what do you guys wanna debate
I cant think of any shitposts
Building a bunch of additional houses would solve most problems.
Whether I should try and get with a girl who burned coal in high school. In her defense it happened only once six years ago, and she has described it as one of the most regrettable choices she has made.
And on a more philosophical point, which is the better legitimatizer: The divine right of kings, or the mandate of heaven.
>The divine right of kings, or the mandate of heaven.
How do these differ?
Traps ARE gay
Reminder that if you didn't shack up with your high school qt you will be doomed to share used women with other men for the rest of your life.
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.
I think Mandate of Heaven is more 'flexible' in that there is almost a duty to rise up and reject an emperor who has 'lost' the mandate through famines, civil wars, etc. Divine right of kings demands unconditional submission to the sovereign, even if he's a shitty ruler.
Under the divine right of kings the sovereign has been granted carte blache by God to rule as he sees fit.
Under the mandate of heaven a ruler has been entrusted by Heaven with power but if he is a poor ruler it can be considered to be revoked.
Mandate of heaven seems more pragmatic.
democracy is not a good form of government
The fucked up part of this whole thing is that happened for her and the guy she broke up with a few months ago. They were setting up to get married after they graduated college but he got hit with bipolar disorder. She stuck with him for a year and a half after his first episode, but he wouldn't go to the doctor when the symptoms started coming on and he was becoming increasingly violent during his episodes.
What's the deal with niggers?
Im drawing a blank too! The only thing i can think is along the line of fuck the moon!
military draft is males only
Little to no capacity for abstract thought. Stems from evolving in a veritable eden where there was no pressure to plan for the future.
we need to build a wall around canada.
that place is getting out of line.
i request additional funding for northern border security, including horse/cavalry/stables ATV's, DRONES, K9, CHOPPERS, JETS, Satellite/SpaceForce.
Divine right of kings. Mandate of heaven is chink shit.
Pick one faggot
Reject her and tell her why so you can teach her a life lesson about fucking dirty animals. Then move on and find yourself a pure qt who's never been blacked before
all mass shootings are committed by men because all mass shootings are jewish psyops to propagate white genocide from the (((inside)))
>what is a metaphor
I don't think you want that. US has thousands of shit skins fleeing to Canada every year
>muh jew debates
4niggers used to do stuff, not argue about media jew garbage and trash. I would literally shoot OP in the face given a direct line of fire
How about Gook Dough?
I’d say we could do chaos god kek thread, but, those are saved for happening days.
She's the only white qt I know who isn't a slut though. We actually share a lot of interests, plus she's been surprisingly receptive to redpills as long as I don't sperg out.
>implying most high school broads haven't been fucking since their early teens
Keep pushing whites
Most Jow Forums users make unsubstantiated claims with info-graphics from sources consistently proven wrong and ignore many of the things that end up keeping minorities down (i.e redlining and generation wealth correlations)
Do not listen to them, they all make baseless claims and edgy humor to top it all off. Furthermore, many lack the capacity to engage in intelligent debate and would rather just post edgy humor and think themselves as "warriors". Needless to say, it is very stupid and reviling. You're all worse than the idiots from /x/.
Can't wash away that microchimerism though. Generally I'm more forgiving of the way women act, I see it similar to how the whores and sluts of the Weimar Republic eventually became the dutiful mothers, wives and daughters of the Third Reich.
I'd love to be proven wrong more than anything, do you think any of us wants to think this way? The only reason we believe these things is because we're being intellectually honest with ourselves, even if it is uncomfortable.
I'm to black pilled to really care
She'll be fantasizing about nigger cock for the rest of her life and it could easily create various problems down the road for you. There's no going back from it ever so just cut your losses and move on. The coal has been burned my friend and it cannot be unburned.
You can't wash it away, no. But as you said they may be redeemed.
A march on washington against affirmative action, and open borders
preferably on August 28th (the same day mlk gave his "I have a dream" speech lol)
How do we raise tha averag iq around here to get people to stop replying to bait earnestly?
Redemption as a cum dumpster maybe. As a general rule, burned coal should be a deal breaker
I know the feeling user. All I got is distractions. I keep hoping a new story arch will come and change things for the better.
No shit, dude has a micropenis. Some girl he pissed off put his dick pics on Facebook, it looked like a thumb.
Why is nobody talking about the flooding in the midwest? Are you going to wait until the food prices rise and complain that you're 4 piece chicken tendies are now $1.50 instead of a $1 like they used to be before even thinking about the consequences of millions of acres of farmlands being destroyed?
Well a coal burner is a coal burner either way in my view. Do what you think is best though
Not anymore.
Did you miss that news a couple of weeks back?
Clown world is in high gear in 2019.
Thank God Jesus will be back soon to take out His own and pour out His wrath on the rest.
Do you think holocaust is a lie
No, just exaggerated and rode like a half-dead horse.
wanna debate about why Doctors only treat the symptoms, rather seek a full diagnosis??
Because for most physical illnesses there's not much you can do except treat the symptoms. For other physical illnesses and most mental illnesses the issue can be negated with lifestyle changes, and unfortunately most people would rather take their happy pills and carry on than make actual changes.
What matters isn't the past, but our future.
>i cant think of any shitposts
>what do you guys wanna debate
>1 post by this ID
The fuck?
Using Lego bricks instead of paper money is the only way to out the Jews. Unlike paper, Legos have actual value, so it would be subjected to less inflation.
But that is a shitpost.
lets talk about the partially declassified "adam and eve theory" and what they left out
Sure they didn’t just graduate, have to stare down the rest of her life in the kitchen doin’ cuntwork, and decide to go “find herself?”
Just throwing that out there. All girls have to pass that saving throw, no exceptions. Most fail nowdays.
That being said, that description of a manic depressive is accurate, particularly the timing.
start making the "I am the smartest person on this board" threads with images of Tesla like I do
Well done.
>i lost my virginity at 15 to another 15yr old and i only barely caught her before she lost it
Congrats, you are now fit only for whores. Non-virgins do not get virgins.
Tell me if this is cucked:
I identify strongly with Job, though I do not really possess any great deal of fortune I love my family really deeply and every day though peaceful and uneventful gives me a warm happiness which makes me satisfied. But my zeal towards God is such, that though he would allow Satan to take away everything from me, yes even torture me or give me a gruesome existance I would not condemn Him. Not even if he guaranteed my annihilation or eternal torture, would I condemn Him, I wouldn't worship Him to be in His good graces nor would I worship Him to exact a favor from Him. For me complete devotion and adoration towards God is just the most natural form of existence and living.
is this cucked?
Give me 5 reasons for me to not be a right-wing communist (NazBol).
Vargist agrarianist state-bux leeching NEETism is my inspiration
You lost in the first sentence.
yeah right you cuckold
I have my criticisms of nazbol, but it's a fun meme.
I made a thread once calling for something like the Free State Project, but instead of libertarians and New Hampshire, it was for NazBols and Vermont.
Love the nazbol memes, got any more?
Wish NH do fucking something. Living here getting worse and worse.
why though
Former democrat and future democrat
no u
There are so many people with chickens and pigs in regular suburban homes now. There are new psychological disorders popping up everyday that you can claim to collect state-bux Can NEET-leech agrarianism be an real thing even in compact suburban cities?
I feel like leftoids have been doing this type of thing forever but they are always fucking disgusting looking subhumans and most of what they grow is weed. Waste of time ass faggots. When do right-wingers start squatting abandoned warehouses and making them look like Italian parliament buildings?
I know that CasaPound has been involved with squatters.
Every time you can’t keep your dick in your pants, you pissed on marriage, are a hypocrite (which have a dedicated ring of Hell) and prove you’re a subhuman and a pussy.
>which have a dedicated ring of Hell
Isn't that from Dante's Inferno? Is there actually any doctrinal basis for that?
you know Fiji two hand cult?
two waters
one destiny
Postmodernism was a Marxist creation