Post is causing me panic! please help

This post:
Is causing me a great amount of stress. I know this is autistic but I seriously will do something bad if he doesn't respond, or if the post he made isn't rationalized in some way. I have extreme paranoia and his comment to me was a direct threat. I believe he is threatening to send the thread I made to one of my friends, who is a female, which is why he said "i'm telling her".

I reverse searched the image he posted on the archive, and this came up:
Please help ASAP!!!! I am going to hurt myself if this issue is not resolved .

Attached: 9734EFB9-571E-46D9-B194-C897E78CABEC.jpg (800x1200, 58K)

Also I am very paranoid because no one else besides him and one other person has responded to my thread. People seem to be ignoring me because they are responding to other threads on the board.

Mmmmm. That looks yummy as fuck.
Sweets ITT nao

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Why would you post this? It's not funny.

Hey, just take it easy. Nothing will happen if you freak out. No point.

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I don't know what you mean by that. I'm just trying to understand why he posted that in my thread.

hurt yourself, its the only way to resolve this issue

I rarely if ever read posts on this board. Sorry, man.

Folks, I had some lime in club soda w/ salt today. Good shit. It's like soda but without sugar or acid. Unfortunately, I put too much salt in it and it was a weird salty soda but still good.

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No it isn't, the poster could reply and explain what he meant, and i'd be satisfied with that. You're trolling, and it's retarded. Go away.

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Enjoy your ban asshole.

What ban?
Look at this shit. Refreshing as fuck. Damn, I need to buy some more syrups.

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he's probably just a retard

stop spamming this shit

Why are you such a piece of shit? Fuck off.

That wasn't me though.

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Have you ever tried coffe and tonic? Just an expresso, then you dump half a can of tonic.
Some dude I did business with was having that, and he offered some. Turns out it's pretty great

Attached: Low-Carb-Paleo-Keto-Mint-Chocolate-Chip-Ice-Cream-by-Gnom-Gnom-6-1.jpg (700x1050, 170K)

no u

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Is it a biscotti? Is it a cannoli? Or is it a monstrosity?

Uhh, I may be mentally ill, but I'm smart enough to read post counts, user.

wtf man that's a great piece of cake
what do you eat?

Google says it's a coffee toffee mocha crunch cake.
All my pictures are in desktop wallpaper format though.

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I'm pretty sure he's on about the art work in your post dipshit.

I'm telling her on you buster

But even if he was referring to the artwork that doesn't make sense.

Sure it does.

please explain because i'm not seeing the connection

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be ready for it buster

what is it

It just annoys me that I'm singled out all the time. No other threads on Jow Forums are getting spammed with pictures of fucking ice cream. Why am I the only one who nobody takes seriously or even bothers to answer.

okay buster I told her now you are going to get it!

The quads confirm it OP
Hide now because it's coming to get ya

It's just not funny to say things like this to people with schizophrenia.

I'm schizophrenic and I suggest you get off the computer for an hour, dimwit.

say what you want, it's not going to save you now buster

she already knows

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