HAPPENING. Knife rampage in the UK

I can't believe this is fucking happening. We've put up knife bins, we've had anti-knife education, we've had knife officers go around to schools and everyone is talking about binning those knives but the stabbings keep continuing.
Why won't we learn? When will we fucking just bin these implements of murder? We need to advance as a society and we are being held back by the equivalent of a sharpened stick.

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part and parcel

>ban niggers
diversity is our strength you fucking bigot.

Do you what the best thing to bring to a knife fight is?

A gun.

These MASS KNIFINGS must stop!


Coulter's law. Ethnicity of knife man not published. High likelihood her is a brown skinned Muslim. He probably yelled "Allahu Ackbar" before attacking.

Check em

Actually, within 5 feet, a knife is a lot more dangerous.

Then again, the britbongs don't have find or knives. They have up guns years ago, and all their knives are in bins

Daily reminder there are zero multicultural multiethnic nations in history that have survived.

Nobody even allowed to carry mace here, you can't defend yourself so unless you want to practice running I'm not sure what vigilant is supposed to achieve

I dunno, it's really strange, it's like people who are going to stab people are just stabbing them, don't they know that stabbing people is illegal? It's really peculiar.


They've all been fused into the Knife Golem.

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the marijuana did this
peter hitchens told me so

Ban niggers !

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he's black it says that in the pic

>12 hour rampage

sorry what?

First for all white victims by a "British national"

>butbutbut we're #knifefree!

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somebody call megaman!

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What the fuck is anti-knife education?

One of you britbongs tweet the following on twitter: I guess if knife bans aren't working it must be time to ban NIGGERS!

Report back what happens

I'm sick and tired of those idiots that just says "Ban knife! Just ban them!". Why would someone who's committing a knife crime gives a shit about a knife ban? In fact it makes it worse since they know that someone who abide the law isn't gonna stab back.

All I'm seeing here is "police urge me to become a vigilante". Sure, I'm on it.

Fucking kek

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with increased stop and search there's even less chance the law abiding citizen can defend themselves. the crim will just avoid the search points and stash their knives in the usual places, lol, the police and the government are a fucking disgrace no wonder they get laughed at they fucking deserve it, pathetic.

lol hurry up and die UK, it’s embarassing to the rest of us.

I know it's absolutely baffling, maybe his English wasn't good enough to understand the law, this is a failure of our education system. I feel sorry for him I hope he gets the education he so obviously needs.

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This is why I laugh when you guys tell us to ban guns. Mass murderers gonna mass murder. If not bombs, then guns, if not guns then knives, if not knives, then trucks of peace. It isn't the tool that causes the problem, it's the people that use the tool.

The fact that they put so much emphasis on the ‘random’ makes me think it wasn’t random, but it’s not like the British media have to be honest.


Exactly this. We have no right to defend ourselves against chavy little cunts in this country. As law abiding citizens we have one opinion left and that is to try not to bleed to death before an ambulance eventually arrives,

Why do whites just allow feral niggers to kill them?

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Been practicing knife disarm/systema and military combat drills for some time now with a friend you WILL get cut in a confrontation but it will save your life! Not a martial arts fag but just knowing how to strike/grab evade and really basic shit works get the declassified manuals from archive or even YouTube has some good vids just my 2c

I miss him.

Did all of the (((random))) victims turn out to be white?

London. It's literally just London. Everywhere besides London is seeing fluxuations of between 2-3% either way, only London is consistently rising. May's budget cuts coupled with Khan's piss poor job running the services has fucked the police department hard. They are overworked, understaffed, and now they're underpowered. The police on the ground level are in a minority compared to the kid constables with degrees investigating online crime.

London has fallen, the government has failed the youth.


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it would be racist and fascist and white supremacist to deny the black man their European right to stab and rape

It still amazes me they banned knives. I walk around with a huge knife daily, I buy grocerys with it, go to work with it. Nobody cares.

Then again, I don't go reaching for it at the first sign of confrontation, to me it's an over blown screw driver or something. Imagine you work retail and you can't open boxes or you are trapped in your car and can't cut the seat belt. GG britain.


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the guidance is run hide tell, but in my area there isn't many shops and things like that and the mobile signal is dodgy at best.

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The size of that las

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It's time for common-sense knife control

King of the units

You guys are worse than the 3rd world to allow this. Here at least people kill eachother because of witchcraft or some similar shit. It's what niggers know historically.
Now brits? Since when are brits the people who go on knifing rampages? Ban these browns asap or watch your country become Little Bangladesh.

Oi hope that cheeky wanker has his pokey bit loicense and his stabby sabby loicense. If not then by the quuen this is haram.

>All the ghoulish Yankoids in the this thread gleefully laughing and chortling as more white people are knifed down in the street.

They enjoy seeing us killed.

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please be fake.

Hopefully this means you britfags are slowly starting to die off.

>All of the people he has targeted have been walking alone and he has approached from behind without warning.
what is the correct self defence for this?

them european refugees just cant integrate can they. the need to act like them new europeans of african decent...

I just came back from london a couple of weeks ago. While I was staying in the UK I got myself a glock 9mm from a chap in brixton. Cost me 400 pounds but felt good to have a backup in case of niggers or poofta cops. Luckily I had no occassion to use it so I buried it in a private garden in sth kensington.

something something never relax

peter hitchens told me marijuana makes people really violent and go on knife attacks and this is absolute proof the stabber was on gang weed


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Best defense is to be racist and not walk in a sandnigger area.

>nog with a knife
>run hide tell

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I thought that Toast of London episode was a joke. Fuck.

Carrying knives is already banned.

Brits arent fighting back against their own genocide, why would anyone have sympathy for you?

Move out of London.

Hey guys, 4 people stabbed last night in Boston and news has not released the name of the attacker (meaning they are Muslim). Anyone have more info?

Well fuck you Britian for colonizing us and Australia with your religious psychopaths, poor and criminals and wonder why we laugh at you. Idiot.

Sure you're "white". Don't you have a goat to fuck Ahmed?

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how do Britbongs prepare dinner, without knives?

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A gun won't help you if you get stabbed from behind tho.

You're a native American then, what tribe ?

I don't even need a knife. Most of the vegetables I use I can get pre-diced and chopped in packets and the ones that need it can be run through a food processor until it is as I desire.
NOBODY needs to carry a knife, you rightfully do deserve to go to prison if you are seen carrying one in public.

I got rid of my knives about two years ago due to wanting my house to be knife free
Turns out you don't even need them.
Just buy yourself a decent food processor. Job done. You can also butter things with a soup spoon
I feel alot safer knowing my children are in a home where they are not going to ever end up hurting or stabbing themselves by accident or through the hands of an intruder

Nice stroke bro. Enjoy the 38 hour stay in the hospital waiting room.


Slight problem here, that food processor, it's got some sharp edges in it, what if some criminal from the underground food processor modifying community turns it into a deadly illegal weapon, you'll be able to dice carrots from a distance of 10 cm, just imagine what it'd do to a poor innocent child whose only out shoplifting.

>the glorification of ghetto gangster culture
who could be behind it

Also, being a white man in London who uses tools and frequently carries, leatherman, swiss army etc and knowing that if the police find me with these useful tools I will be prosecuted harshly because I'm white

>declassified manuals
Fuck off kid

Nah I’ll just stick to carrying a gun and/or avoiding “minority neighborhoods.”

You're correct, as a white male it's clear that I share responsibility for this, I'm going to write an extensive piece in the guardian explaining what it means.

Right, so not at random then?

I'm going to get a magnetic sign to put on my van reading:

>What is India, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, and Lebanon.

If you bleed to death on the street you'll get prosecuted for littering.

Bullshit I'll shoot the mother fucker as he runs off. I can shoot and bleed at the same time.

you know its not random.im sure they targeted white or white looking people

Maybe it's not the knives that are the problem
Maybe it's a certain group
Maybe the simplest solution is the way to solve this problem

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Why are Norf Eastern bongols so based?

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Based and don’tletemgetawaypilled

This and all the news about food banks and homelessness REALLY makes me feel at home in my own first world country lads, wouldn't want it any other way :^)

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Can’t. Tell. If. Cucked. Or. Trolling.

Are you fucking serious? Serious question.

Luckily I have a bleeding loicense
>apply at your post office using form
or online
and pay your fee of
>£120 annual
>£112 for 6 months

All inventions of the 20th century, and not even nations. Multinational states is more accurate.

>>What is India, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, and Lebanon.

Have you visited any of these places?

Is this a Brexit slide stabbing? A bit early, huh?

i don't know shit about the case, but it is one thing if the culprit is hiding in some alley or otherwise obscured and gets someone in the back, but if he's just walking around doing that shit that is another.

call me a paranoiac but if i'm in a public place amongst strangers i'm going to exhibit enough situational awareness (unless highly intoxicated) to know when someone is coming up behind me in a way inappropriate to, you know, just walking down the damn sidewalk.

i mean jesus, these people are strangers, man. ya'll don't know these motherfuckers from Adam, and crazy-ass people sometimes look quite normal. cold-ass killers sometimes look quite normal. it don't cost a fucking thing to look around every now and again and see when some sketchy shit is potentially going down.

It's that wry, English sense of humor you've heard about. The only thing that makes less sense is French humor.

Ban AR15 assault knifes

They should really ban knives.

Careful, nigel, that's some mighty dank wrongthink you're committing.

You bongs can’t even use pepper spray to protect yourselves. Your laws aren’t working on your immigrants.