Is Jow Forums totally dead lately or what?

is Jow Forums totally dead lately or what?

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Jow Forums has been dying since 2016. About the only time it's enjoyable here is during happenings, but outside of that, it's just a mix of shilling, and rehashed old memes.

yang shit really showed how 9 people can game the board

Each one just has to post ten times in a thread, and it's almost a third to the bump limit.

Jow Forums needs to corportize some how. Its algorithms' show it to be a failed social experiment.

It’s really slowed down the last couple days. Something is brewing.

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James Swanson confirmed yang gang shill

Yang is a CCP psy-op. Don't fall for it.

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have you ever considered that is not the board that is dead, but that you're just a walking corpse who is rotting inside, you are just barely realizing hollow?

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Lets just give everyone $1000 a month. For inflation.

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Was Jow Forums really “alive” to begin with?

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We're returning to the superior state of The Board, pre-2016 shenanigans. The Board is best with few but hardline posters.

t. tidf social security pays its shills well

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i see nothing incorrect or offputting about that besides the shit craftsmanship. jews do rape kids.

Most of the internet has finally woken up and blocked this place.
Surprised it hasn't happened sooner

Haven't been around for a couple of months. Is Islam still being shilled as le based religion in every other thread?

Jow Forums isn't dying. It's stabilizing.

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>No u.
Much wow.

Thankfully, they're gone.

>buy bitcoin

The problems is that the rules of this board aren't upheld.

the blue boards are actually worse at the moment.

thankfully being a zionist sycophant isn’t enshrined in the rules here kike shill

wtf are you talking about? yang threads never hit the bump limit

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Funnily enough, Jow Forums's traffic is like a mirror of bitcoin's price.

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No. I'm talking about all the rule breaking threads that don't follow the criteria of the sticky.

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most of the cool anons are ascending to heaven
soon all that will be left are zoomers

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browsing and posting here feels like grocery shopping sometimes, and I hate it for the same reason. so much noise and bullshit drowning out the few things that are interesting and discussion worthy. Plus the one time where I do feel like positing shit is my lunch break, which is impossible since phoneposting doesn't work anymore.

Possibly although for no reason over the last few day I have just completely forgotten to check in here. Spring has finally arrived in much of the world so that my be it. Maybe burnout from too many big headlines last week