Do you prefer

Do you prefer
a) a person that talks a lot, speaks before thinking, tries to keep conversations going and is uncomfortable with silence, tries to joke but is seldom above dad jokes and puns
b) a person that is mostly silent, thinks thoroughly before responding, is still humble and welcoming when they do speak, doesn't share their life stories or opinions, also doesn't require your opinions but will respond when asked

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c) A well-rounded person who knows when he should speak and when to keep quiet.


Can't imagine that being an option. I'm a) and wishing I was b).

I'm b) but I rather date an a) but without the jokes.

B most of the time but my girlfriend is an A and that is one of the reasons I am attracted to her.

Well then I'd prefer b).

So you guys actually enjoy being with people that never shut up, never say anything with substance, are prone to blurt random shit and opinions on whatever they're seeing or hearing as a reflex, essentially extremely cringy and immature?

Yeah, it's interesting to see people with a different introspective than myself.

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I've always felt like it's this personality of mine that has ruined all relationships for me. I'm unwanted and unlikable exactly because of these things. I constantly annoy everyone around me. I join a conversation and make everyone sigh in irritation.
I feel that if I went b), I could have a chance at making a friend again, maybe become likeable again.

i'm b) and wish i was a).

How come?

>doesn't share their life stories or opinions, also doesn't require your opinions but will respond when asked
how is this a positive? Sometimes you like people to share a bit about themselves. I mean I'm pretty much b but I try to be more a because I hate being so quiet.

People knowing anything personal about me aside from anything they might pick up by just watching me, is too much information. People aren't interested in general but I'm exceptionally boring to know personally.

Your edgy is a bad joke in itself.


usually B but A when im drunk.
I also am A when im drunk. Otherwise B
Also in some other situations i prefer A.
When I meet a stranger i'd prefer someone who knows how to keep a converstion smooth, especially when i need something pragmatic from them. Also when on parties or in restaurants.
or more distant friends you're more likely to go do stuff with than have intimate conversation. It's way better to have someone extroverted with you on activities that are high energy or need a lot of input. It's a lot more fun than with people who mostly shut up
I'd prefer B in close friends or SO's. Because then you actually need someone who can listen and talk about your problems/feelings. Relationships are more rewarding this way

Also, this is a huge false dichotomy, you cant just divide the entirety of humanity into: introverted and intelligent vs extroverted and shallow. There's an entire spectrum between that and reality is a lot more nuanced than that.

short answer: depends on the situation

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I'm b and I prefer a by far. Whenever I'm around another introverted person, we just keep stepping around, nobody wants to actually talk about anything and it's all super awkward. At least a actually shows interest in talking with me. Maybe I have a personal peeve with myself then, I dunno.

OP here again. I get what you guys are saying but in my experience I'm always the only one who really gets into talking, who can just go on and on if the subject interests me. Normally maybe one guy in my group of 6 responds at best. It's obvious that I overtalk and go on and on about things noone cares about. Being a) makes me extremely lonely.

Somebody has to be the yin to the introverts' yang. I think a group of people consisting of solely either category would be dysfunctional to some degree.

Well there's at least one guy in it that can talk excessively too, but he's always a know-it-all about it (whereas I literally just ramble whatever word comes to mind). It might be getting sick of hearing him that made me truly realize that I'm probably even more annoying. Noone should have to endure me.

>autistic silence
>takes forever to respond
>overthinking stupid reply
>I am very smart and think about everything I say, libtard
>can't be wrong because he thought about it
>nice guy, very welcoming
>tells you that he is humble
>so humble he jerks himself off on Jow Forums
>awkward silence is welcoming
>has nothing to talk about
>doesn't keep conversation going
>mysterious past
>has no opinions
>puts opinion on Jow Forums to bash talkative people and stroke ego
>doesn't care what you think
>creates poll asking what people think
>will respond if he has to
>doesn't make dad jokes


>teleports behind u
>unsheathes katana
>stabs you in the but
>nihil personalis hedum

>being calm is the same as being a nihilist weeb

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