Why haven't you retards moved to Texas yet?

Why haven't you retards moved to Texas yet?

Attached: texas.png (2000x1333, 11K)

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No exciting land scapes like in the PNW

Too many spics in Chile.

Texas will probably vote dem in next election. Demographics = destiny

I dont wanna live in Mexico

Not a huge fan of Mexicans

Texas and every state west of it are fucking garbage. The north east is the white man's true Homeland. Follow the hashtag #NewHampshire or #Maine on Instagram if you don't believe me.

It's due to the fact that Texas is a Christian state and Jow Forums users are mostly atheists

I don't like spics, and the Texas Christcucks love spics and Israel.

33% white and falling. Why would I move to Texas?

stay out caliniggers we're full

Most Jow Forums users make unsubstantiated claims with info-graphics from sources consistently proven wrong and ignore many of the things that end up keeping minorities down (i.e redlining and generation wealth correlations)
Do not listen to them, they all make baseless claims and edgy humor to top it all off. Furthermore, many lack the capacity to engage in intelligent debate and would rather just post edgy humor and think themselves as "warriors". Needless to say, it is very stupid and reviling. Literal containment board.

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Cold and liberal with high state taxes. no thanks. North Texas is laughing at you.

Not for long when all the spics flip you blue

Too hot.

I'm moving there in August for petroleum engineering. I got accepted to UTPB. 90k starting salary once I graduate.

>you need to be 18 years old to post on this site
I'm 18 so kys.

Shut the fuck up faggot

Fuck off we're full

Attached: texaspepe.jpg (720x960, 138K)

Fuck off we're full

Its turning smurf blue

I don't have enough money to move, user.

Try not to get addicted to meth out in that shithole

>Why haven't you retards moved to Texas yet?

OP is a faggot, fuck off we're full.
sage goes in the options field

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I took one look at the demographics of the public schools in Ft. Worth (supposedly one of the "better") Texas cities and noped the fuck out of any relocation plans. Texans, how did you let this happen? What went wrong?

I'm coming from commiefornia so I'm just looking forward to the lower smoking age (18 instead of 21) and also $3 cheaper packs of cigs.

I probably won't touch anything other than my own cigarettes. I'm an alcoholic and drug addict with almost 10 months sober and I finally have hope in my future and I don't want to take any risks.

all the whites live in little walled communities (compounds)
why not just live in South Africa?

And yet you’re intellectual nigger ass is still here


Nice one cuck

White people's bodies were not designed to survive that kind of weather.

I don't speak Spanish.

NH doesn't have a state income tax. It's also over 90% white and will remain that way because niggers and spics need large cities with massive gibs programs to survive.

Only 90.5% white according to the last Census estimate:


That's down from something like 98% white in 1990.

too hot. too close to the equator. too many boomers, and if you aren't fond of Mexicans you'll have a rough time here.

fuck off fag

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I lived in Texas for 7 years and I'm never going back. The state is doomed in 15-20 years.

3 digit temperature in August. It sucks. So, staying in SoCal.

>staying in SoCal.
Oh, I'm sure everyone in Texas is just heartbroken to hear that.

Too many beaners. Texas no longer exists.

Yeah, Texas sucks ass, don’t come here.

This place sucks, but we'll survive so there is that.

Please do not advertise immigration here

The real question is, why aren't you moving to Alaska?

If I wanted to live in some place that was hot and full of spics wouldnt Nevada be better gun law wise?

Where is a good place with low cost of living but not ghetto. I work from home and never socialize so nothing matters
to me except low crime and cheap rent

There is no point in going from one spic city in California to another spic city in Texas.

I am working on it!

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Just signed up for the RV'ers club with a TX address. About 7 hours out, will establish Monday.