Honest question: why are right wingers such pussies?
Honest question: why are right wingers such pussies?
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Conservative ideology is intellectually lazy and leads to stagnation in thinking.
>want a violent revolution
>cant deal with a locked door
as history shows us time and time again, when right wingers defend themselves, they become the criminal. nice bait though, heres your 1/10 score and free (you).
because doing anything else would have had the headlines "Alt-right white supremacists attack LGBT march"
>conservative ideology
youre an idiot
Says the country that threw it's poor people into the fire while their rich selfish Commissar's sit back and enjoy the show.
Communism really is the Politics of Sheep.
>Fight me you Nazis!
Okay Timmy now run off and finish your homework
There's way more antifa than Golden Dawn members
Why didn't you light the building on fire, if you're so hard? I bet what happened was just you yelling tired old slogans and them turning up the music and ignoring you like a salty ex gf. And like a salty ex you're now talking shit about them to people who dont care, el oh el
It looks like they bomb the place every other month.
Leftists are low IQ psychopaths
>why wont golden dawn let us kill them
Good night. HAHAH
Based Ukrainians dabbed on kalmunists in Odessa a couple years back by burning the building they were jerking off in while nigger lefties just shout their stupid slogans
>> Greece
>> angry tourist shop owners and rich college kids harrass people
>criminals attack law abiding citizens trying to goad them into becoming criminals too
>citizens peacefully abide the law and let the elected and trained authorities take out the criminal trash
Sounds like GD simply took the high road instead of falling for antifas taunt. Rightwingers are demonized by the media and leftists are showered with apologies and awards of 'bravery'. I wonder if antifa would do anything if they didn't have the MSM and establishment supporting them. If they were actual rebels - like right wing groups in Europe - would they speak as bravely?
Because if they had tried to defend themselves they would give a reason to our retarded leftist government to outlaw the Golden Dawn
Why does the media hail you as hero's?
Why do European bankers fund your organizations?
At the extremes of current capitalism owned by (((them))) there's zero fucking difference between the two.
because if you go rogue and attack sth you are prepared. the ones you attack are not.
>Nazis r right-wing