>3 weeks later

AAAAAAAAAAND he's irrelevant.
was it really worth it to spend the rest of your life in jail over a couple days worth of memes?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He’s retired and in Tel Aviv.

He told me to tell you that your grandchildren will be speaking Mandarin while working the gulag.

>was it really worth it to spend the rest of your life in jail over a couple days worth of memes?
for us it was yes, i am happy he's spending his life in jail so we could meme for about a week



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He was made irrelevant.
I expected msm to rub this into our faces for weeks but instead I see on the internet muslims speaking out how the jews are the only one to gain from this. Could it be?

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You know New Zealand's prison system is pretty great. You can watch TV in your cell and shit.

Pic related, an average prison in New Zealand.

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Do your part to keep him relevant.

ATTN: !!*Amerimutts and leafaggots*!! Accept the huawei made 5G network and drink TAP WATER you are a pack of RETARDS. I cant belive how fucking owned you all are. the AR15 is a PEASANT gun why the fuck would you shoot anything smaller than 308????

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Mass immigration importers are pawns of the devil (literary).
By killing people while not in ultimate self defence, you sin.
That makes the master of the immigration importers happy.
Solution? Lets discuss openly why and how some shady people get upstream social , economic and political mobility, and hows done that.
A blind man is a loser man. Remember that.


Stopped reading, Kill yourself glownigger.

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This. Zog capital wont be zog. Sorry amerimutts

Ofcourse you wont break your programming, NPC. Its understood, no mean feelings about it. Its not your fault

>You can watch TV in your cell and shit.
Isn't that against some kind of geneva convention or something?

> Tfw prisoners with no tv will be the most propaganda free people.
Prison is university confirmed

Brent kills your kind. I cant wait to see Jerusalem burn.

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Wow, it's this thread again. It's like someone is trying so hard to make him look bad. I wonder who could that be. St. Tarrant is a hero of the white race and always will be.
>spend the rest of your life in jail
Not to mention future awardee of Nobel peace prize, while we are it.

Take your pills, China.

Absolutely fucking based Aussie meme death squad.

>kill a gorillion muds
>get a decent room, food, books and gym for free
Really makes you reconsider your life

He said he won't stay in prison for rest of his life. Since he was right about everything, including being forgotten, I don't see why he would be wrong about being set free.

Agree. Stupid move. To all anons that want to go berserk. Find a girlfriend, or buy one at least. Enjoy life. We will win eventually. Because we are fucking right.

My father has TV in an American prison and he's further right now than when he went in a few years ago. Propaganda can't stand against daily experience.


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I hope he gets jumped by some angry Muslims and murdered

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>We will win eventually
>don't do nothing goy
Cemeteries are full of people who were right. Stop being such a disgrace to your fine nation.

Greater chance of that by just walking in Berlin, mate.

He killed 50 muzzies. None of the muzzies will ever dare to touch him.
They fear him. They hate him. They respect him.

Pretty sure the kebab remover wasn't removing kebabs for memes.
He was doing it to remove kebabs.

Based Taiwan.

> life in solitary
> a "Decent room"
Never visit Portugal I guess.

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You are a filthy kike in a failed cuck society how many mudslime cocks have been rammed down your poop shoot Joseph?

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He may be in prison, but he'll always live freely in here...

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Not to mention that NZ gov is surely aware that it is better to keep him alive, then martyring him in prison and making him actual saint for all copycats. He effectively made himself pretty much untouchable.

Based Anglo.


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I mean it's not a roach motel like I see in American reality TV

2019 Australian of the Year awarded to Brenton Tarrant!

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Oh look, this thread again. He's so irrelevant you need to spam about him eh Muhammad?

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yeah, go tell that to a prisoner.

Shut the fuck up amerimutt go back to your JOB working all day for Mr. Shekelburg faggot. Pay your taxes like a good goy.

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Nah, they are just trying to protect all the muzzie inmates from his burning wrath.

Is there any censorship going on in AU?
Is it legal to share/own the manifesto or video?

I can definitely accept this explanation too.

So are all the people who died. Also, the manifest lives on forever, so "irrelevant". No. Wrong.

But what he did was bad obviously and cowardly.

He will be forever relevant

I wish we could see live footage of his trial. Remember watching Breiviks trial since I understand the language

You tell me, my mate keeps yappin about how much fun he had making this vlog in kiwiland...


Who cant afford a VPN?? Its fucking 2019 get with the program cunt.

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shut the fuck up czech. nobody who isnt a faggot edge lord believes what you just said. go drink your beer and drown yourself in sexual deviance

Take your meds you overweight schizo mestizo.

Take it from an American, theres no such thing as "Reality TV" its just "TV" theres still location shoots, three hours of make-up, a script, with lines, extras, booms, grips, lights. "Reality" is just the trendy label to make idiots think their consuming something 'fresh'
Also, The "nice prisons" everyone on this thread seems to be dreaming about? they only exist for Wall Street, Trump-level Americans who have more money than god.
Nobody, nobody, NOBODY gives a shit about religion, it's just. about. the cash.

calm down you desert island faggot. you dont have to be so angry and emphasize words like JOBS in all caps. what are you our jewish president?

Hats off to Brentton!

quick! youre late for the drunken orgy! hurry before youre late!

>Fat chunk of troll memes and manchild sperg
The word manifesto doesn't really apply, it shows a high-school command of language and ideas.


take a number Cargo-Shorts

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> deser island faggot
Stealing this. Sorry, user

You mad Mudhamud?

everyone here is a retard we know
let me help a bit though it's been said, but probably 2 weeks ago so you forgot
2 weeks is the average memory span of people now
if a story makes it longer than 2 weeks then something strange has happened
because every 2 weeks a new story comes out
now it's not exactly 14 days, I'm saying this for the autists here
but that is the average time
if you look back this has been just about the way they do it
I don't know why this is a shocker but gov is involved in press and always has been and it's not just your country

anyone you talk to will not give a fuck about something now for more than about 2 weeks because the next shock will show up
usually they focus on bad things as well
everyone here usually focuses on bad things as well

there are a few novelty thoughts posted here and thats what keeps me addicted
however there is always an onslaught of repeat it till its funny and moving onto the next 2 weeks
except for faggy general threads but there is no novelty there
not very often at least
but enough of a rock to smoke in your pipe to keep you coming back

2 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks

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I've called the anti-terror hotline and given them the URL of this thread. I told them you were advocating illegal acts and spreading terrorist propaganda. Enjoy your knock on the door cunt.

But will they succeed? Is there a gate, a wall or a man who can stop him? Time will tell. What is certain there are lot of scared muzzies and sleepless nights. They can hear him in the walls.
Ever closing.
'Remember lads...'

Your are forgetting a couple things. Your Jewish Masters are not forgetting them though.

1. White Replacement is very real.
2. The (((Masters))) are trying to ban Free Speech and Gun Rights as much as possible to prevent whites resisting their Replacement.
3. The (((Masters))) are running out of White Enforcers to put a White Face on Forced Integration. (Seriously, you don't even realize how important it was for the Forced Integrationists to use White National Guardsmen to do their dirty work.)

It all adds up to very bad news for the (((Masters))) which is why they absolutely must take as many rights away from white men as possible. Especially Free Speech and Gun Rights.

Get laid mate. Never put your sexual thirst into politics, it will make you sound like a total retard.

How much do they pay you to shill here kike faggot?

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ROFL fucking lel you pathetic goy, who isnt using a VPN here seriously???

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Ive called your mum and told her to Im coming over to give her meth and fuck her face. Expect a knock in the door soon, son.

Nice spacing.

The dude changed my perspective on some things, and on some people. I was actually surprised that Richard Spencer was the only one that didn't cuck when this came out and basically said something along the lines of "This is what happens when you censor us."

Meanwhile, all the hard talking people like Striker and Cantwell were bitching out and half of Jow Forums were crying like bitches. Fucking pathetic.

This dude was the most interesting of happenings.

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Here's a dark repeat post, not exactly a repeat post but a dark one none the less.

Want to make a dent in White Replacement? I mean a really, really, big dent? Possibly blow a hole in White Replacement? You are going to have to do some dangerous activity.

If measured in Niggers, your priority target list should look like this:

Jew Master = 100,000 Niggers
White Master = 10,000 Niggers
White Good Goyim Enforcer = 1,000 Niggers

Everyone else is worth approximately 1 Niggers. The three groups above have a dramatically outsized influence on what races of people will be forced to integrate. (Pro Tip: They all get a cut of the Cheap Labor Money for working together, so don't trust them when they say they support whties or any other color. They support Cheap Labor and they need Mass Immigration to get that Cheap Labor.)

If you focus on any other group but those three, in order, you are doing those three groups two gigantic favors. First, you are serving them a propaganda victory on a gold plate. Second, you have just taken their problem children off their hands and they are now free to fight you waaaaaaaaaay harder. (They would have had to spend a lot of time keeping the Problem Children/Cheap Labor in line until you interrupted their Money Scheme.) So avoid their Problem Children and take the fight to their gathering spaces. Also spread the word on White Replacement. You are going to need allies to win this fight.

i have him in my background diashow, so i won't forget him.

besides, there is no way for an event to stay relevant.
even 9/11 is irrelevant.

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>theres no such thing as "Reality TV" its just "TV"
I know, I was being facetious

>The "nice prisons" everyone on this thread seems to be dreaming about
Idk I heard in Nordic countries the prisons are basically resorts

>I was actually surprised that Richard Spencer was the only one that didn't cuck
The people who didn't "cuck" are the Zionist Israel lovers. This atrocity was basically a direct copy of other ultra-Zionist attacks on Muslims by fanatical Jews. The comment section of Breitbart was pro murder of innocent people too. Gosh I wonder why? Could it be because they are all fucking Zionists?

If you think killing random innocent people is good for the pro-white cause you're with an imbecile or a subversive kike. Anglin, (((Weev))), Spencer and many others have been outed by this event. They showed their true Zionist colors.


>don't do nothing goyim
>especially don't rise up
>it will not be good for you, fellow pro-white patriot
Take your fucking meds


Dude... just shut the fuck up for once.


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>Are you a patriotic white man goy? Then you must support this mass murderer terrorist! You don't want to be a cuck do you goy?

Day as a lion etc.


You Jews are a curse on humanity.

>spend the rest of your life in jail
mossad don'tgo to jail


I love you


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>No, more immigrants!

Typical Jew spreading degeneracy wherever he goes.

Man I am pissed he did not praise Jow Forums but pewds.


Ohiofag Reporting

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Mate go back to Mt. Druitt you fucking methhead bogan faggot, how is uncle dad these days? You are a waste, genetic TRASH.

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>He’s retired and in Tel Aviv.
Unironically this. This is also why media coverage fell off a cliff after 5-7 days and the NZ Gov banned any material surrounding it.

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You will be shoa'd first.

Brenton Tarrant is a hero