If you vote yang
>everybody gets 1k
If everybody gets 1k, isn't it just like you give 1$ or 1.000.000$ to everyone?
If you drop an equal quantity of something in abundance wouldn't the market adjust to the surplus? I think I'm just too dumb for this political promise.
Explain to me pol
Its a financial holocaust for thr super rich
Why? Because I watched him in an interview and I didn't get any explanation on how he's going to get the money. Something about VAT being implemented in the U.S but just doing a bit of reading on my own and isn't that supposed to be regulated by each state? So it's not something that can be introduced by the President.
Also, wouldn't a sort of universal income applied equally to all income classes be pointless? All I can see is a gradual increase in prices across every economical sector. How is the 1k/per month/per capita not detrimental to inflation? I have no knowledge in regards to economics but it doesn't seem viable.
it wont cause the kind of inflation youre talking about because the money isnt being printed quantitative easing style where the money pulls its worth from other dollars already in the existing money pool. thats the explanation at least. obama dropped money on every american about a decade ago. it didnt lead to any inflation. i could be wrong. im not a supporter of yang nor obama just trying to help you understand the concept.
I agree, it's better for the US to pump billions into Israel while regular Americans continue to get nothing
Obama did not drop money on everyone. GW Bush did. A one time payment.
Thanks frend. Wouldn't it increase the price of products? Or the price of insurance?
Aren't the prices on food increasing based on the income (regardless of the costs of production)?
I understand that it's not being printed but it's still a transfer of 1,000$ dollars or didn't I understand it properly?
Isn't there a correlation between the Obama dropping money on the population and the stagnant wage increase in the U.S? And could you provide a specific example of a fiscal measure Obama did similar to the Yang proposal?
Thank you for the response.
I don't care about Israel. Jews gonna jew.
If everyone has a paying job, does having a paying job become the new unemployed?
>Wouldn't it increase the price of products? Or the price of insurance?
No, because the market would still be in competition. If your car insurance goes up for no reason your going to go shop around, and then all it takes is one company to not collude for prices to go back down.
Ofcourse it’s a dumb idea lol
What stops a consensus between the so called corporations? I've seen it in the pharmaceutical sector.
We have a minimum wage (I know you don't, but bare with me). When they raised the minimum wage, the price for goods increased. Wouldn't the 1k be the same?
Lived in commie world, not going back Joseph.
The issue with raising the minimum wage, is that in a capitalistic system a price floor or ceiling of any kind is a detriment.
By forcing empoyers to pay a certain wage for their employees, that price floor is just added to the rest of the economy and peole lose jobs.
A price ceiling is also bad because it causes shortages, The market not being able to adapt the supply to the demand.
Sounds communist to me as Emperor Yang is stating that previous gibs exist. This idea of UBI is interesting but unbalanced and unfair as long as there are adults that get more than others based on need and not based on earnings. Why not mandate 12k as the max entitlements, no more, no less?
> voting for an insectoid with literally half a brain
well they voted in a gay nigger, i guess this is an improvement
But in regards to the 1k proposal.
We are all presumed to start from 0.
You have a job that pays you let's say 4k/month, and I am a fucking retard and I got a job that pays me 1k/month.
In this case, this proposal can be beneficial only to the people that have no job.
You will be affected as prices will go up, I don't believe anyone will keep the same standard with a surplus of cash in the market.
The rich will still be rich, from what I've heard him saying, the VAT that we have in Europe affects people all across the board, not only one specific category.
It seems like a minimum wage to me or some sort of social benefits.
Thanks user for explaining a bit to me. I lack knowledge on this, guess I need to educate myself.
Yes basically it rebalances itself because you're only redistributing money, not adding any value.
Companies get taxed more and then they just increase prices and lower wages.
You end up back at zero - exactly what Yang's current poll numbers are.
You won’t get an answer on this, Yang won’t get rid of current entitlements because he is extreme left. Someone here might give you anecdotal evidence such that they only got 800 a month on food stamps and welfare. No one addresses this piece
It’s a terrible idea, and a great way to make things pricier. Not to mention no one here would get any of it, his social credit system would keep neets, and white nationalists from getting a bag.
Alright dumb nigger, 38 billion over 10 years that’s 3.8 billion a year VS 3.4-4 trillion every year (3.4 with all legal of age adults, and 4 trillion with his open border policies which would include illegals)
yes. you are
Fuck off, shitposters. Anyone pushing the number of yang outside the country only desires to watch America fail.
>Near 70 years of right wing politics
>Empire on decay (Trillions in debt, losing international presence, lowing live standards and citizen lifespan)
Still not giving a chance to "left" politics (like you were going full Stalin or else).
The idea that the US has not given a chance to left politics is naive at best, complete kike gaslighting at worst. The last 50 years has seen a complete legal and cultural change with a sharp turn to the left.
>Why not mandate 12k as the max entitlements, no more, no less?
UBI would be opt in. If you opt in then you are no longer allowed to get other gibs. This is just a clever way to kill current gibs overtime. New 18 Year old will all sign up for UBI, and at that point we would just be waiting on the rest of the population to age out of welfare. Sure it's not instant but it's a clever way to get dems to agree with removing welfare without even realizing it.
Yangs plan is to allow all law abiding illegals to enter into an 18 year path to citizenship plan, during which time they will need to pay taxes, as well as back taxes. ICE will continue to operate. This is actually really great because then it makes the illegals get fucked over, paying taxes for a UBI 18 years in the future that they will probably never get because Mexicans cant go 18 years without crime.
A clever way to get into power
So what do we do about all the other spending we need to do? Last year the US spent 4.6 trillion in total. We’d be spending 3.5 trillion only on UBI, which would fathomably give us 1.6 trillion available in spending. And that doesn’t include that year we went into debt by about 900 million dollars.
Yes, fixing problems is a very clever way to get into power. Maybe other politicians will try it sometime?
>Why? Because I watched him in an interview and I didn't get any explanation on how he's going to get the money.
How do you think money is created ? Did you saw inflation with quantitative easing ?
Im just going to paste from his website since its going to do a better job explaining it then I would.
1. Current spending. We currently spend between $500 and $600 billion a year on welfare programs, food stamps, disability and the like. This reduces the cost of Universal Basic Income because people already receiving benefits would have a choice but would be ineligible to receive the full $1,000 in addition to current benefits.
2. A VAT. Our economy is now incredibly vast at $19 trillion, up $4 trillion in the last 10 years alone. A VAT at half the European level would generate $800 billion in new revenue. A VAT will become more and more important as technology improves because you cannot collect income tax from robots or software.
3. New revenue. Putting money into the hands of American consumers would grow the economy. The Roosevelt Institute projected that the economy would grow by approximately $2.5 trillion and create 4.6 million new jobs. This would generate approximately $500 – 600 billion in new revenue from economic growth and activity.
4. We currently spend over one trillion dollars on health care, incarceration, homelessness services and the like. We would save $100 – 200 billion as people would take better care of themselves and avoid the emergency room, jail, and the street and would generally be more functional. Universal Basic Income would pay for itself by helping people avoid our institutions, which is when our costs shoot up. Some studies have shown that $1 to a poor parent will result in as much as $7 in cost-savings and economic growth.
UBI only works if all other programs are cut such as foodstamps and medicade. The argument is that having multiple programs running costs more than cutting all of them and just giving everyone $1k up to a certain income level.
I'm not for it by the way.
What problems? People that get free money from the gov that shit out babies even though they can’t afford them, people that eat themselves into diabetes then we pay for them, people that spend their whole lives and don’t save a dollar so we give them money to live, and high school dropouts that break into our country and fuck up our culture? Those problems? The ones that the taxpayers are already hemorrhaging money on, or the problem of NEETs?
Since 2000, technology has replaced the jobs of four million American manufacturing workers and decimated communities throughout the Midwest. With new developments in technology, experts are predicting that one out of three Americans will lose their job to new technology in the next twelve years.
Truck driving alone is the most common job in twenty-nine states with 3.5 million drivers – 94% of them male – and an additional 12 million workers supporting them in truck stops and motels across the country. What happens when the trucks start to drive themselves?
We are experiencing the greatest economic and technological shift in human history, and our institutions can’t keep up. Without Universal Basic Income, we will see opportunities shrink as more and more work gets performed by software, AI, and robots. Markets don’t work well when people don’t have any money to spend. Universal Basic Income is a vital step to helping society transform through the greatest automation wave in human history.
For a detailed account of why we need UBI, read Andrew’s book The War on Normal People.
Yes. Blacks currently get $1000. We need to devalue that. You're fucking dumb.
America is already failed. I want to watch it burn.
1) if yang is telling the truth then inflation won't happen
2) if yang is lying then nigger welfare is now worthless
It's a win win for white people you retard
So more unamerican. They can’t possibly figure it out for themselves. Emperor Yang to the rescue. More bodies for the Democrat’s Plantation.
Blacks would waste it on jewelry and crack then call it racist not to give them 50,000 a year for free because slavery
You mean a stimulus package?
Yes in short doses those are good for the economy. But not every month.
How do you explain the TRUMP SUPPORTERS who are now voting Yang?
This guy is just fucking awesome #securethebag
That yanglet is a economic illiterate, this shit will cause prices to go up, everyone has a free 1k.
im already giving $1000 to some people tho, arent I?
You aren’t, but yes, the wealthy are
Rabbi please.
No it's not because the money, according to Yang's plan, will not come frpm printing but from redistribution.
Face it, white people love Yang.
UBI leads to hyper inflation. They have to start it slow otherwise it'd crash the economy. But the end game is the same - economic recession.
>from redistribution
ffs.. this is literally bolshevism. we all know how that shit ended
Much race war? What do you think the military would do during?
People are starting to understand that modern conservatism (kosherservatism) = All shitskins get Gibbs and whites get to sit back and watch and dont get any assistance.
The fact is, Yang is the only canadite pushing a policy which helps whites.
He wants to give 1k a month to every white in the country. With 2 heads in a household--that 24k a year to white families. That allows for these households to have kids.
Yang is literally helping whites get this bag so they can have kids.
Yang is proposing a positive eugenics program.
There's no stoping yang-gang.
There's no stoping yang-gang. He's tapped into the same memetic energy which got trump elected originally. The spirit of 2015, the spirit of the pramaries no longer sticks with trump. Trump has lost his dynamism. The memetic energy have chosen Yang.
Get that bag 2020
Nevermind the increase in prices from the vat tax imposed on producers. People need to learn a critical lesson, corporations and producers do not pay taxes their customers and employees do.
There's no such thing as a free lunch and the money or more correctly value has to come from somewhere. The cost of living would inevitably increase as a result of this policy not to mention the loss of value caused by waste fraud abuse and inefficiency that will arise from the bureaucracy required to administer a multitrillion dollar program.
$1000 is nothing unless it's for weed only.
Andrew "Niggers get the Trigger" Yang
Former Trump voter here, not gonna lie
No you're right. Lefties are just doing their usual shenanigans of bribing people with fake money and not knowing how economics works.
It lessen the value of work as the money one can earn is a smaller proportion of his earnings.
Yang for a white ethnostate
I should get the GDP of the US every year
Why not? If we're just going to print money let's just give everyone 20 trillion dollars.
Yes, VAT would be a horrible thing for the USA.
lmao you scared of yang bruh?
Fuck you, pay me.
Remember at all those rallies he promised us the ethnostate? Pepperidge Farm remembers...
We are at least 50% left, probably more, which is why our country is shit now.
No inflation happens when the money supply increases if yang has the fed print money and then hand it to everyone then inflation will happen ubi increases the buying power of the middle class and the poor as long as the fed doesn’t just print a bunch of money inflation shouldn’t happen
1. Whatever
2. Horrible idea, all that does is raise the prices of goods for US consumers
3. It’s not new revenue, you’re just redistributing the normal flow of money,
4. Lmao this has to be a joke. Because you give somebody $1000, they will take better care of themselves and avoid the hospital? What kind of fucking retard comes up with this?
so where do you get the money from?
Taxation? Fair enough
What happens if the taxed income of a certain class isn't enough to sustain the 1k/month quota? What stops people into breeding niggers or spics like crazy? Since the poor people don't care about the costs of education and healthcare, they'll just breed like crazy.
We all know who'll fall for the 'free money' narrative, the poor black man that's unwilling to work.
Unless immediately stopping giving gibs to the worthless, then this is just taking more from whites and redistributing to a higher class of worthless
One trying to buy votes. Put accountability back into the world and survival of the fittest reasserts. No more nogs or spics to take care of. No more overbred shit tier. The world reasserts
Do you have any idea how much the government already spends on welfare? Largely to pensioners and the bloated scam that they call a medical system? This adds a bit on yes, but a fair amount of it gets made back in tax on itself, plus increased spending money = more consumption =more jobs = more income tax paid.
As for people just having babies and 'living off welfare' - you really think this is gonna change anything?
Stop the current gibs and this makes sense.
Democrats want to have less people just because they can paint the narrative of 'white people racist' and diversity is the best asset.
It's dangerous to see the new liberalism in action. Fiscal measures that help the majority(whites), tend to be neutral or hostile towards the minorities(on average).
Don't you guys think it's dangerous to imply that Yang is trying to help whites when in fact Democrats have always wanted to reduce the birthrate of the native population? Either using legislation or manipulation (pro-choice and muh woman boday)?
Every measure should look into the implications on the demographics.
Anyway, I got nothing to say in regards to the U.S, not living there, not my culture, not my society, but it feels bad because I've admired certain aspects that you value and I would be sad to see them disappear.
I actually watched all the rallies and he neither promised nor implied an ethnostate. I guess believing that is a good indicator of someone who wasn't pro-Trump back then.
And in relation to the welfare system, it's a rather complex situation from what I've read.
Aren't pensions privatized as opposed to many European states (including the one I live in) where they are state controlled/payed?
Who benefits the most out of welfare, that's the question. I understand the need of money when you hit rock bottom, but I've seen the extent and toll that it takes on the U.S, I never was for socialistic measures in the first place.
I don't know about your medical system, but I'd pay for the quality that you have as opposed to my free(now it's not so free) and universal healthcare system(remnant of the socialist state).
You assume people are disposed to pay more taxes, but I don't think so. Spending 2 trillion/year - Circus and bread - and not invest, into whatever you want, seems absurd.
Can any Eurofags chime in and tell us if VAT is good or bad? What are the consequences?
pay extra for everything you buy. Had to pay 25% extra of the price of a car.
If you vote trump
>Jews get trillions
If Jews get 1kkkk isnt is just like you give 1kkkkkk or 1kkkkkkkkk to every Jew?
If you drop an equal quanitity of something in abundance wouldet the market adjust to Jews getting our shekels?
But somehow jews still want our shekels?
Here. I made this just for you. This should help your questions a little.
Going to read it, will take a time.
You two (or one) fags are hilarious
Maybe. But not as hilarious as watching migapede boomers. Here take a sample.
Welp, I want to understand the thinking behind this political movement and what's the economical stance.
Democrats are still faggots in my eyes, but hey, I'd rather know what I hate than to hate blindly.
It is not binary shill. Trump smokes kime cock. That doesn’t obviate the fact that you are a shill for a yellow bug. This conversation is organic and interesting accept when you piss all over it.
user, I was replying to a message, why do you have to be all menstrual about it? Jeez. Way to ruin the conversation.
Don’t be so transparent next time.
Personally, I don't even hate Trump. I voted for him and was very supportive to him up until sometime in mid to late February to early march. My ideology is/was a kind of libertarian nationalism. But I have far ascended caring about fixing or maintaining this country and "ideals" at this point. Supporting Yang is like being ok about any kind of campaign result and giving no fucks about almost any little "gotchas" on him. The best part is triggering delusional larpers boomers, berniebros, and communists. A lot of it is entertainment. The memes are fun. The motives for me is also a combination of disliking Trump's actions and incompetency, blackpill, accelerationism, some optimism, mainstreaming certain issues, and burning everything down. Still, like I said before, entertainment is the prime factor. Also known as fun.
>New Yang General