I feel this is a dangerous question to ask, for obvious reasons

I feel this is a dangerous question to ask, for obvious reasons.
If George Soros and the Koch Bros were assassinated tomorrow, and all of their money wasn't directed at Liberal msm, liberal government and banks after death, do you think things would change almost overnight in msm, Twitter, FB, CNN etc?? What do you guys think?

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no because Soros and Koch don't control the MSM. The Rothschilds do.

Okay. Same question then but killing the Rothchilds too.

>delusional incels
The medias aren't "controlled" just because their headlines about Trump hits you right in the fee-feels, he's just an idiot

No. Killing people won't solve these problems. All these corporations are just part of the system of control. HUMANITY NEEDS TO WAKE UP IN ORDER TO BREAK FREE. CONSCIOUSNESS MUST BE RAISED. VIOLENCE ONLY LOWERS CONSCIOUSNESS.

Subversive activity slows down for a while until new evil oligarch fills the vaccum.

It goes WAY deep than that man. It has very little to do with Trump and much more about suppression of voice/opinion of the right, the creation of safe-spaces, the black lives matter movement, antifa, the socialist brainwashing, the brainwashing in college campuses etc. Forget Trump, you're not seeing the broader picture imo.

Nothing would change. The media isn't shit because someone pays it, it's shit because it has no standards. It won't suddenly turn good just because a cash cow dies.

Yes, I agree. But the ORDERS to do things are supported, funded, owned and maintained by these financial GIANTS. They are intentionally, purposefully trying to dismantle the usa. Take out the source, and....

Nothing ends until the central banks around the world are gone and Israel is destroyed.

I believe the media has ORDERS because the liberal msm has been caught countless times using the same lingo/catch-phrases even though the networks don't SEEM to be affiliated.
Who gives CNN orders? (you don't have to answer that)
But WHO gives CNN orders? Who gives Twitter orders? Someone does beyond CNN and Twitter. Who are they? Soros, Koch, Rothchild etc.

Sounds very sound as well.
Here's the thing. I BELIEVE that this can be stopped faster than people want to think.
So, lets take the TOP MOST elitist bankers in the world (say 1,000 people) and they are all killed tomorrow. DONE deal, the war is over. It's not realistic... but could be done.
Also Israel and Mecca both need to go the fuck away.

I think soon enough you'll be watching Turkey, Syria, Iran and Russia invade Israel and put a bullet in your fucking head.

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>Yes, I agree. But the ORDERS to do things are supported, funded, owned and maintained by these financial GIANTS.

Not at all, if you look at germany for example many NGOs, that may have kickstarted by Soros and theirlikes, are now held up with government funds. They are working as a selffullfilling prophecy. These "institutions attract "likeminded people" and incorporate in their goal. Look at the hate patrol NGOs, would they stop only because some rich dude who initially funded them is dead, no they are part of the system by now.

That is the actual problem. Or better the question how to cut out this cancer out of a bureaucracy, when it has attached itself to it.

the leaf thinks he's got it all figured out, but sadly doesn't even grasp the basics

Well, that would then be two of us with bullets through the head since we're both from the US. Muslims are almost as dangerous as Jews from Israel.

>do you think things would change almost overnight in msm
absolutely not. the bias is culturally systematic throughout msm - they need to be wiped completely and started over

I feel that if the platforms were not "ordered" to push the narrative anymore, they might balance out. Thus... the "agenda" isn't getting "pushed" as hard and the dumb Americans that view and gobble up the propaganda might themselves get detoxified with the absence of the influence.

i find it hard to believe cucks like anderson cooper, don lemon, lestor holt, etc would just "balance it out" on their own. they push the narrative because they also believe it

my hope would be that if Soros, the Rothchilds and the Koch brothers were eliminated that the higher ups of Cooper, Lemon etc would balance out and tell them to chill or to find new places of employment. Probably a pie dream, but I wish.

i think they are cucked from the top down sadly

fixing a broken pipe doesn't unflood your basement

you can't keep killing people until you get what you want

It did not have to be dangerous as you did not have to make them murdered in your hypothetical.

You could have just said. "What if these fucker weren't paying everybody off"

They're smarter than that. Their wills stipulate what their blood money will when they're dead.

>muh appeal to chaos

nah governments and corporations are all on the same page, you were born yesterday and/or are an arab lgbt community faggot who sucks dog dick, kys leaf

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They're just cogs of a machine, look at the brainwashing schools all over the world.

It goes even deeper than that. All the subversion you named is connected and enacted in the service of a communist takeover of America.

>OP YES! Instead of doing a a bunch of shiity moolies at the mosque, people need to go after leadership, financiers, police/state entertainment complex leadership, zillionaire despots, macrons, mays, trudeaus, merkles...
If one is going to shoot, shoot where it makes a difference.
And Ardern...that coal-burning cuck-bitch needs a nine-mil pill.

*Cough* Pablo Escobar *Cough*

Stop looking for reasons to not act.

You know it will work

Either act or sit down and shut up.

That's where your wrong kiddo

Funded by the federal government

But no it would not change overnight. Look at communism. It fell 30 years ago and its victims still bear the psychological scars.

The creation and maintainance of a free people is something that must be cultivated and cared for. Once lost it takes years of concerted effort to recreate.

This is why you dont fucking mindfuck your own population for short term convienience.

You cant avoid the secondary effects.

The only reason you know about Soros/Koch is because they are expendable.

They have a linage that will ensure the system will carry on despite their demise. You must cut off the head of the snake, which is the Federal Reserve, and also take on the personal responsibility of ending a standing Army during peace time, and replacing it with a militia in which all fit males are required to serve from age 18-45. Until we grow our spines back, we will spend our days playing Mario Kart and masturbating to tyranny porn while we send our kids overseas to die for Israel so they may live the last of the middle class lifestyle.

This hole goes deep my main man, don't make the mistake of coincidence, it's not!