Please sign the petition to give peace to the incels

please sign the petition to give peace to the incels.

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Other urls found in this thread: cheese

Based /incels/ like me don't want to die, we want to spread the truth about roasties and their lies.

Can we do this for pedophiles too?
I want to see which one petitioners hate more.

The left should support this given their hatred of incels


Jow Forums hasn't yet given up, go bother someone else with your pasty white ass pics

Is a roastie any woman who finds you repulsive or is so attractive that you know you have no chance, so you resort to name calling to make yourself feel better?

Sorry tranny, you'll always have the high scores for suicide.

Why does the left hate incels so much?
I'll tell you, leftists males are roastie slaves.
"The future is female" is what roasties and the left slaves want.
They are a plague on humanity.
All women are evil whores, even the cute girl who sits in the back of your uni class and is shy she is most definitely a whore, only deffirence is that she is simply too insecure to ride the cock carousel.
All women do in life is ultimately for male attention, they are empty beings devoid of any will.

And no, it's not about me feeling better, it's about spreading the truth to ignorant betas. What I do to feel better is play video-games and watch anime.

ugh i'm in love lads
why are white tushies so fucking cute??

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Don't be pedophobic you bigot!

Pfft, this is gonna backfire horribly. Shit like this is just going to make these 'incels' want to burn it all down out of spite. They'll make sure to drag everyone to the pits of hell with them.

Nah, I am okay with incels killing women. They created them after all, so they can reap what they have sown.

T. Incel


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your pic is unbased. Jow Forums is a tit guy board

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I want to die, but not because I'm a virgin that doesn't bother me.

I'm a failure and disappointment to everyone except my great grandfather, I want to be free even though I would miss him.

Id rather expose the congressional whores who take tax dollars for their boomer broodmothers cults and sex cathedrals.

I have a chance and have taken it. The degeneracy that the modern woman embraces is disgusting. Just because the only man that wants to marry a woman that has had as many partners as you may have, is either a beta cuck or a man that will eventually leave you because you have been fucked by any guy that tried and made you laugh.

If you only act on your feelings and get ran through don’t complain that we treat you like you are just a hole when you want to be married and finally settle down.

>T. Roastie

that's literally a 14 year old.
>inb4 another episode of we should be fucking 9 year olds if it weren't for the jews

moon cheese cheese

As usual, the roastie, like the kike, has to strawman the motive to avoid having to take personal responsibility ever. And I mean, fucking ever.