ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
If you can't handle upsetting replies (or the FAQ) don't ask. You will be bullied out of this thread if you act salty.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

> is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

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Other urls found in this thread:

>correct subject
>correct OP text
based OP, you are the real superhero

God damn how do I get over the fact I have no time with my boyfriend? I get two days a week with him tops and I've been spoilt by a previous relationship where we saw each other almost every day. I understand not all relationships work the same way so how do I get passed / over this?

Around 5 days ago, I overheard a friend saying really bad things about me, and I haven't really interacted with her since. I leave in 4 days and will never see her again. I kinda want to patch things up with her before then. I know the obvious answer is to just forget about her, but I really hold my friendships dearly and while I highly doubt we'd be good friends after this, I would like to at least be on speaking terms.

Is this a good idea? Of course, if she doesn't want to I'll just forget about her. Not really seeking an apology, but just kind of tell her that she could have just told me that what I was doing was making her angry and I would have understood.

Yeah sure, why not. You can't influence what she does but you can choose how to react. I think a simple message saying
>hey user, I overheard you saying x and y, I guess I'm not looking for a specific response here but it caught me off guard that you felt like you couldn't say these things to my face. I'd like to think I would've considered them honestly. I don't want to be on bad terms with you and [good luck with x/all the best/I'll see you on y]

Of course you have to find this zen within you, if you are really angry sending something like this is lying to yourself and putting on a holier than thou act. But if you can honestly feel understanding for her, while still condemning what she did, and honestly take the high ground this is by far the best way to handle it. Regardless of her response you'll have a relaxed, dignified feeling about it.

I don't really know other advice than trying to focus on the perks - more news to tell each other face to face, steamy "omg it's been forever" sex, more time for other parts of life like friendships or time to yourself. Try to rebrand it and see the good in the arrangement. If you really miss certain things you could try rituals, like a good night text reminding you he's still thinking of you on the days you don't get to meet.

Guy here, a friend of mine (2 actually in separate instances) said sometimes I talk very authoritative or commandingly.

Is that synonymous with being an asshole?

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>some time next week?
Sure, Wednesday good for you? I finish work early.

Did I do something wrong here?

Thanks user. Should I lead in with a, "Hey, I wanna talk to you about something." or just straight up send the message?

Doesn't matter, whichever one you feel is most natural or would like to receive yourself. You're welcome!

You should really ask them, personally yeah it sounds to me like a gentle way of saying you boss people around. But they made the observation, no better source to clear it up for sure.

Absolutely nothing, perfectly mundane/practical message.

Did she not respond or did she actually type ''....'' ? Either way it's weird, you were fine

I did try to ask and they would just laugh and give nonanswers, so I wanted to try an unbiased source like here.

When do you think it's time to define a relationship? I've never been in one before, but I've been seeing this guy for 5 months or so now. I know we only sleep with each other, but not sure if it's just cause I'm convenient for him/wants something casual. I go over to his place and we eat or drink and talk and then have lots of sex. We really get along super well still that even the last time we had sex we ended up staying up til the sun came up just talking/fucking.

Anyways, I like him and I think he likes me too but don't want to rock the boat if I'm sure where he stands. I was thinking maybe I will just ask him if I can like leave my toiletries at his and see how reacts. Leaving stuff at his place is one of the first steps in a relationshipy thing right?

You should have had the talk over 5 months ago.

Haven't had a response yet... It's not the first time she's taken a while to respond though, it's happened before and then she's been fine when we actually met. Feeling a bit rebuffed though.

This girl messaged me on the dating site, but I don't know if I want to. ;_;

Our talk was me being like "I'm not looking for a one night stand" and him vehemently stating he wasnt either- though we didnt go deeper.

Girls, what do you think about girls who provide the e-gf experience? (camwhores, ASMR girls, fit girls, streamers, YouTubers, etc)
What do you think about guys who indulge in it?

Well I can tell you I wouldn't like it if someone talked to me in that way and I think most people wouldn't. If you're a guy it is definitely possible that they said this in a complimentary manner more than out of annoyance though and it is hard to give a real opinion without hearing an example.

Just try to hear yourself talk and note if you request or demand things, if it comes naturally to you to thank people.

I would straight up ask him, or even better, tell him you want to date. If he doesn't like you enough to be enthusiastic when the question is raised, he doesn't like you enough for you to play the long con and try to inch yourself into his life. No offense because I know what it's like to be so into someone that you'll take any crumb, but if you've been intimate and close for five months and he is still not wanting to date you then that's a huge fucking red flag for your long term prospects.

If you take small steps the risk is that you are not on the same wavelength, he does not look beyond "oh she's here so often a toothbrush is practical", and you are going to feel even more hurt and humiliated down the line when you invested more time and energy and feelings developed further.

Also not saying this is the case but it is quite common for guys (and some girls) to do this "officially FWB but really an unofficial relationship" because they want the perks of dating - not just sex but romance, comradery, goofing around, cuddling - without the responsibilities of being committed to someone. This could be the case. The more optimistic view is that he, too, is afraid to rock the boat.

>if it comes naturally to you to thank people
Oh, I'm very respectful, I always give thanks to people. I don't think it was in an annoyed way, but it still makes you think, y'know.

Want to what specifically? Talk to her?

A date is just to see if there's a spark and/or you have fun together, it's not a commitment. Just go. It doesn't happen that often that a girl takes the first step and you get an opportunity like this. If nothing else you have a little more experience and a story to tell a future girl.

I don't think that kind of stuff is typically done by the happiest/healthiest people but many people are flawed or damaged in some way. I don't think that you can work that hard on an illusion (whether it's a girlfriend persona for a stranger, or an insta full of pictures that show an idealized version of your body and life) without feeling pain over the disparity between real life and said illusion.

At the same time, similar things have always been around, look at young people falling in love with fictional characters. Love and infatuation are for a huge part private processes and you can get very far without any input from an actual other person. In that sense I don't think we're seeing anything new.

Obviously the way in which those needs can be met changes though. I do think there's a risk in that. As a man you can use (virtual reality or whatever) porn to see the wildest sex and an e-gf for the sweetest, prettiest girl giving you attention. But a lot of relationship merits come from long term things, like what it does to you when someone stands by your side day in day out. My main worry is that these virtual products are satisfying enough to make people accept their life and not try to change things around, but not satisfying enough to truly make anyone happy.

Got a chick this close to cheating on her BF last night. Careful out there bro's.

No I can imagine, especially if it came out of nowhere for you. It's good to honestly consider feedback particularly when it surprises you.

I’d not take it too seriously then. Yes, look at your behavior, but don’t dwell on it too much. There’s always a chance it was banter/teasing on some level, and if they won’t give you an answer it’s pretty much indistinguishable from that.

attention whores exploiting the bottom barrel of the male dominance hierarchy. It‘s contemptuous. I don‘t have any respect for anyone exploiting the weakness of others.

I feel sorry for them. They obviously have not won the life lottery and now they also get exploited by some insensitive females as a cheap way to feel desirable.

Gonna need to hear the story on that one

Thanks, I just listened to a recording of myself playing a game and their right. It seems I like to assume the leader role a lot. I never noticed this, luckily it's never caused any issues and people listen, but I can see how that can be annoying.

Can I do a bj to my bf if I caught a cold? My throat is sick a little bit and nose is running occasionally but I feel a little better thanks to him..


holy shit

I have an abnormally small dick (talking about 2 inches, and no I'm not fat I'm 5'9" and 145lbs) and it's destroyed my ability to be confident and seek relationships. I want someone that can be a best friend and a life partner. How doomed am I?

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How do I crush my need for intimacy and affection ? I'm gonna ask this girl out soon but she's pretty much the only girl I'm close to so if I fuck it up I won't have another chance at a relationship for a few months at least. I need to be ready for that

See that's the thing, I think he wants all the relationship stuff, without it being an official official relationship because of all the things/expectations that follow along with that.

I think he already considers us "dating", and I don't think he's trying to sleep with anyone else. That's why I'm considering not saying anything at all cause I already know he's not looking for someone else right now.

What's the right way to ask him?

How do I find asexual women who want to be in an exclusive relationship? (as in not aromantic)

Realistically and honestly, how is the life of a white, middle class, western woman "harder" than the life of a white, middle class, western man? Because people or at least women claim it to be but I still haven't heard the arguments.

A few months? lol Dude that's nothing if you make friends that easy. I envy you.

Hard to write out but I'll try.
> Karaoke night at college bar
> Socially warmed up, already had some succes before (social status)
> Pass a group of 3 chicks
> Saw one of them before, blonde Norwegian massive tidies tight bod (this is in EU btw)
> open with some bullshit, arm around her hips
> go sit with her, again arm around her shoulders/waist
> blabla for 15 minutes
> shecool
> ask her if she wants to see something in my room that correlates to one of the conversation topics
> Says yes
> been in this situation enough to know what happens next
> Fondle and massage her awesome tits a bit
> She likes it, doesn't pull back or anything, touches me constantly
> Go in for 'the move'. She stops and says "Actually I have a bf"
> fuckingknewit.jpg eyeroll.exe AWALT
> "Ow me too" Bullshit some more
> Keep touching each other anyway
> Starts breathing heavily
> "I'd better go, and you better go back to the bar. You've got serious game."
> "That would be smart now wouldn't it."
> Walk her out

The end. Didn't mention her BF a single time until that escalation point.

>how do I get passed / over this?
I like how your question is "how do I get over this" rather than "how do I fix this"

Like just spend more time with him, you obviously want to. No excuses, figure it out. If you reply with excuses I will ridicule and humiliate you.

It means you're talking out of rank.

listen to your heart

>e-gf experience
I prefer the term "girlfriend simulator"

If he was to catch it from you, he'd have it from just being in the same house as you. It transfers through our breath. You don't add risk by blowing him. It's the same.

find someone like you, with the same problem, and be best friends with him

Or find a girl with weird boobs haha

>How do I crush my need for intimacy and affection ?
Since it's part of being human ,you can't.

no such thing, sorry.

Make your own thread if you want to turn this into a discussion.

pol, int, and philosophy is that way >>>

Oh, you’re talking about online and gaming shit? I thought you meant in person.

>no such thing, sorry.
People who don't want to have sex exist. It's baffling how anyone can deny that.

>You've got serious game didn't really do anything besides touch her, since you can't go into detail about what you said I imagine it wasn't anything special.

I meant in person, but I don't change myself for online interactions, so I think it's a valid example.

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That's not helpful in the slightest...


It's a feeling similar to the feeling about going to that wedding. I don't feel like it will be fun. At least if I liked something about her.

>listen to your heart
I know there's something from the wake of your smile
I get a notion from the look in your eyes

He won’t catch it from a blowie. Kissing is a bigger risk.

>Hurr durr online is the same as irl

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Yeah I get that, but a greentext or whatever will never be able to convey all the small things I did or said. This is a 100 word summation of an 90 minute interaction. The thing is, a lot of this stuff comes down to the small stuff, that mostly comes from the way you act or the mindset you have. I can answer some specific questions if you want.

>I don't change myself for online interactions
You can’t help but behave differently online than in person.

It’s just talk dude. You’re not proposing marriage, or even asking her on a date.

Wat is dick in mouth like

Well there's slight differences yes, but I've met several online friends irl and they said I act the same. But that's derailing what I'm asking about here.

This just makes me feel worse because we already do goodnight texts and stuff but I'm still a whiny brat about things. I'll try and focus on the good stuff but it always seems to just remind me about the fact I'd rather be with him

Dude you have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re probably under age 21. Just stop now.

I know 90% of it is instinctive/subconscious. My friends tell me my social skill is good enough to get laid, but I'm not sexually aggressive enough.

I'm scared to me, cause every scenario in my head makes me feel like a creep. In your story alone, you say you're all over this girl moments after meeting her, I can never see myself doing that, I'd be worried about coming off as a weirdo breaking the touch barrier that fast.

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

I think in our day and age, in a Western country where things are more or less equal, it is not overall harder to be a woman. There's specific challenges but so are there for men, young women on average have a higher education and are more often employed/making more money, at least in my country.
Some difficulties include

>sexual harassment
Men are not exempt from this, but most any woman faces intimidation, groping, or assault in some form or another.

>sexuality in general
Encouragement to be sexually open/presentable, but judgment when it comes to how many people you've been with/what you've done. No one cares about leaked male nudes but for a woman they can easily uproot her life and career. Bad sex for men is mostly that the woman is a dead fish and that it's hard to get, with fringe cases of false accusations. For women a one night stand can include pain, humiliation, and oftentimes no orgasm.

Difficulty with some higher positions or fast-changing fields if employers expect you are going to get pregnant. Illegal or not, it is still often asked if women want children, and even if you cannot legally fire a woman over getting pregnant an excuse is easily found. Most of the household and child-rearing jobs fall on women's shoulders, as does care for sick family members, whether or not both partners work full time. Society also does not value volunteering, parenting or labor for sick loved ones, which women predominantly do.

>general career stuff
Especially if you work in a high status job (like being a politician), you run into male behavior being seen as powerful/leadership. A high voice, a youthful appearance, feminine clothing etc are all difficult to fit into that, to the point where spin doctors instruct women on achieving a lower speaking voice and a more masculine stance.

YOU have no idea what you're talking about. How can you possibly disprove what I said? Do you know me? If you have nothing to contribute to my original post, shut the fuck up.

How do I know if he thinks the sex is good? Same with blowjobs

Should I try some sort of dating app? Bumble or something? I feel like I'm becoming unhealthily obsessed with the first girl to show any interest in me for a long while. We've met a few times, hopefully will again soon, but I'm not confident it's going anywhere for a few reasons I won't bother going in to. Don't want to ruin whatever chance I have with her though. That and I'm slightly worried it'll further crush my confidence.

>Like just spend more time with him
I already spend as much time with him as he can spare at the moment, no excuses. He works shift and 50+ hrs a week and sees his family and friends a lot. I work when I like so I'm basically just waiting around for him. I'm aware that he's allowed his own life, hence why I'm just trying to get passed this.

If he wants more then you can assume it's good enough, hon.

>How can you possibly disprove what I said? Do you know me?
lmfao holy fuck you're defensive, really really pathetic my dude

>general judgment
Trolling is worse for women, every woman working in the public eye (including politicians) receive rape and death threats, if you appear on television your looks get picked apart worse, there is less sympathy for older/less attractive women being in the center of attention.

Medication is usually only tested on men (also out of fear that women are pregnant without knowing it and the medication harms the fetus), with the result that side effects are worse for women and the recommended dosage is usually too high for them (because of higher fat percentage which keeps substances in the body longer). Although women live longer on average they have less years with good quality of life because of this. Women have also traditionally been treated less accurately, e.g. women having different symptoms than men before a heart attack is only recently brought to full attention, and women only/dominated issues like urine loss have only started receiving more attention as more women became researchers/doctors and took these topics on.

Uh huh, your posts are worthless, shut the fuck up.

Yes, you should try Bumble and/or Tinder. You should do this to build up experience talking to and bantering with women because it's a low-risk environment.

And no, you shouldn't view it as practice for that particular girl. You should view it as you looking to meet new people and gain experience dating. You should legitimately talk to the people you match, try new things, and ask people out for coffee.

Physically it's just like having a different phallic shaped object in there. The idea of "wow there is a dick in my mouth" is more dramatic than the sensation.

You can feel the guy's reactions, if he gets a little harder or throbs, taste precum. The skin is warm, soft and tender especially near the head. The taste is a little metallic, faint.

A dick feels like no other bodypart, sturdy yet bouncy/somewhat flexible.

Aah ok I get it. First off being able to hold relaxed eye contact is key. Nothing special about this, just don't lazer her down.
The aggressive thing is something you'll only learn from experience. However you're in luck.

As a general rule of thumb, err on the side of too bold, rather than too careful. It's easier to make up for it later than it is to come off too hesitant/self-conscious and ruin your chances. Chicks dig it if you give the appearance of knowing what you're doing.

Also to be clear, as I opened the group I lightly touched her shoulder after which, she practically immediately touched my shoulder/waist and didn't let go. She kept her hand there. That was the clue for me to go all-in.

If you feel like a creep doing it you're going to come off as a creep. Try not to overthink it. Not overthinking shit comes from self-confidence. The easiest way to self-confidence is lifting

What do you mean more? Like in the same night? Or consistently wants to sleep together?

What would you think it you encountered a guy who was quite attractive but refused any advances from anyone and almost never made any of his own?

It wouldn't keep me up at night but insofar that I would have theories I would think he's probably ill at ease with his sexuality (maybe closeted), and/or religious or otherwise carrying beliefs that having sex [before marriage or whatever] is wrong in one way or another.

Thanks but I don't know which one you are. I can't improve unless you tell me how or quote me or something.

haha now that's stuck in my head

Guy here. It's a real interesting experience. You feel like you have power over another man, by giving him pleasure. You're holding the most cherished part of his body in your mouth, it's so beautiful, sexy, idk how to explain it.

Physically, it's pretty much as you'd expect. Uncircumcised guys will have a sort of mucus under their foreskin which I don't like the taste of. But precum and cum is yummy :) You can try that yourself if you're bold.

Establish easy, open, and honest communication with him. Then you'll feel confident and free to ask him anything whenever, and get the truth every time. It's possible, I've done it, just work on the communication.

>a salami pile of excuses
You're really stupid aren't you?

If you liked him enough, you wouldn't make all these excuses. You'd just do it. You'd figure out a way. But you don't like him enough. These 'excuses' you spell out, despite how incredibly small and pathetic they all are, are ENOUGH OF A FIREWALL to stop you from figuring out how to see him. The obstacle of the excuse is enough to inflict despair.

You don't like you man enough, sorry.

Further proven by how you ask "How do I deal with this" rather than "how do I make this work"

You feel an emotion, a desire, and go the OPPOSITE DIRECTION of your wishes. Something is fucked up in your life or your head if this makes sense to you. You want more time, so get more time. Don't do the opposite of what you want. Something is wrong.

Something is wrong + you don't like him enough.

Break up.

Ah, eye contact is no big deal for me, I've got that covered. It seems in your case it was actually her that made the first move and you simply reciprocated.

I've noticed when girls could potentially be interested in me, but then negative thoughts like me being thirsty or reading into nothing overwhelm that. I guess I should pay more attention to "invites" from girls, and work from there.

I can LITERALLY tell from THREE posts what your friends were talking about, and it's NOT you being "bossy". It's about YOU being a bitch whenever YOU get challenged on ANYTHING. YOU have an explosive temper. YOU rage on the mic at people who fuck up in online games.

The ABSOLUTE state of (YOU).

These are FACTS, you CANNOT argue against them.

You are LITERALLY seething right now because you KNOW that I'm right. I've struck a nerve in that tiny little brain of yours with my elite truth bombs, and this fact disturbs you greatly.

You HAVE been objectively DEMOLISHED.

It's over. YOU cannot recover from this. With EVERY post YOU make, YOU are further exposing yourself as a poorious apoplectic freshcunt redditor.

You WILL refrain from posting on this thread in the future out of shame. Every time YOU see an ATOSA thread, YOU will become deeply troubled as you remember the verbal beatdown YOU received in this thread. YOUR heart will begin to race and the blood will pump through YOUR body, and YOU'LL make another similarly flustered post, which will only further diminish YOUR standing on Jow Forums.

Reminder that I'm in YOUR head. Reminder I control you now, you little fucking bitch. Every reaction that YOU make is a calculated, planned reaction by ME. Whether you choose to foolishly reply, or ignore my truthbombs like a little bitch again, YOUR status among the Jow Forums community will decline.

Keep on digging your own grave though, you literal piece of shit.

I look forward to your furious reply, which I will NOT be reading.




>more often employed/making more money
Really seems to be the case in my sector. Still have to hear many of them whine about the gender pay gap and things as I work my arse off and likely break my body for half what most of them are making, if not less. I remind them how much I make every time now. I wouldn't be bothered normally, I enjoy my work and knew it was never going to be highly lucrative, but they're pissing me off.

All I said is that it's impacted my ability to be confident, because I fear ridicule and rejection. Why don't you fuck off?

Turns out she doesn't know my name. We've been talking to each other every day for over a month, told me she loves me, been calling me pet names, and could see a future with me. When she finally admitted, still didn't ask what my name was. I'm upset to the point of thinking of ending it.

Does that sound reasonable? Am I making a big deal out it? Something feels very wrong about this.

>YOU rage on the mic at people who fuck up in online games.
Don't have to finish your post cause right here you've proven you know nothing.

holy shit btfo


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>you shouldn't view it as practice for that particular girl
Yeah, I figured that. It's more that I need to stop investing so much more in to her than is currently reciprocated I guess.

Meeting her made me realise I'm pretty lonely and I'd just like to talk to people if nothing else. It's a bit daunting though, I've never been comfortable putting myself out there to be judged. I get stressed writing CVs and essays only two or three people are ever going to read.

You react like Trigglypuff. He's aware that I'm free when he's free, he just needs to let me know. "Spend more time" is neither helpful nor relevant, at least not on my end. It's "how do I deal" because there's nothing intrinsically wrong with the relationship so I don't need to make anything "work", per se, just deal with my entitlement, but I've yet to find an answer to that.

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> It seems in your case it was actually her that made the first move and you simply reciprocated.

Yes and no. I initiated the conversation, made slight physical contact and then she reciprocated. So I unlocked the door and set it ajar but she blew it wide open.

Being thirsty is nothing to be ashamed of. You're a man, she's a woman. You're made to procreate. Nothing unnatural about wanting that. This will seem counter intuitive, but actually pay more attention to what you want. Not what others want or think.

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>It's a bit daunting though, I've never been comfortable putting myself out there to be judged. I get stressed writing CVs and essays only two or three people are ever going to read.
Yeah, it's not easy the first time, but past that it's mostly refinements that don't take a lot of effort. Main stumbling block for most guys is the photos, but it's more important to have something than nothing.

My advice: Semicandid photos of you being outside at an event enjoying yourself are great. Posed, indoor selfies that were obviously taken for the express purpose of an online dating profile pic are not great.

My winning photos were all of me tailgating with friends from grad school. Obviously not everyone does this, but if you look at tailgating pics you should get the idea of the sort of joy your photos should exude.

Also they don't have to be terribly current. Mine were three years old when I started online dating. So you COULD use older pics if you have fun ones.

Don't believe the hype that you need to use professionally-taken photos. Just crop and use good sense.

I worked with a girl for almost 3 years and I was crazy about her but she rejected me hard saying she wasn't interested and since then we stayed good friends.
Two weeks ago I quit that job and got a new one but we kept in regular contact.
Last night I went to a party and she was there, she was all over me all night.
Buying me drinks, kissing me and rubbing her hands all over me.
At the end of the night we made out a ton, her brother gave us a lift home and we made out all the way to my house.
She made up an excuse that needed to use the bathroom in my house and we made out/fooled around for 10 minutes but I cut it short because her brother was getting impatient and I think this may have annoyed her because she wanted to keep going.

Today I text her and got one reply, then nothing.
Whats the deal she was all over me, her hands were everywhere, she spend most of the night touching my crotch, she kept complimenting how good of a kisser I was and wishing we had done this years ago.
Every time I tried to pull away from the kiss she would pull me back.
When I put my hands down there she was sopping wet, my pant leg and floor was soaked and she was moaning hard.
If it wasn't for her brother we probably would have banged.
We were both really drunk but even before the night started she was very flirty over text, more so than our usually friendly flirting.

The blanking me today over text has me confused, last night was a dream come through, I still find it hard to believe it happened and now I am worried I fucked everything up.
I do not wish to panic but I have been crazy about this girl for years.
How should I proceed? Do you think my chances are good or was this a drunken fling.

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>haha now that's stuck in my head
Best version:

Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile
The precious are all lost in the tide


Congrats, I crown you the Thread Retard™. Feel free to keep replying with whatever verbal diarrhea, and I'll take pleasure in humiliating you for your stupidity.

Right now, your biggest problem is not about your relationship, you literally have no comprehension of how excuses work. All you offered, since your first question, was a pile of excuses. You're stuck in the mindset of a young child who hasn't left the excuse-making phase. You actually believe this garbage you say.

The other thing is, making excuses is the mindset of a failure.
>If there's a will, there's a way.
No matter HOW HARD, how high, or how impossible something seems, there is a way to overcome it. Excuses can range from very small to very large. It's up to the WILL of the person to react to excuses.

I want a cookie.
It's on a high shelf.
I give up.

Girl wants a cookie.
It's on a high shelf.
Girl thinks, then gets a stool.
Girl eats cookie.



The reason being, is that these two people REACTED differently to the same excuse "it's too high". Your excuses, however, are a little bit bigger than a cookie jar, BUT NONETHELESS, someone who actually loves their boyfriend will go though any lengths to get what they desire.

Literally all it means is that you don't desire your boyfriend enough (hence break up). If you actually loved him, enough, then these excuses would melt like ice cubes in iran.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? I rather not make a separate thread for this question.

>Today I text her and got one reply, then nothing.
>How should I proceed? Do you think my chances are good or was this a drunken fling.
Just wait for her to reach out to you. The only way you could screw this up is if you start panicking and sending her a bunch of texts or even bringing up in text what happened last night. Assume she's into you.

Nice. i remember when that was on the radio.

Since girls can tell when a guy is a damage case, what do they normally think when they encouter one?

Oh BTW, Thread Retard™,

Read up on it.

Right now, you have zero skill points in this area. It's time to start leveling up this stat.


Attached: 66f975ea5d8a9558cff024984bdb094b20e0ae06422d072bd0decc3db298f366.png (734x1110, 222K)

>tailgating with friends
What's that?

Guy here, damaged goods,

If you're super honest with them, they'll love you regardless. Try wearing your heart on your sleeve.

Sounds like she might be regretting it. Not necessarily regretting that she did it with you, just feeling a bit ashamed or worried what you'll think of her or whatever.

Listen to me very carefully. I have been in your situation multiple times. Your hamster is going nuts right now. Do not let it near your phone.

There are several options here, as to how to interpret her behavior, some of which are positive and others are negative for you. However none of that matters in the end. I don't know what you texted, but do not go nuclear and bombard her with messages. There is no worse move to do at this time.

The one who cares the least in the relationship is the one that holds all the cards, and right now your hamster is eager to all-in your entire hand. DON'T LET IT. Try to see her in person, in a casual way. Don't forget that chicks have the ability to 'reset' their horny/attraction meter. Ours is a light switch (on/off). Theirs is a volume knob that takes a lot of effort and time to get there.

God speed user

You really are triggered, I'm sorry to have upset you so, but your advice is worthless. You assume without asking questions and jump to extremes.

Is 20/21 too young for a 28 year old man to date?

That's where you're wrong, Thread Retard™.

I'm actually incredibly smart and see straight to the core of problems. Chainsaw to the tree, and not pluck the leaves which just grow back anyway.

Of course you'll dismiss my advice, Thread Retard™, it's because my advice is spot-on. If you actually listened to people who tried to help you in your life, then you wouldn't be so emotionally retarded failure making excuses for your life.

You've managed to ignore everyone helping you so far, I don't expect you to stop now.