Do you think I'm going to get fired?

Do you think I'm going to get fired?

>be openly gay
>start dating women this year because I want to be married and have my own family like my siblings and my parents and grandparents before me
>women at work seem to be mortified.
>I tell them that I want my life companion that grows old with me to be a woman
>they tell me I can always adopt
>I say I want my own and that one of the most important factors in being a good parent is self sacrifice and desu I'm over my manslut ways and its no way fulfilling. remind them too that when men get married they give up other women so what's the difference here
>they say I can do surrogacy
>I say I want my kids to have a loving father and mother. not that parent 1 and parent 2 nonsense
>triggering occurs
>they start narrating me like I'm some self loathing gay even though I have always been openly gay

anyways someone must have reported me because I got notified that I have a meeting with HR. does that mean I am going to get fired?

can I turn it around and say that they are being homophobic to me?

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Absolutely. They are likely trying to set you up because you said the two parent whatever thingie and they took offense.

Definitely play the homophobia card- say that they are denouncing your right to pursue your own child because you're gay and that this kind of discrimination is harmful to the gay community.

Also bring up that they made your personal orientation an office spectacle, and that you did not warrant it by saying you want a family.


Turn the situation around and call THEM homophobic lol

U might be bisexual

Dude, stoo fucking bitching about your personal life at work. We are tired of hearing about it. I dont care if yiu want to fuck goats and masturbate inside of dumpsters, but I sure as fuck dont want to hear about it.

Selffish bastard. You deny said woman the right to be truly loved. You selfish motherfucker.

Imagine the woman who married a guy man so he can have biological offspring, while he goes off to fuck other men anyway.

I'd kill myself. People are rightly worried.

OR you're just fucking bi you dimwit.

Congratulations on returning to the rightful path.

you might be gay gay, it cancels out so you're not actually gay in the end

Think about this logically. What actual work rules have you broken that could get you into trouble? What could they have actually reported you about.

Also this If that's the angle they're going for.

If you're wondering why they're mad, it has little to do with protecting homo rights and norms - they're just scared they might also end up with a man who doesn't love them and isn't remotely attracted to them, and you're showing them this can happen. They can throw all their love and emotion into someone only to find out that he's gay, and isn't interested in them. That's likely why they're triggered, if you hadn't yet realised yourself.

Well, I mean, yeah OP. You're a sick fuck who doesn't deserve children not because you're gay, but because you think you can claim to be gay AND date a women for the sole purpose of having children. Like, do you realize that being gay is a protected class, OP? You sound dishonest at every possible level: from claiming you are gay when clearly you are either bi or something else, to thinking that dating a woman is only a matter of getting her pregnant and not seeing that as an unhealthy and bad thing, to thinking that losing your job is more important than lying to your partner about your sexual orientation.

Like, OP, it's okay if you were gay at one point or you felt like you were, but that's not why you're a piece of shit. You sound like a straight-up psychopath.

>to thinking that losing your job is more important than lying to your partner about your sexual orientation.
you are a meme

No. It's legitimately weird. He has a fear of the hypothetical consequences of his actions rather than a desire to correct the issue itself. It's ass backwards. My wording was poor: yes everyone needs a job. However, the fact that he is more afraid of losing his job than he is willing to correct records is ass-backward.

you're not gay and should probably quit calling yourself gay.

t. gay man

This. Mother fucker is posing.

Bishits gonna bishit.

OP i don't know if i must admire you or despise the raging faggot that you are.

You just owned these dumb sluts, essentially telling "i can have all the sex i want and you women won't use it as a currency and i can have a heterosexual family too, bitches".
Their reaction is just coming from their damaged egos (well done on that!) : it's hard for a woman to see a man on which they cannot have any power.

My advice : just get out of this situation in HR (it could be meaningless for all they could care) and just continue living your life
Again i dunno, maybe you're this kind of pervert that is living the life that everyone could ever dream... Well apart the gay part obv.

Well done, well done queer friend.

And yet here you are in a place where strangers often tell their life stories....

not a workplace you dumb fuck

based AF
Is right
turn it on them depending on what HR says to you. Get outraged and berate them for even making it an issue.
PLEASE post tomorrow and let us know how it goes. This is one of those threads I need closure on.

Here's some vocab for you:


bro you got the best of both worlds

ignore thoes slags

start using words like discrimination, and homophobia and Lawsuit and you'll have no problem

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You sound like someone who has a lot of unnecessary conversations. Why are you telling your coworkers all these startlingly personal not to mention controversial plans? Why do you believe they care? You really should put a lid on it and avoid rocking the boat anymore if you need this job

I'm honored to witness our experts on felching and buttsex come out of the woodwork to cleanse the sacred name of homosex from the poser scum of the likes of OP. Truly gentlemen among men among men.

What made you decide that telling a bunch of women at work about all this unnecessary personal shit was smart?