Is there a service I can pay for personalized direct dating advice...

Is there a service I can pay for personalized direct dating advice? just posting on Jow Forums or buying a dvd from some redpill cretin isn't going to help. But so far all my attempts have been aimless and wildly unsuccessful.

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Yeah just look up "life coach" and find people who specialize in dating. Shame you don't have any friends who would be willing to do it for free or, at most, a pizza.

How about you ask a woman for dating advice and their opinion, and if they get flirty about it. Score.

I have, but it seems to no effect. I have self improved to the point I think I would have no problem getting an average girl. Honestly what would definitely help me the best would be having a friend group with girls in it, or just anybody who could introduce me to them. Right now the closest thing I have to a female friend is married, and all her female friends are in a relationship or lesbian.

I tried looking but I can't find it.
I am willing and able to spend tens of thousands of dollars to get a girlfriend.

Holy fuck aren't you pathetic?

I feel like i needed one too.
The women i talked with simply feels like talking with friends.
And when i flirt with them, somehow it's not working, or they are simply ignoring it because they don't consider me a possible partner, or that i'm too dumb to pick up their hints.

I‘ve actually thought about providing such a service but i don‘t have a big enough superiority complex as to think i know it all.
Maybe i could try helping you to see if my knowledge is already perfected enough to help others find a partner irl...

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yeah, kind of.
as long as I can actually get a girlfriend it doesn't matter how smart you are.
so what do you want to know?

I'll help you for the next half hour. Post a full body picture of yourself first. You can block out your eyes, nose, and lips. Let's see if you crash and burn from the initial impression or not, then go from there.


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>Can you do me a flavor
>Not reading Romy miller's guide
Got recommended it by /lit/ and I've picked up 5 girls over 7/10 these past 2 months. Can read females like open books now

If you've done all the self-improvement and think you can score an average girl then you can score just about anyone with enough finesse.

Your problems seems to be in the "where do I find women" department here's a few tips:
- Do a sport/go to the gym/any other activity which has women participating;
- Make friends regardless of sex and eventually you'll network your way into viable female partners who're single;
- Job (but depends on your work and whether or not it's allowed/would get in the way of it);
- Hangout at places like coffee shops, malls, parks, etc. And make a habit out of it. You don't have to over commit to any one place, just scout places out for females who're regulars at these places or occasional visitors and then go from there;
- Approach people on your day to day life or at least build up some habit of being able to talk back to women/people naturally, regardless of whether it's flirting or not. People skills help a lot with future interactions and can probably help you score someone you think is 'out of your league'.

And user, don't treat women you're interested in as friends or they'll treat you that way too eventually or from the start. If you're not clear with your communication then how do you expect to understand other people's 'signals' and such?
And definitely don't try to flirt with women who're not interested in you as this, contrary to popular belief, doesn't wield any net gains.

>so what do you want to know?
What your goals are. What kind of future do you imagine with a woman? What qualities are important to you in a future partner?

is this relevant?

Did you want to pick up chicks or get a deep, lasting relationship? Did you get one? Do you think you're on the way to getting one?

>don't treat women like friends or they won't go after you
Coulda fooled me. I can't keep friends because they all want my dick and think they can replace my girlfriend.

Post an add on craigslist and put the link here. I'm a 20F and love giving dating advice, and have set up many friends successfully and am a go to for so many people (men and women) for dating advice.

I'm not going to pay someone user online, there's no accountability.
I imagine a regular loving relationship. Mostly I want someone sweet rather than "fun", excitement is not what I am looking for in a relationship.

Firstly, you need to get more specific with what you want. Do you want a girl to have a family with or someone to travel together? What would be your top 3 personality traits you absolutely need in a partner? Make sure to not list generic stuff but the things that are actually important to you. This helps me to get a better picture of who you are and how you should be looking for a partner.
Can you also describe how a loving relationship would look like to you in the grand scheme as well as day to day interactions? How do you personally measure how loving a relationship is? Good morning texts? Thoughtful gifts? Initiating physical intimacy? Compliments? Making you eggs and bacon on lazy Sunday mornings? Enjoying the same movies/books/games and being able to talk about them together? Sharing a hobby like climbing, hunting, cosplay?

What things would be unacceptable?

The better you know what you want, the more precisely you can search and the easier you can determine if someone would be a potential match that you wouldn‘t get annoyed or bored with half a year in.

I doubt this thread will be alive for much longer.
If you‘re interested in some help to find a good girl, here‘s my throwaway: [email protected]

I could get you a girlfriend for that price but if you give me attitude and act hopeless I won't be able to help you.

discord ?

Mostly I would want someone I could do things with, so generally openness. Rather than try to find someone who shares what I like to do by coincidence, it would be better to look for one who would like to do many things, as long as it is with the right person. In that way, she would be like me, I suppose. I imagine what I would like most about a relationship would not be some trait that is brought to the table at the beginning, but bonding and shared memories as you spend time together.

Dude, if this is for real, you need a therapist not dating advice. Or just buy a hooker. You seem too out of touch with dating and relationships to make it work.

why, exactly? I'm not talking about purchasing a human being or something horrible, just that I have money to spend on anything from show off clothes to acting lessons. I am willing to sacrifice to meet my life's goal.

Because the entire approach is messed up and misdirected so bad, it feels even futile trying to explain just how wrong the entire outlook is. Finding a partner as a life goal doesn't work (outside of mail brides and similar crap) and the harder one tries to achieve it, the more ridiculous the failure will be. It's nowhere near stuff like starting a successful business or climbing the Everest. It the type of shit that happens organically while you live your life focusing on actual goals, while still being social and open enough to let other people in your life. Giving some dating site shit a try without expecting too much is the maximum effort that makes any sense. Dating isn't something that benefits from a too strong focus on it.

I get that it's not the advice you wanted and definitely a shitty thing to hear in the situation, plus obviously sounds counterintuitive and discouraging, and the whole "don't try so hard" shit must be extra annoying but hey, at least keep it in mind if the next attempt doesn't work out.

so uh... I am willing and able to spend hundreds of dollars getting a girlfriend? Is that better?
I feel like my life is pretty on track aside from the one part which has been critically lacking, and I want to put in effort for it as much as I do any other part of my life.

>I am willing and able to spend hundreds of dollars getting a girlfriend? Is that better?
Hell naw. "I don't mind spending hundreds of dollars improving my chances to meet a potential girlfriend" is probably where I'd draw the line from dedicated to desperate.

>and I want to put in effort for it as much as I do any other part of my life.
I can tell and it must appear perfectly reasonable from your POV if previously focused approach got you to where you at. It's just the task at hand is completely different. To pull a corny metaphor, somehow like learning swimming when trying too hard sinks you.

>is probably where I'd draw the line from dedicated to desperate.
wait, what? are you saying I went in the wrong direction, or if I go lower I will pass to "dedicated"?
>It's just the task at hand is completely different.
How much effort should I put in then, exactly?
Somehow I feel like that if I modulate my effort for maximum efficiency that would be a form of trying too hard in and of itself.

>are you saying I went in the wrong direction
Yeah, still too strong, and yeah going in less strong would qualify for dedicated. But again, just my impression, someone else might perceive it as perfectly alright.

>Somehow I feel like that if I modulate my effort for maximum efficiency that would be a form of trying too hard in and of itself.
In a way, yes but there is only so much that can be done consciously to improve your odds and lowering the effort put into it even consciously still has a decent chance to make you come off less desperate. Hell, lower down in the thread it already sounds better than the first few posts that make you look like a complete sperg or a robot trying to deal with humanoids.

Ideally you'd have an unconscious mind-state where you're content with your life and saw a partner to share it with as a cherry on top but that shit is obviously easier said than done and would take a good while and a lot soul searching. The next best thing is appearing that way.

Dumb fuck the only thing you should be spending that money on right now is a therapist

I can't imagine it helping with anything
what would it be for?
I don't think I need to work out any issues, all I need is someone to present a more successful method and I will follow it.

>I am willing and able to spend tens of thousands of dollars to get a girlfriend.

Give. Up.

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what else would I spend my money on?

So, are you interested in me trying to help you or nah? If you are, just write a short message to the throwaway. In order to help you, i will need to be able to get a good picture of how you are and where you need to do some work and i think it would be easier to do this per mail instead of Jow Forums.

I will in a few hours, I'm a bit busy today.
but I was just responding to the clownposter

No rush! I just wasn‘t sure if you saw it.

Post your discord user