mean to say is, you want people everywhere to sacrifice something in their lives and adopt the technology you’re talking about instead.

its also endangering some animals.
requires alot of land in just solar and wind power alone.
Innovations have brought minimal returns.
Still no plan for broken solar panels.
Nuclear fission is currently the cleanest source of energy despite the nuclear waste it produces.
There is talk of a certain bacteria that actually thrives in the waste it produces meaning potentially a way of vreaking down said waste.

Shill thread

its all related to right/left bait the jews use to divide us

>Weren't your Republicans pro environment protection back in the days?
Never. That's propaganda republicans use. They typically bring up three examples: Teddy Roosevelt (who "saved the environment" literally for industry to wreck it one day, so they didn't run out of nature to grind up for profit), Nixon (who only did anything environmental because he thought he would be killed if he didn't, because Americans had fucking had it and who HATED environmentalists with a passion), and hunters, who destroy nature with impunity, but are never questioned and have flooded all ecological discussion with pro-hunter false propaganda.

And everyone DOES NOT win in your picture. That used to be forest, grassland, wetland filled with enormous animals, which humans obliterated to pave over.

I am not saying that population is unrelated to pollution. I am merely saying that there are other means to improve the environment. Best case scenario is that it goes hand in hand.


Basically most of your people seem to somehow agree that the environment is pretty important, but a large part just does not give a damn cuz MUH FREEDOM TO POLLUTE.

>you want people everywhere to sacrifice something in their lives and adopt the technology you’re talking about instead

Please tell me how this would require any real sacrifice. In b4 muh coal jobs. Coal was on the decline for well over a decade now, because the free markets prefer other means of creating energy. Trump just started to subsidize it because his coal lobbyist overlords demanded return on their campaign finance """investments""".

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Green is great, but it's also being used as a weapon. Most energy efficiencies come from corportations who will be happy to pounce on any opportunity to make/do more with less. They aren't against the environment. In many ways things have never been better.

The globalists have figured out that you need a crisis to motivate people, so this is sort of the 'ultimate crisis'... and they are using it to push for the things they want anyway.

You can't just take this stuff at face value. There have been dire predictions that we are all going to die if we don't alter this or that in five years... Seriously, somebody should put together a compilation of some of this stuff for laughs....

So, be environmental -- great if it leads to a cleaner, more efficient world, but don't be tempted to do drastic, crazy things based on this stuff, because a lot of it is a cult like scam being drummed up to advance various agendas.

>They aren't against the environment
They most certainly fucking are. Corporations have always been the biggest destroyers of the environment and purveyors of anti-environmentalism propaganda.

>In many ways things have never been better.
This is some of the absolutely most cancerous fucking delusion I have ever seen. We are in the midst of a fucking literal global apocalypse. Humans are causing a mass extinction event. Almost all forests, grasslands, wetlands and coral reefs have now been destroyed, pollution is out of control and human population is STILL growing.


This study indicates nothing about hating green energy.

>green technology
Technology is inherently antithetical to nature. Ted Kaczynski was right!

I like solar energy
We aren’t ready to completely replace fossil with it though

You can't mix the bullshit about global warming and the political elite trying to squeeze votes and money out of the gullible and stupid with people's care for pollution and air quality. No one wants pollution to happen, everyone supports reducing pollution. I, however, disagree with paying taxes to "offset" my pollution. Fuck you.

OP you are retarded

Not US but whatever, fuck you hans
Because green tech isnt going to save the world.

Whos the biggest exporter of coal in the EU? you should know honey.

Also who just secured sole rights to the rusian oil pipeline?

Our National parks are larger than most European countries.
Stay mad.

Nature was created by the Devil.

The US is home to the most beautiful natural landscapes on Earth, how could one not love the environment?

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>Overpopulation meme

Why are you a fucking idiot? The US has cleaner water than most of the world, aside from Democrat shitholes, far cleaner air than most of the world, reduced emissions by more than anyone else, and does this while being the economic superpower of the world.

Pic related is USA national parks, doesn't include all the other parks lol. Most of them are fucking massive. This proves your theory wrong. People in the west love the outdoors. Proper conservation is also a big deal. Illegal hunting and fishing will get you jail time. The total area of the states national parks is probably bigger than some countries in the EU.

Attached: usa-national-park-map.jpg (800x532, 149K)

Because my only goal in life is to see everyone die in 2050

Lol nice revisionism faggot