Be american

>be american
>get shot and killed for knocking on the wrong door

Attached: 1BF03352-49C4-4DCE-9973-4C897F5267E2.png (1125x2436, 2.54M)

>Be aquafresh
>Cry when niggers die

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Believing the story the most spun about that dindu. I bet you vote Groenlinks, D66 or Partij voor de dieren. Kill yourself, if you didn’t find out that blacks and “licht getint” use gullible white people to get away with shit then society is better for you not breathing anymore.

yeah, that's probably the whole story

>4 asterisks after N, not 5
>Poor grammar
>No mention of the shooter's race

>what Trump really thinks about Israel

Attached: Poor.Bibi.webm (1280x720, 962K)

Niggers shoot niggers.

It's a Black Thing. You wouldn't understand.

Also - This is more anti-gun propaganda.

>Nigger talked shit on twitter to some nigger
>Nigger catfishes him

talk shit, get shot

Knock Knock Knocking on Heaven's Door

Niggers don't go to heaven

>be dutch
>get shot and killed for knocking on the wrong religion

Attached: Ma4.jpg (220x296, 22K)

makes sense

Inshallah brother

A common tactic of buglers is to knock on the door and if someone answers be like opps wrong house.

Would've been
If the perp was white
Case closed, move along now

>Nigga you at the right house
Nigga kills a guy casing his house to rob, nothing to see here.

Touch the door, hit the floor

Yeah yeah, it's not like the world is gonna miss him.

Ayy lmao earthling.

This is what ACTUALLY happened. Even wild ass nigga dont just shoot random fucks at the door. But they will a thief.

Yeah, I'm sure that was actually said, then 3 guys wearing maga hats showed up in a pickup truck and dumped bleach on the guy and threw a noose on his neck

Which means the nigger was actually pol tier based for takin out the trash.

Interesting that.

Relatively common in rural Ulster back in the day.

The Catholic would go to a random farm and ask for directions. Usually this was to case the place or force entry. When they were invariably shot the "community" got very angry and insisted that their council house dwelling relative was out doing charity work at 3am in North Antrim.

This shouldn't surprise anyone as Catholics are niggers that God painted the wrong colour

Just admit you want to kill the Irish without consequence.

hold up, story incoming

>be me, 12
>the rich jews hire some nigger teens from the hood to knock on houses in my town of Manhasset
>these nigs basically "sell candy" but really, they are just thugs
>be home alone with 9-year-old my sister
> we hear the door bell ring
>i go up to my room
> i look out the window that over looks the front door
>what a surprise
>it's a nig
>he rings the doorbell about 50 more times
>most people would assume no one is home
>then he opens up the screen door
>starts knocking a hundred times
>my sister texts parents
>"opening up the door now"
>she meant to say "he is opening up the screen door now"
>they misread it, rush back home
>eventually the nog stops knocking
>he tries to open up the door to see if it's unlocked
>eventually goes away
>my parents come home
>apparently they saw this nog looking at the driveway as they pulled out
>this is how i learned

>I heard him say

i really hate niggers


That happens when you're too limited for reading number or names on doors.
Stupidity kills.
But very likely he just wanted to steal something for weed/crack... and got a surprise bullet.

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>be us, 4 20yo males in a college town living in a duplex together
>we're the only whites on the street (one roommate was black, but not hood black like this neighborhood)
>I have personal friendship understanding with the duplex neighbors (the only other whites on the street) because our dogs all play together in our backyard and shit, bum weed off eachother, etc.
>Guy and his gal were a bit rough around the edges, but I got along with them fairly well
>one day middle of summer at 2am, get loud banging on the door
>we're up anyway doing who knows what, but wtf it's 2am?
>answer the door (mistake) to a nig we've never seen before
>nig is surprised to see us, says his car broke down across the road needs gas
>cant answer basic questions without acting really nervous, no sight of the car he supposedly needed gas for
>sorry can't help you
>tries to come inside uninvited, "lemme use your phone"
>uh what, gtfo
>pushes my roommate starts getting louder
>all of a sudden our duplex neighbor pops out of nowhere, with both his pit bulls leading the way
>"they told you to leave, I suggest you listen to them" bellows out over the growling of the two beasts
>guy sprints out
>never have any other incidents for the next 2 years we lived there

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asterisks after N, not 5
Probably because it was "Nigga" and the shooter was also black.

>you at the right house

>be based american nigger remover
>still illiterate

He was clearly shot by another nigger, Mohammed.


only a european could not understand that knocking on a door is the first step in an attempted niglary
the nigger was casing the place, if the guy hadn't answered, he would've broke in and stole everything
>t. live around niggers

He just needed some gas money to get to medical school, he dindu nuffin

>be nigger trying to break into apartment
>get shot and killed by resident
>aquafresh thinks this is bad
Get fucked commie

Plot twist: killer was black

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IT was a black guy that killed him. He said "nigga?" Who cares? Why is it even news and censored like that? The only reason is because they hope yo will only read the headline and not look into the actual details, so you will assume it's a racist hate crime committed by a white guy.

Go ahead and tell me more about how journalism isn't the enemy of the people though. This should be illegal.

I hope he gets the death penalty brcause that in the few seconds he spelled out "no youre at the wrong house" he admitted its premeditated.

Nigger knocks on a door. If someone answers "Oh sorry, wrong house". If nobody answers niggers swarm the house and rob the place.

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Going to take a gamble and say he was canvasing and had actually been there before

Couple years ago at my home in rural PA

>January 2014
>like 0230 in the morning
>doorbell and knocking
>take phone and shotgun
>open interior door, metal and plexiglass exterior door still locked
>black manlet and white hambeast, both clearly drugged or drunk
>claim they need a ride and want to use the phone
>notice a van I don’t recognize down the road past my driveway
>offer to call the cops to help them out
>manlet starts rattling door
>close interior door and call cops
>hambeast starts begging to be let in because it’s cold
>manlet starts yelling incomprehensibly
>chamber a Shell right next to the door
>he quiets down
>step back to where I can cover the front, basement, and garage doors
>hear vehicle pealing out
>cops have arrived

Manlet and hambeast were arrested, van and whoever was in it got away. A few months later somebody tried breaking into the garage while I was away for work, didn’t make it fortunately.

>Police say.
>damning quote
100IQ technique to trick 80IQ readers to think the police are confirming that was said.

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