Racism on Jow Forums makes me sad. I don't know why. What do I do to stop thinking about hateful people?
Jow Forums racism
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Hector, why do you this?
Don’t go on Jow Forums then dummy
Think of nice people
I used to lurk. Don't anymore, but thinking about it hurts.
I'm not hateful OP, I just think white people should have their own safe space, just like y'all want one for coloreds.
Nigga white people aren't oppressed
you absolute drongo
I know that. Rather, they are being forced to live among people who are very different from themselves, and it's okay to want to be around your own kind.
I agree.m, and furthermore it is okay to want to genocide those who aren’t your own kind
Piss off out of my thread, faggots
It's okay to want them gone. Many ethnic groups as a whole are just downright misery to live by. But Asians are on track to become the majority in Canada this century, and Asians are honestly very orderly and peaceful folk. But they are still not us, and we prefer to be around us.
Everyone need a homeland somewhere to feel at home. That includes whites.
I think you should know that all kinds of people lurk Jow Forums. And that it's okay to love your own kind. That's what everyone else does.
Wouldn’t non-whites also feel the same? Doesn’t this mindset just result in a perpetual violent conflict between skin colors?
I think we can both agree though that on the day of the rope, animeposters will be the first to go.
guess I need to sage my own thread and make another hoping for legitimate answers
kill yourself you disgusting faggot
i don't really care if race realism or real or not
every Jow Forums-type person ive met was a complete faggot
i mean one of my best friends is a white nationalist but his closest friends include a brown guy and a latino guy and he's pretty cool but anyone that hates a race with no exceptions is probably a loser
Absolutely not. In fact, most countries around the world are still full-blown ethnostates (nonwhite ones at that). Most of history is the history of ethnostates with very minuscule foreigner population.
Take a look at Japan. They are almost exclusively monoracial and they have very limited internal violence. There's no war between skin colors, everyone trusts their neighbor, and all is well in that regard.
Racism is a natural human emotion.
There's nothing inherently wrong in hating "others", and literally everyone does it to some extent.
You won't ever stop it, and choosing to side with minorities will just lead you down a rabbithole that ends with self hatred which actually is detrimental to your emotional well being.
Racism is the eventual kick-back against hamfisted social engineering by governments and corporations.
They had their chance to slowly assimilate small numbers of people into different cultures but they pushed it with vast amounts of refugees and mandated acceptance of not only foreign cultures but the degradation of local cultures from their majority status. This has predictably worried and made some lash out.
Of course there are actual racists but take it from a non-white, Jow Forums is mostly right, even if it's a place that really does burn your mind away.
I think those would be called wignats (wigger nationalists). Race realists and even full blown national socialists can get along just fine with other races. In fact, Hitler had foreign races serving in special divisions of his army. Many nonwhite nations were sympathetic to national socialism, including arabs and indians. Just because race is real and you want to preserve your own doesn't mean you hate others.
Ok OP I'll see you there
Seems like the only problem is the whiteys. Everything will be fine once they’re all stamped out, and the entire world will be full of non-white ethnostates
if you live in a metropolitan city and you're a white nationalist you either have no friends or just hate everyone you're around
90% of my friends are either black, asian or indian and my only white friends are like eastern european
Japan also has a long and well established history of elevating pride and honor above all else.
I mean Africa is monoracial but they are perpetually in a state of turmoil.
ew please no. I live in a majority white country and it's one of the best places to live in the world. Why would you get rid of people who make the world nice???????????
Do you not love first-world infrastructure, health care, welfare, and safety? I guess you could live with the Singaporeans or Japanese but they have a fraction of the sheer tolerance whites have.
Africa is actually really racist. We may think of them under the umbrella category of “black” but they have hundreds of ethnic groups that hate each other’s guts
You're right about that in a certain way, but think of the way those 20 black people in your white high school all came together and sat at one lunch table. You can have a solid friend group even if you're surrounded by foreigners.
They also have a long established history of xenophobia. I mean look at the way they treat Korean and Chinese citizens
>first-world infrastructure, health care, welfare, and safety
yeah whitey, all that’s gonna magically disappear when we finally get rid of you all
Hm, yes, I'm sure my tax dollars will just appear out of thin air from then on.
Asian, retard.
Asians, eastern europeans can do it ok on average but whites are pretty good at it. The difference between me and whitey is though, we're prone to slipping to using an AA gun to shoot our uncle for imagined disloyalty. Before we ever reach that point, we'd probably kill off the sick elements of society that are threatening to damage our comfy existence.
i.e. you
So please don't be sick and sit back and enjoy the ride in your Western country. You don't have to like whites but if you really don't like racism there are less hateful ways to decrease racism. Wiping out whites just is no good for anyone.
Shit that’s right, white people are the only ones who pay taxes. Guess you win.
The ethnostate is not the end-all-be-all conclusion of history. It is a return to something as natural as night and day all throughout time. But surely we can understand the value of not wanting to live in a place surrounded by people very different from yourself.
(In the United States), nonwhites do not pay taxes, net, as a group. They take more in benefits than they pay in. Guess who picks up the slack?
Source please
Yeah and when all white people die off all the money will disappear. Gosh your white brain is just too smart for me.
Another way of thinking about this, we know blacks and hispanics are much poorer than whites. It's no surprise that they end up paying less taxes. As a result, combined with the disproportionate use of welfare and medicare/medicaid, these groups are a net drain on the economy.
I am against making an economic argument here though. There are poor whites I'm sure too; do I mind living around them? Generally not. Even the poorest whites have a lower crime rate than the richest black. And hammering the same point, it's not about money, or crime. I just want to live around my own kind, just like all other races around the world enjoy.
Yes, it's almost like wealth is generated by human beings (who happen to be white) and magic Jewish debt fiat currency is worthless without it!
i only have 1 black friend, the rest are just asian and indian and then a few whites
Nice propaganda site, I don't think anyone is going to fall for it since one person (an alias, no less) is credited with writing every article and doesn't have sources or citations for anything presented. Just be real dude, say that you hate colored people and the reasons don't matter.
So, what you're saying is, now tell me if I get this right, you want a government or university-funded paper that says that niggers don't pay taxes? Am I getting this right? It did have citations on the data by the way.
I don't hate colored people. To dispel the idea that I'm hiding my true nature, I think that nonwhites flooding into Europe should be expelled by force if necessary. We have a right to our homelands.
why do facts make you upset?
Get something better to do with your time and stop going on twitter and listening to the blue checkmarks. Don't let orange man live rent free in your head and you might stop getting so distressed by the existence of people who disagree with you.
>”why are people hateful????”
>proceeds to tell people to kill themselves and tells them to leave
Really makes you think
t. South African
Pol annoys me too
>Don’t go on Jow Forums then dummy
while good Jow Forums in general, OP's problem is their preoccupation with what other people think, and that won't go away by just not going to Jow Forums.
they'll just start looking around at other groups of people to be suspicious about and get worked up over.
I had the same problem. I came to peace with it by gradually not caring about it. Lots of people don't visit Jow Forums to get their opinion changed. What you saw was just a fraction of people that share the same opinion or go even farther. You have almost no influence on them, it's not your responsibility. By getting worked up about it you're only harming yourself. It's just really another stress factor in your life, that's what you need to convince yourself with.
White folks have their safe space. It's called Europe. But it's ruined.
I feel so bad for the white people “needing” to live in a place with people they don’t like, I am LITERALLY tearing up rn because of the unfairness. I am SHAKING at this injustice abloo abloo
The real world is ugly, full of crime, filth, bugs that are horrifying, illnesses, age, and death. It takes bravery to face the real world.
Discover bravery. It's a virtue.
I think the best way to stip this is to believe everything is going to be alright [spoilet]even though it's not[/spoiler] and start talking to other people
>Nigga white people aren't oppressed
There is literally a system in place to make it so coloured people get jobs instead of white people.
Fuck off off you aussie leftist cunt.
Jow Forums as a whole swallowed the Jow Forums pill sometime in the last 5 years. It was never quite this bad around the late 2000s, which edgy shitposting on the other boards and the containment boards doing their job. Now we can't go five minutes without somebody unironically interjecting diatribe on why they think racial homogeneity is a good thing. I am beyond tired arguing with these people in good faith, they are either far gone, disenfranchised adults with little lease on life, otherwise regular people with fringe beliefs about minority groups, or easily manipulated teens and early adults. I suggest taking a break from Jow Forums and realizing that the world in front of you is way more complicated than any "racial realist" likes to paint.
I honestly think it's because of the whole gamer gate fiasco. Most people I've met of this personality type generally did not have any politically charged convictions until something happened to muh video games. They were generally not conservative due to figures like Jack Thompson sort of ruining their fun, but it seemed like they flip flopped as a sort of weird defense mechanism. Now you have any and every idiot from /v/ going on Jow Forums, taking everything written there in earnest, and going back to /v/ and /a/ and other boards carrying that rationalization as to why their identity is being attacked. It's fucking ridiculous.
Maybe I'm just too old for Jow Forums now. I used to think I was hanging out with the big boys around 2007, but everything here seems so juvenile, and I'm still in my early 20s. You have people who barely survive PS4 shitposting threads waxing poetic about the ethnostate and racial separation. It's a clown fiasco.
Related but not to much
>Be me
>Ex-Jow Forumstard (Stayed approximately 3 full years on it)
>Deeply regret my time in this hellish place
>It made me deeply hateful of all people (and society in general), not just some, everyone of them including me
>How to fix myself ?
>How to seek redemption ?
see Spend some time off of Jow Forums. See what the other side talks about. Try and criticize your positions as well as theirs. See if, all things considered, you can see the nuance in what you thought was simple before.
I always just recall the old maxim from Marcus Aurelius
>For all things soon pass away and become a mere tale, and oblivion soon buries them.
Then I sit back and try to find peace with the fact that Jow Forums is just a fad that will pass, as are all its enemies, as well as everything it fights for.
Confucius said it better and like 500 years earlier.
Yeah but he's also a chink faggot