Is there a point at which I should consider my virginity simply a part of me and not a "work in progress"?

Is there a point at which I should consider my virginity simply a part of me and not a "work in progress"?

I'm 22 and it seems like it'll never happen, at this stage if I haven't met someone how is that supposed to change?

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be one hundred percent honest user

how hard have you tried? with detailed steps you've taken.

Who cares? Having sex won't change anything at all.

You are now a wizard. Join me brother.

t. 52 year old wizard

Depends on if you are a dude or a chick

What steps count as trying?

How not? It's proof not everyone on the planet is repulsed by you, they actually wanted to spent time intimately with you.

>What steps count as trying?
talking to girls for one, let's start there. When's the last time you talked to a girl?

>When's the last time you talked to a girl?
In what context? You just assume every girl out there wants to fuck me and I just need to say the right things to make it happen?

>You just assume every girl out there wants to fuck me and I just need to say the right things to make it happen?
you know damn well that's not what I'm insinuating.
I'm asking when was the last time you talked to a girl with the intention of asking her out or anything like that.

not op but does online dating count?

>I'm 22 and it seems like it'll never happen
Yeah you're also a stupid 22 year old who can't predict what his next year is going to be like, much less your entire life.

yeah absolutely. It's how I lost my virginity.

Jesus christ how many faggots concerned with their virginity over here...
LISTEN! It is not about the looks and the dick, it is about the balls my friend, the balls!
Just be yourself, seriously, women notice when you're nervous and thirsty, but that is the catch, they are too, so just chill, talk to her as if she's a friend, be yourself but filter out some things that she might find offensive, don't be all like women are sluts, but bro, women are bigger sluts than us, have you not seen fucked up porn and what they would do for money?
For fucks sakes if you can't man up go get a hooker, also stop fucking fapping you wanker, after quitting for a while proceed playing with your dick but cut down on it, trust me on that one too.
Also don't be too picky, where I come from we have a saying who chooses too much wanks.
t. 24 average looking dude that has been with about 20 women

When you say it like this I think we all know the answer. It's very rare for women to come on to you and ask you out. It happened to me and she wasn't that good looking. It was hard for me to ask out a girl, but once I did it became easier the next time and I feel more comfortable with it. If you don't think the girl is into you, but you are into her ask her out like she was into you. Who cares? Get out of your comfort zone. Now the girl I asked out first ended up bailing later, but it doesn't matter. I broke down that barrier. I started to go out more. Do stuff I like. Get picture of me doing things I liked. I used those pictures to build online profiles for online dating. So I look for women both in person and online. You have to diversify the way you contact women. If you don't have many hobbies, try and find some. Like video games? Try going to an arcade. Like tabletop games? Go to your local game shop and play some. Like cars? Join a car club. Etc. I mean you don't have to stop doing what you like, but be more social about the things you do like.

So how do I go about being social doing things I like if I don't like doing anything?

Not OP, but im 24 and virgin

>i've been on dates, enough to have stopped counting
>i have never gotten past the second date (except once with a very fat girl)
>i am very active on tinder and bumble (every match i wait a week to message, then i send one message a day for a few days then move to snapchat)
>i use to try and find social groups, but my area is dead so i still dont do much

my area is the middle of nowhere in texas, but i can drive 35 minutes to a city with 100k population. However, still not much to do imo.

Virginity isn't anything. Virginity is a concept that human's created to protect a social construct that seemed important at the time. Nothing is apart of you unless you want it to be.

Fine, don't enjoy it. But go out and do social things.

Not Op but I can't take it anymore
I'm pretty good at talking but as soon as I need to make a move I pussy out

Nigga can you fucking read?

Well, You best start like doing things. Explore. Find somethings that look interesting. The music you listen to. There is a punk rock festival in my area coming up. Conventions on topics you like. Comic con, Horror con, and anime con. Take a couple of cheap community college classes exploring topics that may interest you. Maybe a cooking class? You can't expect other people to like you if you think that you are boring. I am sure you watch videos on youtube about something. Documentaries? Go to a museum. Movies? Go to a film festival. Try Meetup. Like alcohol? Go to a local bar and meet people from your local community. Remember, nobody is obliged to approach you so you might have to approach other people.

I discovered that Facebook is very good at finding events going on in your area. That's how I found out about a lot of events. Make sure you say you are interested or going to these events so facebook can recommend more events like those and you find out more. I mean I hate facebook, but it can be a tool to use towards your advantage.

Add this to the end

>(every match i wait a week to message,

Not OP here

I talk to girls all the time but I dont ask them out because they dont seem to show any signs of romantic interest. What should i do to escape inceldom?

>they dont seem to show any signs of romantic interest
most people aren't too blatant about it showing romantic interest right off the bat.
ask them out anyway. if you talk to them "all the time" it shouldn't be too hard to steer the convo to
>hey so do you want to get lunch this week?
>yeah I'm a big fan of this place, their lunch portions are pretty good
>what's your number, I'll text you real quick so you have mine, I'll let you know when I'm on my way to X place
ez user

Do it anyway. Once you break the barrier it becomes much easier. Nobody gives a shit if you lusted after a girl so don't worry about anybody else. This is for you.

Yeah i literally got a date within hours pf matching. And i use a troll account that only has cat pictures.

And i have another two lined up that i know wont go anywhere, just doing it for funz. And the profile doesnt have a single human in it!

So yeah, no need to wait for a week dude.. dont be so mechanical just relax

Yeah but no girl has ever shown any signs of interest in me. It makes me feel like i'm subhuman or something

Wether you have had sex or not should not be an influencing part of your identity and only morons think that it has an bearing on the way you act.

>Yeah but no girl has ever shown any signs of interest in me.
I just said that they're not going to show interest that you'll be able to pick up on immediately or anything like that.
you apparently "talk to them all the time", so they must show at least a modicum of some degree of interest user. stop making excuses.

Don’t bother with that user. He posts here a lot about how no woman has ever shown any interest in him but he also refuses any advice that people try to give. You won’t get anywhere with him.

yeah there are a lot of Jow Forums posters who seem that way. thanks for the heads up.

No romantic interest though. I've never been flirted with, never noticed signals like "twirling of the hair" or "leaning towards you" or "longing glances into your eyes" that girls are supposed to give when they like you.

Trust me user I really want this to work and I really want to stop being an incel. 22 years old and I'm still dealing with this shit... But the lack of romantic signals from girls is really discouraging.

>He posts here a lot about how no woman has ever shown any interest in him but he also refuses any advice that people try to give.

Why can't you just answer my question? What am I supposed to do if no girl shows romantic interest in me? I can't just ask out girls who show no interest.

holy fuck you're rightliterally ignored everything I said twice

There are signs that girls are supposed to give when they're attracted to you.

If I'm 22 and have NEVER once received any of these signs, there must be something wrong with me. Dude, how can't you see it? I'm asking how to get around this, how do I make girls start showing interest in me? How can I improve myself to make that happen?

THEN JUST ASK ANYWAY. Assume they are interest.
>Hey, I have a question for you because you seem like a pretty cool chick. Do you want to go out and get a drink with me sometime?"
This isn't rocket science. You'll never know 100% unless you ask. Fuck the signs. What's the worst that can happen? She says no and you'll never get another shot. Who cares you were never going to ever have a shot in her mind. No point in being that friendly orbiter. If you like her ask her. This is about you not her.

Not user but how do you get a one night stand?


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i thought fast messages would show desperation

not as long as you aren't bombarding them with double messages before they reply and things like that.
a fast message indicates interest and ambition. shows that you're serious about meeting up.

Confidence dude. Not fake confidence. Confidence from being able to have a conversation with most people, confidence from doing activities you love, confidence from pushing your comfort zone. Stop being a thirsty fuck and do things that make you feel empowered.


I dont believe that. Not that guy, but I've been on many dates, and im completely confident. I've done embarrassing shit and dont even blush. I never choke. I dont even have a fast heartbeat when we first meet. Im completely chill every time i go on a new date. But that has done nothing, because i just dont have charisma it seems. I suck at flirting, i always treat girls friendly rather than seductively. Women just have such high standards, even the lesser attractive ones.

Message your matches after a few hours or the next day. There’s no reason to wait a whole week. It gives the impression that you’re not really that interested

If you think you are completely confident in every action you do you come off as an asshole. Sorry user but girls probably think you are gonna beat them or rape them.

Well, since I live in a shithole of a country, there's jackshit coming up here.
And I guess I am boring, since everything you mentioned doesn't interest me, or I've already tried and got bored of.

Well, What do you do when you are home? Stare at a wall all day and hope it talks to you? I mean you have to do something to entertain yourself.

No, put on some garbage to play on youtube just so I'm partially distracted from constant boredom and then do some shit at home like excercise, play guitar or chess (although I enjoy none of it) and just do it so I don't just pace back and forth from room to room while being bored.

Okay thanks anons.

How come there are so many other anons/people who say the opposite though? Some people say "if girls don't show interest in you then don't even bother". That's really discouraging for me, for obvious reasons.

Do you really think this is how women work? They like to chase. When they "have" a guy they get bored. You need women to value your time. You shouldnt send messages on the weekend, you shouldnt reply after 8pm. Show her that you got shit going on and she should feel lucky to get a date with you. Then she will be pursuing you. If you're a guy that always replies, and give her all the attention she wants, she has nothing to pursue.

This may be a weird co Celt for you to understand, but people have different opinions

I don’t disagree with the stuff you said, but the point was that waiting an entire week is kinda silly

pffft. only do this if you're going after girls who play games.
women don't have time for that high school-tier shit.

this only works when you are attractive

>''if girls don't show interest in you then don't even bother''
This is true, but i think you missed the point of what this means.

It's not about waiting to do anything until she shows IOI's. You should go about it the other way around. Flirt with her, touch her (subtly), enter her personal space. How does she react?

Imagine you're talking to a chick at the bar. While you're talking, gently run your hands down her hair and make sure that your face and her face are no more than 30cm apart from each other. Does she try to put more distance between you two? Does your touch seem to make her uncomfortable? If so, she's probably not that into you.

If she seems OK towards you touching her (or better; she gets even closer to you), that's your IOI right there. She's interested so you can move on to the next step.

It goes on well up to even 40. It's a game with pretty much every woman. Not in the sense that they consciously do these things, but subconsciously this is what creates an attraction.

Being attractive, rich, or anything else like that just gets you foot in the door for women. Personality is what keeps them. What i said works for every man.

>And i use a troll account that only has cat pictures.
You met up with a girl without her seeing your face then or did you exchange contacts like snapchat etc later? I only had one blind date in my life where we just talked on the phone and set up a meeting, but I'm really considering doing what you're doing.

Same old bluepill answers.
No advice of value in this thread.
Same old "Just ask out BRO" and then these morons bug out when someone says that they've never gotten signs of interest from girls.

This board is a circus even by reddit standards.
This board is useless when it comes to comprehending that there may actually be some guys that have never ever gotten signs of interest, you're quite literally better off asking this on r9k or b

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>Same old "Just ask out BRO"
wow maybe it's timeless advice because it works

you're the embodiment of
>what's 2+2 and don't give me any of the 4 shit.
fucking kys you lost cause.

>girl doesn't show any interest in you, doesn't go out of her way to talk to you, give one word responses, clings to all other guys except you

>you... ask her out?
What for literally? You're just going in KNOWING that you're getting rejected. It isn't rocket science you know? You can generally grasp a pretty good idea of if someone likes you or not so why go for the guaranteed embarrassment, awkwardness and social cringe if you already know that?

You're the embodiment of someone that has absolutely no idea about a topic but gives advice anyway. Wow you look good so you've had girls show interest in you and that means everybody has that!

you don't know unless you ask, it isn't rocket science.

How do I talk to a girl in class without seeming thirsty?
>Just don't be nervous bro
I never had much interaction with girls because I went to a all-boys school so I still feel weirded out

Why don't you go ahead and admit you're a complete failure at life? What's your based 'redpill' answer for talking to women?

If you aren't a person of interest, you will never be interesting. Why don't you do something other than base your life off internet ideologies and work at Pizza Hut? Get some fucking spark and people will be attracted to you in general.

Now get the fuck back into your echo chamber, you retarded Jow Forums drone.

Guess jews didn't know Hitler would kill them and should've just all asked him individually.
There's some stuff you do know retard.

>comparing not knowing if a girl likes you to the fucking holocaust
you truly are a lost cause. I hope you learn nothing from this thread and stay a hopeless virgin.
If this was all a ruse to rile me up, congrats.

He would have said no to each one because the '''holocaust''' did not happen retard.

>Why don't you go ahead and admit you're a complete failure at life?
I am a complete failure at life, I've never once disputed that, I'm 100% a failure I wouldn't be here otherwise. Do you think you're gaining morality points for making me say that?

I'm doing a lot, I have hobbies, I go to school, I volonteer, I'm part of a few different kids of groups, I'm saying yes to every invite, I'm told I'm nice, smart and funny... yet again nothing.
No girl has ever taken interest in me despite being able to talk to them and befriend some. There's always going to be a time where she'll just push me aside for a guy that just came.

Ahh the classic "what is analogy" "counter-argument" when you really don't know what else to say, congrats retard. Ya got me!

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>There's always going to be a time where she'll just push me aside for a guy that just came.
even after you ask them out?

Well join a music class, chess club, or gym group. You might enjoy them more by being with other people. Who knows you might even meet some women. Try to do more activities with others.

The point is that you don't care if you see the signs. If you are interested then go for it. Try it out. Ask her out for drinks. You don't need the obvious signs. Sometimes you will make it and sometimes you won't. That's just the nature of things. I feel like you guys get too caught up in looking for signs, but never just do it because you want to. If the girl likes you she will go out with you. Even if she is showing signs that doesn't mean you will be getting a yes. If you are too afraid to ask in person look to online dating. It might be a meme, but at least you will talk to people who are guaranteed single and looking to mingle.

I really feel bad for you. You are sounding like you are trying, but you are not. There is no formula to tell if a girl likes you or not. There are signs, but it's not conclusive. Nobody is going to care if you lusted over a girl and the girl will forget the experience in a day. My friend had a girl hitting on him and he didn't even know until we told him. He still didn't believe it. The only way you will know for sure is to take the risk. Don't live life as a fox. The fox is only perceived as smart because it doesn't take risks. In reality, the fox is pretty stupid.
If you need more help, The Book of Pook helped

He doesn't ask them out because he wants a sure answer that will never come.

I'm not him, but I haven't tried at all. I talk to internet sluts, but literally nothing in real life. I don't know where to start, user. What the hell is even the first step?

Just worry if you get to 30, but talk to people and be blatantly obvious about interests.

>Being attractive, rich, or anything else like that just gets you foot in the door for women. Personality is what keeps them. What i said works for every man.
I rmember this form some obscure disney show from years ago. The dad said it to the mom to escape a trap about whether he was with her for her looks or personality

If you're only experience is talking to internet sluts, why not make an online dating profile?
Then, after a couple of days or less of shooting the shit, ask about meeting up. Rejection doesn't matter, because you two don't know each other/aren't going to cross paths in real life anyway.
Online is how I lost my v-card, some girl said she like Star Trek and I messaged her about how me and my buddy were watching through and laughing at some cheesy shit, and then it went from there.

I just turned 22 and lost it, you can too user. Find a cutie from school who has few friends or someone who just wants that dick lol.

having sex with a girl you like makes your life 100% better.

post a photo OP then we will know if you really have a chance

No, why?

No it won't. You could get hiv or become a father.
