Have been on a couple of dates with a girl and fucked the last time we went out

Have been on a couple of dates with a girl and fucked the last time we went out.
I just started noticing how much "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" stuff she posts on social media.
Do I run away?
I have a shit ton of fun every time I'm around her and have really enjoyed the dates, and she never brings that sort of thing up when we're together.
She and I are both Asian.

Attached: 1556150526030.jpg (371x353, 13K)

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Why not ask her about her positions and reasons for holding them before doing anything drastic?

It's not really white people that she dislikes, it's more about the entitled bullshit that a rather vocal subset presents

I mean I'd vanish faster than you can say "racism", but that's mainly cus I'm white. I'd probably also leave if she had a strong irrational hatred towards any other large group of people I don't belong to, but in this case, if I actually like her other than that and enjoy my time would her I would try to understand the root of her issues with that group, see if there's any merit to them and how insane she really is. Then make the decision based on what I found out.

This reminds me of a westernized Indian girl I briefly dated. She said that my "white privilege was showing" because I used the term thirdworld country when talking about thirdworld countries.

These people tend to be very dumb and are complete pawns of the regressive-left political machine. She's probably not gf material.

If you stay with her you'll eventually have to tow her line of hatred.

It'll be brought up by her if you never mention it and with that you either play along and sully your relationships with white friends, or you tell her to stfu and sully your relationship with her; because people like her view disagreement as mutiny and you'll be labelled a self-hating House-Gook by her and her cabal (Which she surely marauds with).

>the entitled bullshit that a rather vocal subset presents
why does she hate white women?

steal her shit poop in her heater and piss in her ass during anal. You gotta get away but also remind her that she's a total used up whore with a hivemind.

Talk to her about it. As long as you're educated, you should be able to have a productive discussion. Don't get mad at her, just explain why you think what she says is harmful.

Well thirdworld is a concept from cold war and used in a wrong way by every American.

It’s like when women say “fuck men!” They don’t mean all men, they a specific group and I definitely believe that’s what with this girl. If you feel uncomfortable, talk to her about it and be open so the air can be cleared

Get her a big white dildo and see how she reacts

Pumping and dumping is very cruel user. Dont do it

Is she from the east coast?

Is her name janice?

"Fuck white people" doesn't communicate that kind of nuance (or anything about entitlement and the subsets of a certain demographic). It only communicates contempt and hatred for a certain demographic of people.

Are they recent posts or just older crap that's still out in the open?

The whole SJW movement was a trend that's only simmered down recently. So this could simply be older content she posted when those movements were still in vogue. I had a similar a thing from a few years ago, and I'm still periodically finding them hidden somewhere on my Facebook, and desperately trying to scrub them away.

I’m exactly the kind of girl op described, asian and super racist. Just understand that she probably came from a dark place to make her like this ie lots of bad experiences of whites treating her like shit growing up and feeling powerless which is now channeled through her outcry on social media as a means of regaining some of that power back. Maybe talk to her about it and stay open minded to what she has to say? People don’t just wake up and hate another race entirely, there’s got to be a story there.

I dont blame her with the current political climate.

My personal advice would be to get her to pay less attention to the news.

I might be wrong on this, but I feel that the younger generations all are equally in the same shitty boat regardless of race.

>People don’t just wake up and hate another race entirely, there’s got to be a story there
You say that about yourself but you don't say that about white people that hate niggers and kikes. I hope you get raped dead you disgusting hypocrite bitch.

Where have I tried to invalidate the experiences of white racists at all in my post? Can you whitoids stop trying to make everything about you guys and jump to conclusions like a fucking monkey I s2g you people are dumb as fuck.

Almost all of the problems that white people are experiencing their fault, oh white people are facing problems in south Africa? Well maybe they shouldn't have invaded it in the first place? White people are having problems with African Americans? Maybe they shouldn't have kidnapped them and enslaved them? White people are having problems with Jewish reparations? Maybe they shouldn't have killed 6 million of them? Get my point?

You've attacked white people for bitching against gooks like you before, don't deny it because it's tru you pathetic liar. You've attacked whites for bitching against your shitty horrid kind when you do the same against whites. You're a hypocrite. I hope you get beaten dead. You should get choked you disgusting hypocrite gook bitch.

>Get my point?
that you're in irredeemable racist who lumps all people into groups based on skin colour? Yes.

Many Africans shouldn't have been so damn sexy or we wouldn't have kidnapped them to breed with our women.
God damn, if I could only get one lick, a mere morsel of sweat from those rippling, chocolate-coloured abs... What would that pure, gleaming pectoral bursting with masculine energy feel like upon my feeble and quivering pink tongue? If only I could feel it... If only they'd give me a chance...

White people everyone

South Africa was empty when white people arrived. Maybe niggers should have stayed out? Also it was kike merchants that brought niggers to America, maybe kikes should have gotten genocided to stop importing niggers? Why were there kikes in Europe in the first place, they're middle easterners, why didn't they fuck off and stay in Palestine first rather than infest Europe and invade European land? Get my point?

>South Africa was empty when white people arrived. Maybe niggers should have stayed out
>Also it was kike merchants that brought niggers to America, maybe kikes should have gotten genocided to stop importing niggers?
/his/ here, munchmunchmunch, this is all news to me.

Attached: munch-munch-munch.jpg (371x353, 29K)

Ngl super excited for the downfall of white people. They’re a cruel race that built their empire via violence and bloodshed. They’re not much different from blacks when it comes to using violence and intimidation to solve problems. The even funnier thing is due to their “empathetic” nature and wanting to appear virtuous to the rest of the world, they are single handedly destroying everything they built by letting multiculturalism and retarded liberal ideologies run rampant as a means of trying to negate their imperialist past. The true hypocrites are white people, constantly condemning other nations on how they should be governed, when their own countries are rife with internal problems. Pointing fingers at other nations for their lack of human rights when their history is dotted with barbarism and vile treatment of others. It’s so disgusting. White people are so disgusting.

>/his/ here
>this is all news to me
Typical /his/
As for the Dutch Cape Colony, the place was empty when the Dutch settled, the Khoisan showed up much later after the colony had been established and agriculture had been introduced as they were nomads and did not occupy the land at all, and Bantus (aka your average nigger) were complete foreigners.
Fun fact, you know why Zimbabwe is starving? Because fucking nobody was farming the land before white people showed up. Niggers can't farm.

That's a pretty dubious source you gave, user; munchmunchmunch. The Google Video link is also a dead giveaway of how outdated the source is. And speaking of Zimbabwe, munchmunchmunch, they had Gokomere and Ziwa activity during the iron age (theoretically going back to the stone age). For which they farmed and mined the lands.

>That's a pretty dubious source you gave
Too doubt the information it gives is true, you want more with even more details and citations here you go:

> they farmed and mined the lands
That's why they couldn't farm for shit after they genocided white people. Huh-huh.

Don't bother, white people will always justify their genocidal behavior, "Natives where savages so who cares that we killed 90% of them", "jews subvert the white race so they deserve the holocaust", "that certain country was run by *insert race group here* so white people where better off running it", the list goes on and on, but eventually their manipulative sociopathic behaviour will be their downfall as user here stated.

Munchmuchmunch, Stillness in the Storm is not a good source of information. Nor is it reputable.

>That's why they couldn't farm for shit after they genocided white people. Huh-huh.
You're talking about something completely different there, user. I think you're actually thinking of Toussaint Louverture, munchmunch.

What do you consider white people anyway?

Sorry but this is probably the most ironic thing I've read on this topic. Please.come back after you've done some history research on Asia.

>Stillness in the Storm is not a good source of information
>nor is it reputable?
Again, proof? Can you prove their claims are false or do you just not like the fact they go against kike narrative?

Munchmunchmunch, their front page is nothing but conspiracy theories for one.

>Again, proof?
Munchmunch, lack of mainstream prominence.

>Can you prove their claims are false or do you just not like the fact they go against kike narrative?
Well, the mention of a 'kike narrative' is also a dead giveaway.

I think what you can gleam from this isn't that she even hates white people but that, like most women she is a sponge that soaks up whatever opinions she's being fed by her peers and unthinkingly shits it out all over the internet.

>their front page is nothing but conspiracy theories
And? How does this disprove the facts they state?

>lack of mainstream prominence
Not an argument. Mainstream prominence has always had specific political interests, mainstram prominence for the longest time was the Earth is flat but that's not true. Mainstream prominince != truth. The mainstream prominence may well be interested in keeping jews from being a political target when they deserve to be.

>the mention of a 'kike narrative' is also a dead giveaway
Why, because you think kikes can't be liars and evil people? What dumb illogical thinking.

Don't wooooorry, most peopl hate white people. It's completely normal to hate and want to kill white people. We are the racists not you. You can't be racist, don't sweat it. We'll just quietly die out and stop existing. haha


As you'd expect from a degenerate racist, you're wrong about everything. South Africa was inhabited 150,000 years ago by Africans.

>150,000 years ago
Ah, so when all humans were in Africa and these protohumans are also the ancestors of white people?

Also the ancestors of black people, galactic brain.

But also of white people.

South Africa is just white people returning home and niggers getting mad about it.

>the kind of mental gymnastics that go into white peoples heads

Go back to the jungle, nigger.

I’m the asian girl bruh

Same thing

Fucking NPC.




You say that meanwhile Africa is shit and niggers are a minority in the USA and kill each other of menial shit such as money or drugs. They'll be outbred and will unofficially leave the USA.

Be glad you got enslaved otherwise you'd be beaten raped robbed and enslaved in Africa. But as long as you pavement apes can bitch about something you will especially since all of you are like mentally teenagers even as adults.
