
Do these actually matter or is it Jewed bullshit?

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Only Romanians matter and our twin brothers the Germans.

I will tell you this
Their migration theory is wrong. Not everyone came from adam and even in joo ville. And during noahs flood, odins celtic empire existed in Europe, they didnt say "gawd made du flood on duh wikked" and a bunch of drama. They just moved inland some, and the Netherlands took back land with dikes and windmill pumps.

Attached: ZomboMeme 25032019212313.jpg (470x550, 64K)

All I know is that I am H1N

haplomemes mean not much, if you wanna see races and similarities or relations look to autosomal dna portaryed better by pca maps

Attached: EURO-PCA-v3_pca_b20z-dna00277220.jpg (4403x2315, 1.54M)

How is that determined?

it takes into account all your dna, and not just a line (male or female) like haplogroups

Attached: 65g_PCA_2na1-n5_9orr1vb22913100q533_m2277762byi55h.png (481x515, 14K)

Cool. I remember taking a DNA test as well (23andme.) Turns out I'm 100% white. That's basically a 100% on a test

Huh? What's so special about Romanians? Aren't just dacian people with latin and slavic admixture

Not really

AmWf Hapa rape baby

Every European originated in the holy land of Dacia.
>Scientists analyzing 7.2 million-year-old fossils uncovered in modern-day Greece and Bulgaria suggest a new hypothesis about the origins of humankind, placing it in the Eastern Mediterranean and not -- as customarily assumed -- in Africa, and earlier than currently accepted.
obviously they don't want to ever credit Dacians for anything out of jealousy.

don't listen to them (mutt memes).. you're 100 European and that's all that matters


PCA finds the orthogonal vectors representing weights of each series that express the maximum amount of variance by using linear algebra.

The first component is a linear combination of the genes that expresses the maximum amount of variance.

The second component is a linear combination of genes that expresses the next most amount of variance and is also orthogonal to the first component. In fact, because the orthogonality ensures that this will be the largest marginal contributor to the total variance.

They matter 1%

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With additional cuck effects attached

It's probably much less than 1%. Haplogroups are collections of different versions of the same genes

Lol if you're twins, then you must of gotten hit by a truck filled with aids riddled monkeys that fucked you.

This, stop the haplo memes

Though if you're not I1, I2 or R1 then you're clearly not European

Yeah alright, have fun with Serbs and Romanians then. I'll just stick with shitskins like pic related.
Also good job on passing Article 13, Bravo Sweden

Attached: IMG_1797.jpg (738x1024, 84K)

>I'll just stick with shitskins like pic related.
An R1 Irishoid?

Y haplogroup = your MALE LINE of ancestry
AKA your father, yourfather's father, your great grandfather...
mtDNA haplogroup = you FEMALE LINE of ancestry
AKA your mother, your mother's mother, your great grandmother...
Autossomal DNA[the DNA of those PCA tables]= everyone that you are descendent from.

You know what user, I'm retarded.
I just remembered almost every European was R1. I was thinking of something else. You win this battle. I'll see my self out.

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>Italians are jews
That makes sense

Attached: AIPAC italians.jpg (800x766, 258K)

With some minimal execptions, like that Ötzi glacial mountain corpse that was G haplogroup. And there is one E subtype haplogroup that are european since the early neolithic.

They bought italian women as sexual slavesin the middle ages.
and as most of ashkenazi jews descend from 350 jews of that period...yes, they stole genes and blended well with sicilians.
This is one example of "founder effect".




haplogroups are genetic.
last time I checked, genes determined things what diseases you were particularly vulnerable to and how you grow and learn...

so, yes, I'd say they matter.

A similar thing happen with Maghrebi Jews that cluster close to Maghrebi/Berber/ population.

I guess South Tyrol ist Italien after all...

Attached: 1554002841835.jpg (4403x2315, 803K)

è vero.

>tries to shit talk Romanians while I'm away
>self-owns and has to run away in disgrace.
the holy land of Dacia is protected by spirits. It's never safe to ever say negative things about it.

this map is wrong. How the fuck is a Hungarian that close genetically to an Austrian?! Hungarians are the most Slavic of all continental Europeans.

Y haplogroups=/= autosomal distance
In terms of Y haplogroup you are right, though.