Unsatisfied with the violent sex available online five ordinary mums work with industry experts and set out to create their own porn film they would be happy for their teenage children to watch.
She has a point though Why is there no right-wing porn? Without counter-porn, how can you counter jewish influence in the industry?
Nathaniel Gray
I wonder who's behind this kikery post
Ayden James
By killing them.
Non-violently and in Minecraft
Jace Hill
I agree we need better porn, since porn isn't going away any time soon. The disgusting garbage the industry puts out reminds me of human shit and rotting flesh. >Oh SHIT >oooooh YEEEEAH >Oh FUCK >OH my GOD It's all so fucking played out. Nobody is remotely attracted to these nasty whores. They don't know how to have sex naturally.
Austin Nelson
Don't watch porn, that's how you counter jewish industry...
Alexander Cox
Need the sauce on the video...
Luke Morris
>watching your mom's porn I'm not sure what's more upsetting, the fact that a boy is watching porn that his mom thinks he'll like or that a mom is thinking >how can I direct this scene that'll please my son the most?
Let's be very honest, anyone who feels comfortable making a porno is most likely sociopathic, narcisstic, autistic or some other kind of ick.
Normal people don't do that, it makes them feel uncomfortable, like having sex with a prostitute makes normal people uncomfortable, you do it because of lust.
Jonathan Ortiz
These pedophile/incest fucks are fucking derranged in the same way as a psychopath that did this shit in the past.. i will never find this acceptable and feel these motherfuckers need to be beat the fuck up at the least.
Who the fuck would fuck their own children and suggest that on national TV? Thats pedophilia child rape...
You are literally going on TV saying that you want to fuck your own children.
That's pure nonsense. Christianity also wouldn't allow such behavior. Not any religion for that matter. It is today's western society and the weak men that allow this to happen. No norms and values anymore.
Come on stop larping, when has a porn jew ever been killed? It's for the same reasons kikes took control banks you know. Christians didn't want to charge others interest, but kikes did. So what did they do? They allowed kikes to rule the banking industry and take control of their societies as a result.
Leo Nguyen
Why is this allowed, freedom is degenerate
Connor Morris
It should be a normal thing for mothers to give their sons prostate massages
Jack Flores
Reminder that sexual liberation is a form of social control, and a way to encourage infertile relations rather than families (which would have people pushing for higher wages to feed them).