Gun owners were destroyed.
And just like that
>the strong dont need guns
can that hunk of muscle stop a 44. magnum... punk?
With a fighting style he sure can, retard.
I dont think under armor does what he thinks it does.
>those digits
Ooooooh gun nuts BTFO
this dude hates, women, disabled, and old people
what a fuck head
Nice straw man retards
His faggot boyfriends head stopped a bullet one time
Why didnt muscles help him when he was robbed a gun point?
Nah, I dont think straw would stop it either.
>guns are tools of the weak
fucking amazing argument in favor of accessible firearms. firearms are the great equalizer that allow the weak to not be abused. fucking faggot.
Bait. He's talking in a broader sense. Culturally he is advocating for more work ethic. It's easy to mistake Rollins for a low T yuppie but he's really promotes testosterone based principals that encourage manliness which is actually needed right now.
what a waste of quads.
self checking is for retards
>Punches bullet out of the air with superior race mixed genes
You sure got me you dumb nigger.
not really. women who can't physically stop a rapist need a firearm, and all is fair in love and war anyway. never bring a fist to a gunfight, faggot
Says the "man" who ran from a nigger with a gun and left his butt buddy to die.
This guy is such a fucking dumb retarded faggot. That includes you too, OP.
>Guns are tools of the weak
>Runs away from men with guns
>Abandons gay lover to die
How come he didn't beat up those weak men with guns and save his gay lover?
T. Henry
so youre saying, that i can take down a wild hog without a gun just cause im strong?
ok retard
Henry Rollins is a talentless hack.
>Inb4 muh spoken word shows give me an opportunity to parade muh big brains.
Fuck your gay assed meme, and KYS.
>all the gun but retards posting things that arent an argument
>The strong dont need guns. Guns are tools of the weak.
Yeah, that's the whole point of equalizing force. Are you saying that we should return to the days of warrior castes stomping the peasantry into dirt because only those rich enough are afforded weaponry?
What about an old woman who lives alone in a bad part of town. She couldn't possibly fight a home invader, so she owns a small pistol just in case.
Is she weak, Henry?
You have made this thread at least 500 times and have yet to make an argument besides pretending that martial arts makes you an anime character
I don't have to cope, nigger.
my argument is sound. strength means shit in a gunfight. strength isn't a factor. strong or weak, all men are weak to lead poisoning. strong men use firearms the same as weak men. to say it's a tool of the weak is a red herring
He's a kike with mental problems:
> Rollins was born in Washington, D.C., the only child of Iris and Paul Garfield. Rollins is of Jewish ancestry through his father. His great-grandfather Henry Luban (born Henach Luban) fled from the East Latvian town of Rēzekne, then part of the Russian Empire, into the United States. When he was three years old, his parents divorced and he was raised by his mother in Glover Park, an affluent neighborhood of Washington. As a child and teenager, Rollins was sexually assaulted. He suffered from depression and low self-esteem. In the fourth grade, he was diagnosed with hyperactivity and took Ritalin for several years...
>someone shoot him point blank
>he fucking dies
I guess body armor is for everyone then too huh.
*shoots you*
Happy almost birthday, faggot
he got assraped
Wonder if he'd feel the same way if it was his mother vs Tyrone on the way to her car at 1am...
Thanks user!
> 5' 10"
pseudo philosopher for retards and a faggot.
I'm 6'2 in heels though!
Lift a weight and eat some meat, son.
>be for equality
>be against people having an even chance of winning a life or death fight
Call me back when you can shout multiple holes into someone
>nothing is an argument
Yes, guns are tools of the weak. That's a feature. It means that people can dedicate themselves to intellectual pursuits and not have to worry so much about physical defense. Why even women can pull a trigger to topple the biggest, beefiest man.
What a fucking asshole. I can't believe I ever thought that dude was cool.
So the guy that couldn't defend himself from rape wants to tell me how to defend myself?
Eat shit, kike.
I'm at 170 now I just forgot to update my ID before getting my CC. I used to be really poor and lived off of ramen and water.
>130 pounds
Show fem penis and feet plz
>meme flag
destroyed your self retard.
Very nice user.
cool beans
I don't want to get banned for being an attention whore again sorry.
Jim Carrey on meth would almost certainly say just that.
And the meek shall inherit the earth. *bang bang bang*
i fucking hate that guy
How sexist.
Faggot Rollins got his friend "lover" killed by a pack of niggers by being a pussy and running off leaving him to die.
I'm glad the cops shot his stupid friend
>guns are tools of the weak
He’s absoluty right, and it’s why guns need to be made available
Guns make all men equal
Well what happens when the weak with guns, blow out the brains of the strong? Checkmate!
>People who fight with tools instead of their bodies are weak
No, they're smart and not just animals.
I thought the cops shot him? Oh well, I'm still glad. Anything that hurts his boo-boo fee fees is a good thing
Considering the issue date is the same as the one this guy posted on Jow Forums I am 90% sure this is him.
I've heard it was most likely a drug deal gone wrong.
I wouldn't doubt he went into sobriety after that incident.
>hates, women, disabled, and old people
I don't see anything wrong with that.
Oh it’s that cutie!
Except he also hates guns, gun owners, and he’s a faggot.
He's making the point of gun owners but too stupid to realize it.
Guns are force equalizers. With them, Grandma is as strong as he is. Without them, any thug can rob Grandma.
Guns sure were helpful when he was likely involved in murdering his roommate.
Niggers, white guilt and autism plauge him but atleast he keeps his masculinity.
Your life is a cope, just like this /thread
>tfw can't own a firearm for self defense
>fucks men
Excuse me what?