Please tell me english

im very cute jap boy

please tell me english

japan is over soon

Attached: 05628EDD-3A9B-4FE6-9E3C-B24102532F6B.png (400x400, 243K)

Thanks for Pearl Harbor asshole, hope you liked the gifts we sent you.

Funimation is getting sued currently so I guess it's slowly but surely going to end.

im php Programmer
im unity c# Programmer

im very pretty jap boy

youre welcome

This is a small thank-you for teaching me English.

>Thanks for Pearl Harbor asshole, >hope you liked the gifts we sent you.


whats mean??

It’s where some of your shitty media that Americans eat up comes from.


I wanna peg your tight Japanese boipucci.

thats too bad
im not puccy

im penis

>I wanna peg your tight Japanese >boipucci.

I'm Chinese and I will destroy you.
Remember your roots.
You are not Ainu. You are the descendant of Chinese prisoners. Japan was our Australia before Australia was an Australia.

Hello.I'm coming from nanJ.

ni shi zhende zhongguoren ma?

i love chinese woman
please kiss me
i can make child

Yeah but my granny died before she taught me it, rip in pieces nai nai

Attached: b5ba2fb7a980c1735983c3e59ac480bd.jpg (360x400, 38K)

hello,are you jap?

>Hello.I'm coming from nanJ.

Where are you living?I will go to 华北和中原 next week.Tell me where should I go.

I don't understand your question op.


wdym japan is over soon
nearly every country likes japan

why is japan over? new emperor?

Jow Forumsでくそ英語しか習えないんだ

kujikecha dame da yo