Erectile Dysfunction

Anybody know whether it's psychological or physical?
Even when I get my dick hard my dick points down and the head/glans doesnt stay hard.
When I push on it it gets small quick so putting on a condom just makes my dick soft.
Any help would be great.
Nofap helps a bit, but I have a severe stress disorder so I don't know if the problem I have is physical or mental.
It makes sex really uncomfortable too especially penetration.

Attached: Penis diagram.jpg (428x500, 63K)

guess im fucked

Ask a doctor

Heart problem. Going to die my man

How do the corpora cavernosa get hard though?

blood pumps in to ur pee pee from heart. Ur heart not strong enought to handle the pressure so it deflates and it hurts. my man ur dead. Going to need bypass dat shit. T. nobody importnant

Stop fucking around the dude has a serious problem.

I told him he has serious problem.

You really think I'm afraid of dying when I can't even perform my most primal function as a male?

Im just saying. Of course death is joke but if you care for someone else you will live on me man. Nom im sayin

also ive had this since my teens.
its been over 10 years, so either imma croak soon or you are joshing me.

Neglecting your heart issue until now. good stuff my man. Stay safe.

Dude I doubt it's my heart.
You don't live with that for 10 years.
You usually croak before then.


Have you tried kegels?

stop watching porn: even jerking it to /fsa/ or the spank bank is better for you

if you don't notice any difference in 2 or 3 weeks, stop jerking off

if you don't notice a difference in 3 to 4 days, you have severe atherosclerotic damage and need to go on an Esselstyn-like diet

don't know the time tables on that last one

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What about my stress disorder though?

Why are you gay?

fuck off

What's your total chol. and triglycerides?

No idea.
I workout and eat properly.


Attached: Im+apu+apustaja+you+meme+deprived+not+pepe+_72a7028672d542bb8cac8fd8354a6e12.jpg (495x362, 30K)

Whats fsa

this board sucks