cant you just kill them or something?
it's all so tiresome
Atleast now we know its the britfag royal dipshit who push this agenda.
Jews would never be so effective
And something else has risen.
>Islam will stop degeneracy
l o l
brown women love BBC even more than white or Asian women. It's just that their wombs have been bound by society.
Your internal homosexuality gauge?
daaamn degenerates getting degenerated by even bigger degenerates.
I can't even believe I'm saying this to a Muslim memeflag, but seeing this filth hit your community makes me feel compassion for you guys. Fight it to the bitter end brother. Take it from a leaf; going down swinging, face down in the mud, is infinitely better than the alternative.
No big deal. Just niggers fucking sand-niggers.
This is what you get for giving them internet