I served both in the russian and in the american army

i served both in the russian and in the american army

ask me anything

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Other urls found in this thread:


do both sides server the ZOG?

Are you gay? Nobody gives a shit btw. Very mundane. Im in the fucking Navy ask me anything pussy

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Please tell me you're seal

>Are you gay?

>Im in the fucking Navy ask me anything pussy
let me guess you have never been into a gun fight

>i served both in the russian and in the american army
>ask me anything

How are you so stupid that you'd think the U.S army would admit a russian national that has a russian military record, into the U.S army?
How is it possible to be that fucking stupid?


how'd you drink that full can of turpentine without dying?

>fighting with guns
>in current year +4
If anything you had done was worthwhile it would have been bombed to oblivion. Grunts are used as fodder for PR.

if conditions are right
it takes you like a keyboard press and 2 mouseclicks and you switched
it's easy af

When you are going to cut off your dick and write a book?

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What makes you think they wouldn't? I was in basic with fighters from Iraq (from Desert Storm - 1990s, not Iraqi Freedom - 2000s). You do not have to be a US citizen to be a member of the US military. In fact, many non-citizens use it as a booster to citizenship.

With that said, I'd be interested in hearing more from the OP.

do american army squat more?

Now I know you're bullshitting. There's so much red tape when transferring to a FRIENDLY foreign state's military that I gave up on transferring from US to Canada.

Cкaжитe пo-pyccки: Spotted an enemy helicopter, over.

On vocaroo

The absolute mongs this board lmfao

Jesus Christ why are MUTTS so fucking stupid? You actual degenerate morons wow.
>it takes you like a keyboard press and 2 mouseclicks and you switched
>it's easy af
Is this telling you ANYTHING?

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>If anything you had done was worthwhile it would have been bombed to oblivion
good luck bombing a underground metro station

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no you didn't

I'm not sure about how the US army works but the Russians do take foreigners into their armed forces, with very basic requirements for consideration.
Worth considering if shit hits the fan and you find yourself fighting for trans gay pedos that are sat hat home while you're meant to do the dying.

He's even posting screenshots. I mean just WEW.

Attached: 1111.gif (432x250, 1.48M)

B кaкoй в/ч cлyжил, мaня?

Yes.... had you actually read what you responded to you'd see that it told me he was bullshitting.

Reading. It's not your strongest suit.

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>It's YOUR fault I can't read! Look at this picture! See! It's you! All because I CAN'T FUCKING READ.
Whatever makes you feel better about being a complete and total fucking moron, I guess.

Christ mate.
Like, we make fun of burgers for being generally retarded, but you really aren't helping with that stereotype.
The "ease of transfer" shouldn't have been what gave it away as fake.
The fucking battlefield screenshots and comment about HOW he changed teams should have.

he means that he switched teams in an FPS lol

>ask me anything
how come Russians don't flinch?

Lmao this thread is awesome

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sorry i don't speak russian

He твoё coбaчьe дeлo гдe я cлyжил, дeвcтвeнник

What was your K/D?

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Leave it to this genius hereto explain to us the red tape of switching from the US to Russian military IRL tho.

Ah, so now I'm a retard because I don't sit around playing pretend war all day instead of actually being in the military. You're just as idiotic at the other person.

Anyway sorry I insulted you so much, it was uncalled for. I'm having a rough day.
But yeah, turn on your brain next time.

Have you played V?
I refused to cos of the shit beta, followed by the insulting twitter campaign etc.
I loved 3 (scout with shotgun/ darts master race) and used to get kicked from tdm servers cos my mates and I would leapfrog off one another's spawn beacons, parachute in and shotgun niggas so much that they'd rage report us to admins.

I miss those days, why'd bf have to get so shit?

The point is that you took OP's bait the moment you started explaining the intricacies of switching militaries IRL lol
That's all.

Hahaha oh mate.
You really aren't helping yourself here.

I don't know why you're continuing this line of attack. You were the one who failed to read what you responded to. My brain is working perfectly fine... because I can read, you see.

Do you have over 300 confirmed kills?

>I'm having a rough day
I know that feel. Keep your head up, fren.

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I can confirm that the US Army prior to a certain date accepted enlistees from the Russian Federation. I met a guy when I was at West Point who was born in and served in the Russian Army and then was able to join the American Army. He told me the program ended a several years ago when tensions between the US and Russia built back up again.

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I responded previous to that... but I wouldn't expect you to know that, given that you can't read. Further, if you had any actual real-world knowledge of the subject you'd see that you can START the process almost exactly as he described. However, starting and completing are two very different things.

Yeah any "transfer" of service between two semi-hostile nations should be impossible unless you are ether a traitor, a mercenary (like the mercenaries of former Russian armed service members fighting currently in syria as an example), or both

Oh God.
The entry requirements for the us military must be so fucking low.
And here I thought the "jar heads" shit was a Hollywood exaggeration.

Keep digging there private! You'll find your way out of the trench eventually!

Do you often take things personally when they're not said to or about you at all or is this a one-off event?

when i first got into battle it was horribly low
i am now serving for 5 years with breaks
today usually between 3 - 4 but i had battles where i had 19 - 0 etc.
i sometimes record them


OP sounds like a cool dude

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He was born in the Russian army? Did he come out of his babuhska with an AK in his hand?

What's it like to be the Army's punching bag for 30 decades.

>played V
never and i am not planing to either

which class and weapon do you main?

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Rakhmilevich is that you?

Born in Russia and served in the Russian Army. I didn’t have too much interaction with him because he was either with the 82nd or the 101st and was only attached for the basic training cycle for our new cadets.

VSS w/ extendos + assault for endless stealth mode operations

>tfw I just realized what you're getting at
Btw how many medals you've got?

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I still play bf3. Fucking colonel 100s in every servers being absolute Koreans. Still the best of the series

What if you have a case like: Russian, do armed service in russia, (mandatory) get educated, go to USA, work a white collar office job for like 6 years, want to get citizenship, choose to go to army or marines or whatever to get it.
How would that go?

not clear favorite anymore
i came to a point where i decide according to the situation, area etc

i can use almost all weapons good today

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do you serve in the hardcore Division ? the ones with 60HP and no HUD ?
i also transferred from Area of Operation 3 to Area of Operation 4 in hardcore division , we shoot chinks all the time.

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That’s essentiay what the guy I knew did. He was a conscript and then through some program during the earlier part of the Second Gulf War was able to join the US Army. That program doesn’t accept Russians anymore but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was called.

>fake & gay
Post DD214 faggot

Or fake.

Hardcore was rushed and terribly implemented
No its not "hardcore" that you don't know how many magazines you have left

Where's your DD214 you homosexual LARPer?

You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.

Post DD214 or admit this is a gay LARP.

I've not seen this in years.

60HP , no 3rd person in vehicules , no health regen for infantry and vehicules , no HUD , mag dump even if not empty , no 3D spotting , no killcam , most weapons kill you with few bullets , having a supressor and hiding in bushes/grass actually means something , etc...
i'm talking about BF4 of course , best hardcore , imo BF4 hardcore is the entry to games like Squad or Arma later on.
i'm still playing it.

your deployments are just on a fucking boat, same exact shit as your training. do you regret it?

Are you commissioned now? It seems like there are more officers on 4chin than enlisted.

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I know what it is, but you still fail to address the fact that there's no way to check ammo count or at the very least number of magazines left. That's not hardcore its completely retarded and for all your "realism" just forces people into assault and endless ammo box spam

Playing vidya doesn't qualify as serving in an army fucktard.

What was your MOS?

not really , with experience you just know how much mags you have left , most people learn to play HC without spamming bullets at nothing and since you kill things much faster you don't need half a mag to kill one guy.
HC is all about experience , try playing on a Bangbus server or BEAR server and you'll see how good they play (bangbus inf only servers are the hardest).

Play squad instead you faggot.

And bf4 was where the series started going to shit btw, mall-ninja unlock spam/no difference between weapons/shit maps
And dont give me that shit about skill ya noob, when I meet a frenchie that knows how to play fps Ill send you a message lmao

you're playing from Austria , i didn't even know you had servers there.
git gud.
BF4 was the last good Battlefield.

Scrubs that cant get headshots play bf "hardcore" I dont even have to log on to know that most pro autists play default which makes all you "arguments" shit
You're just some arab scrubbie shooting people's kneecaps for 1hk LMFAO

nah you just play default because you want to use 3D spotting , you're not shooting at players but at icons , you can't even hide in default BF4.