Married a roastie. Have been secretly fucking the teen daughter for years AMA
Married a roastie
Years? If she's a teen now, how many years was she an acceptable age. Actual answer is at no age is such depravity ok
She’s 19 now I have committed no crime
if this is real, i have quite a few questions
>why did you marry a roastie?
>is she attractive?
>how would you rate her as a wife?
>has she ever cucked you or do you suspect she has?
>how did you hookup with the daughter?
>has your wife ever been suspicious?
>is the daughter roastie?
Thats against the bible, you dumb shit
Cool fantasy, faggot
I’m an old 40 fag so basically had to marry a roastie. She’s not bad. 8/10. She’s ok I don’t suspect she’s cheating, but honestly I don’t really give a fuck anymore I’m swimming in 10/10 teen pussy
Buy a dog and you’ll be living the Canadian dream
About 2 years ago when she was 16 there was a bad ice storm and power outage. Wife was stranded at work. Step daughter came into my room “scared” in the night and asked to sleep in here. I resisted at first then said fine. Next I woke up and she was grinding her little pussy into my hardon. Ended up fucking he shit out of her all night. Mom works swing shifts so we fuck in the afternoons before she’s home from work almost every day.
There's actually nothing in the Bible against fucking your daughter, let alone stepdaughter. Pretty much everything else, but not this.
Adultery is punishable by death in the Bible.
You should unironically KYS. You’ve ruined that girl, ruined any shot she had at a relationship with her mother, you’re exploiting a young child that clearly has problems and instead of being a stand up guy and helping her or even just ignoring her you did the worst thing you could have done you’re weak and pathetic. Again, KYS.
too old.
Virgins are retarded. I’m sure she was waiting to be your pure waifu before I came along
fake & gay april fools.
No bitch I have four kids. Literally did security on rock tours in my younger years and had access to all sorts of depravity with young women. And I am now also a 40 year old man with a wife and kids. You are disgusting and should actually kill your self. That is a child. And you’re old enough to have an inkling of the damage you’re doing to her and what you’re costing her and you’re too selfish to give a fuck. KYS pic related
She was 16 when this all started
Which is legal here ftr
Are you going to dump your wife for her daughter? She's a good age to start a family.
I want some of that. I’m a little younger than you. What is the approach angle with young chicks like that?
She came on to me so I don’t really know tbqfhfam
You’re just jealous of him. I sure am. She will be fine. He needs to dump her mom and make a fuck ton of babies with her.
so you bang mother and daughter? possible ffm inf or you? also it isn't your daughter , isn't it?
also kys degenerate
You’re so lucky bro!
Then you deserve each other as both of you are degenerate.
You’re just jealous. What the fuck is wrong with people? Men have been fucking teens since forever and girls that age fucking adore a man twice their age.
It’s really tight and pink.
I’ll bet it’s nice. What are you going to do about the situation long term? Does she have a teen boyfriend too? Is she getting jealous when you spend time with her mom?
And you should kill yourself as well.
Haven’t really thought about it Long term desu even though it has been years. She does get a little jealous of mom when we go out. Other than that things are cool. She had a bf last year but he was such a little teen dweeb there’s no way he forcefully fucks her like I do
You fucked a 16 year old though bro. Is that legal in canland?
Are you going to leave your wife for her daughter?
No I’m sorry I’m not going to. I’m going to marry a 18 or 19 year old. Maybe you’re daughter. And you’re going to meet me and say wow user, you’re a really great guy!
>Implying she wasn't already ruined
Kill yourself white knight
It’s legal. JUST
I don’t know it would probably cause some consternation around the Easter table but it’s not outside the realm of possibility
you might have to find her a lt boyfriend. This could be a disaster in the making.
You're a degenerate.
Do you have any kids with the mom?
You’re just jealous of him shut the fuck up faggot.
Dump the old bat, marry the daughter. Make some children. If anyone in the family disapproves, fuck them off out of your lifes.
Alright. Show the roastie who's boss then. Make sure you don't get divorce raped or set up later by the daughter. Young girls can be vindictive and shitty.
T. Fucked a lot in highschool
No I’m starting to think the daughter might be a good vessel for my seed though. Never wanted kids before
Wow that’s a really liberal application of that word. Telling an old man to stop fucking children isn’t what a white knight is. This is one gen x to anther. Zoomer don’t have prespective yet.
What a faggot
If you’re 40 like OP no I’m really not.
>being this much of a white knight faggot
I am in complete control of the daughter. She hasn’t sperged out at all in two years and she’s pretty cool about it. We don’t get romantic other than sex and it’s mostly aggressive forceful sex that she loves as do I. Not worried about losing my house or money we have a prenup
Both you and the daughter are at at good age to make a family. Talk to her about it. You are lucky. I'm too old now
This. If OP is telling the truth he should kill his self. This is what all that stepdaughter porn does to people.
Based and redpilled did the teen daughter consent tho ?
attention span of people is like five minutes.
A couple million dollars would change your mind. You’re a faggot.
Pfff maybe the bluepilled New Testament but according to the redpilled Old Testament OP is a golden
Post pics of the stepdaughter faggot