Is it possible to get a dominant gf? Or are those types of women just a porn myth

Is it possible to get a dominant gf? Or are those types of women just a porn myth

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Porn myth.
Even the dominatrixes are switches. Girls are basically a hivemind and simply aren't into things that aren't socially acceptable, the bitch can't brag to her friends about how she dominated you last night.

what do you mean? white women are everywhere.

Stop watching porn.

They exist but they are rare.

I know a girl with autism that has an almost male brain and is genuinely dominant in the bedroom.

Yes, we exist, but as my male sub said when I read him this thread, "it's just gonna be a bunch of incels bitching about how dominant women don't exist."

>Totally true story here guys
Fuck me sideways, who even buys this anymore? It's 2019, post a fuckin timestamp or something at least.

Porn myth. This guy
got it right. At best, you'll get some watered down, discount version of what you'd get had a male produced it. Good news is usually, if you can get horny enough, it won't matter anyway.

I know i‘ve bragged about it to my friends before

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This isn't /b/ in 2007, user. I have zero interest in posting a time stamp for e-points from strangers.

Not him/op or anything, i'll assume you're legit, how do I find women like you? I don't look like a sub (i'm 6'4, have muscle, so basically trad masc) so I don't ever give signals.

I went with one, it was kinda boring. All these fetishes and shit I really don't care. Sex was dissapointing.

>I don't look like a sub
Not her but you do. People think that male subs are soibois but reality is that the trad masc guys are the ones in need of a break from traditional gender roles, not the soibois.

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Yeah, you're right.

I still don't signal it all so any dom women will look right by me.

It’s not a myth. I’m dominant by nature but I crave to be dominated. I guess I’m a switch.

First of all, an experienced dom can typically spot a sub, even if they look like a stereotypical dom. Secondly, if you want an actual domme, you're going to have to play the game like everyone else. Fetlife, dating sites regarding kinky people, Jow Forums BDSM threads, local kink munches, however you do it is up to you, I've dabbled in it all to varying degrees, but you've gotta put yourself out there.

It's extremely hard, female dom or male sub. If you're a sub, your issue is that there's a lot of competition. If you're a dom, the issue is wading through an ocean of shitty men to try and find genuinely compatible people.

It took me a few years and hundreds of conversations with different people on various sites before I found my current sub.

You don‘t find people who share a fetish by chance. Unless you‘re ok with the possibility to never meet someone.
You don‘t have to signal anything. There are 3 options:
>hire a professional
>hook up with someone you found trough sites geared towards your kink
>find a girl who‘s sexually mature and then get her into dominating

Ok, thank you.

>First of all, an experienced dom can typically spot a sub, even if they look like a stereotypical dom.

It's possible to find a girlfriend who will dominate you (at least in the less weird ways.) Mine spanks and pegs me. It started off as a normal relationship.

Subs tend to have a certain demeanor, aura, whatever you want to call it. If you've talked to or played with enough subs, you can usually pick up on their sub energy through interacting with them. I'll purposely push sub buttons in public if I'm suspicious, and their reaction will give me all I need to know.

>I'll purposely push sub buttons
This. It‘s a very effective way to find out. Maybe you could try to find dom buttons to press to narrow it down?

How dominant?

Definitely exist. My girl is dominant but switches too.

I'm just curious, wht normally gives it away?

It's hard to describe, it's an overall "vibe." How I know with one man differs from another.

A very common tick includes retreating from or not playing ball with me verbally. If you make a dominant sexual joke to a vanilla man in say, a bar, he plays along with it in the way normies do, not getting the undertone. To a dominant man, he establishes that wouldn't fly, often playfully. To a submissive man, he will either give a very enthusiastic yes (the slutty kind of sub), escalate the absurdity and double down on the joke (the man who doesn't want to make it obvious he's a sub), or awkwardly retreat (a sub that can't hide he's a sub and knows it).

But that's just one example.

I don't do it anymore but I was a Domme. Sometimes I wanted to be a sub but I never found any guy that was mentally strong enough to effectively want me to submit.

I didn't want the fetish anymore so I stopped it.

To elaborate on that: I am stronger than any man I've ever met so in order to submit, I would need someone stronger than me. He doesn't exist out there. Sometimes it's tiring to be strong all the time.

If my ex girlfriend left me due to a lack of emotional depth, what does that mean? Is it because I didn't stimulate her emotions through argument and refused to play along with the average feminine shit tests? Due to her serious depression and self hate, and my already abusive childhood, I refused to argue with her regardless of the topic. Should i actually have been treating her like shit and arguing with her all the time? and if so, then whats the fucking point of dating if you have to act like you don't even want the person you're with?

Also, she dumped me a month ago, is it too late to get her back somehow? She still calls me and texts me occasionally.

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>"it's just gonna be a bunch of incels bitching about how dominant women don't exist."
Smart lad.

Bro I just gotta say nice pic

It's from Fist of the Blue Sky regenesis

How hot are you and what do you like?

dominant women exist but not in the sexy porn way. more in the bitchy or clingy way.

Not gonna lie, that is pretty impressive. I wish to meet more women like you.

Post bicep

I'm quite dominant but admittedly a switch. It can work well if you both are switches, and maybe it's for the best to not fully establish who is usually or more in charge. Keeps things interesting. If anything you can also fight for it. If my boy is being cranky, I'll just tie him up cause without his arms he's useless. Helps that he's only like 2cm taller than me too and such a lightweight, lots of fun to pick him up and carry him places and pet his head

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And how does that switch around

Well, I'm no the best evaluator of myself, but i'd say just an average guy with a decent body. Women usually say a 6-7.

I love being owned, i'm not a masochist so more gentle dominance is my thing. My ex used to just grab me from whatever I was doing and force me to eat her whenever she felt like it and it was the best. Love being pegged, love being tied up and used. Don't like chastity. I wish I could have a woman carry me around sometimes but i'm a bit big for that...

I also love being petted.

will wearing a choker at metal/goth/alternative type events nd clubs be a dogwhistle for dominant women? or will i just end up with a bunch of dudes hitting on me?

I feel like we need a universal symbol for kinky people, kinda like how gay guys had the earring in one ear for a while.

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You do realize BDSM culture has a specific emblem, right?

this thing? ive genuinely never heard of any bdsm emblem, but im pretty wet around the ears with this kinda thing.

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Yes. Normies will usually assume it's a hippy peace thing, people in the community will know. The infinity symbol is also commonly used, too.