Eco-Fascism Thread

>Increase your self-sufficiency
>Stop consumerism

Remember: Jews and Niggers hate Nature

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Other urls found in this thread:!Uqw3EQRb!xSvmjBUsADDjHO975w9Imw!Inh12IrI!bsn75guEcpEAfambHEB_mg!aGZQxSjQ!XTz_CgxtESiDHKDT_5-1ZQ!Vz5QxKzL!SyHJcB-v1Fidr9s1gj6rSQ!x3oThIyZ!xkUETo2ohzI5bD_iAZ9p4w!4ih3CY7D!CSU8HmnToLKQ9xUKpbffVg!xzwDgY6K!9krfezP_JpDVogCQWYIvZQ!pnglDITb!C7bH2dIGF2qgY3KIPtQAow!d6o1jIYJ!Hm5HWpgyEPFWTGKpVhtZKA Side of Mountain.pdf[Open] 12-33 The Defense of Duffer's Drift.pdf

Protip: use seed bombs.

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i'm not in the countryside but in the suburbs my famiy has got chickens, some veggies and soon bees. Things start to look good. I will help them out as soon as i go back although i am not very "manual myself". Any tips on how to make honey? ( idk anything about it)
apparently you can make some even in the city
you can also do some gardening and have chickens. In some cases cities also have sheeps (mine has got a few of these)


>crafts and diy!Vz5QxKzL!SyHJcB-v1Fidr9s1gj6rSQ
>welding and blacksmithing!x3oThIyZ!xkUETo2ohzI5bD_iAZ9p4w
>psss you wanna some philosophy?!4ih3CY7D!CSU8HmnToLKQ9xUKpbffVg

>welding and blacksmithing!x3oThIyZ!xkUETo2ohzI5bD_iAZ9p4w

>food and nutrition!xzwDgY6K!9krfezP_JpDVogCQWYIvZQ

>bushcraft and survival!pnglDITb!C7bH2dIGF2qgY3KIPtQAow

>politically incorrect!d6o1jIYJ!Hm5HWpgyEPFWTGKpVhtZKA

some stuff from last time

Also check

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One of my ducks was killed yesterday. I'm not sure if an eagle or a coyote got it. All I know is that I saw a pile of feathers out in the yard and knew immediately that poor rocky got eaten. She was a good duck, and laid many good eggs.

This was my duck. I still have 20 more, but she was unique and kind.

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EightChans /offgrid/ board might be dead, but it still has a few relevant infographics everyone could use.

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RIP Duck

It will be remembered

F Duck

RIP Rocky duck

Thanks guys. Living like this, you've gotta get used to your animals dying from time to time. I try not to pick favorites, but man some of them will grow on you without even realizing it. I have ducks I'd kill without feeling bad for a second, and I have ducks that I wouldn't kill unless I was starving. I really recommend getting ducks though. They lay bigger eggs that taste better, and they're quieter than chickens. Also, I think they're more aesthetically pleasing to have roaming around.

The downside is that they've got personalities that really shine, and you start to like them a bit too much, haha.

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I grew up around free range chickens, I think the same is true for them, they have distinct personalities and honestly I feel a little bad when I eventually eat them.

Thank you!

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I used to have a pet duck that I kept at home in the middle of the city. then one day my dad traded it for some grapes

We are all subjects of biology.

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That is the most Romanian thing I'm ever going to read. Sorry about your duck.


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probably eagle or some other type of bird of prey, they defeather their kills, yeah a coyote might rag doll and knock some feathers loose, but a bird of prey will intentionally rip them out of their kill

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As I said. Over at /offgrid/ there is a small colection of images and pdfs

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Botanist living on an off-grid permaculture farm I built myself, ask me stuff. Wouldn't be posting but it rained a hair and can't work the ground today, likely not even with a broadfork.

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>Jews hate Nature

Confirmed false.

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Do you use any heavy machines like tractors? I don't know how feasible it would be to plow large areas without one

Anything useful you can do when living in a city? We got lawns, so can't plant trees or flowers.

Thanks. It will be useful.

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Indoor gardening is always an option.


Yeah they did a good job of turning a desert into a paradise.

Yeah, plant Kudzu around buildings of business', people or organizations you hate.

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Paradise is a bit strong, imo, but farming was a huge part of the original colonization movement in Israel.

It looks beautiful but I'm sure it's a nightmare.

>Halakhah is the antithesis of the laws of nature. The latter are cruel: there is no charity in nature; there is no mercy. There is no safety net in nature for marginal beings. The strong eat the weak. The old are abandoned.

>There is no equality in nature or anything resembling democracy. Nature should be feared. Volcanic eruptions sometimes cause as much damage as atom bombs. Earthquakes wipe out communities. The expression “forces of nature” has a clear undertone of uncontrolled violence.
>In reference to individual acts of repair, the phrase “tikkun olam” figures prominently in the Lurianic account of creation and its implications: God contracted the divine self to make room for creation. Divine light became contained in special vessels, or kelim, some of which shattered and scattered. While most of the light returned to its divine source, some light attached itself to the broken shards. These shards constitute evil and are the basis for the material world; their trapped sparks of light give them power.

>According to the Lurianic account, the first man, Adam, was intended to restore the divine sparks through mystical exercises, but his sin interfered. As a result, good and evil remained thoroughly mixed in the created world, and human souls (previously contained within Adam’s) also became imprisoned within the shards.

>According to the Lurianic account, the first man, Adam, was intended to restore the divine sparks through mystical exercises, but his sin interfered. As a result, good and evil remained thoroughly mixed in the created world, and human souls (previously contained within Adam’s) also became imprisoned within the shards.

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Ruined by that "permies" cultist piece of shit. I forget his name but you know the one. Robbed brainwashed hippies blind after making them invest thousands of hours into watching his propaganda videos before selling everything they owned to hand over to him, abused the fuck out of children? He's still at it and it's so fucked it just has to he a psyop. Guy calls his followers "ants" or something.

>It looks beautiful but I'm sure it's a nightmare.
That's the point.

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My experience tells me otherwise. I mean, not only are quite a few prominent naturalists, Jews, but Israel itself was founded in part by a "back to the land" agrarian movement.

Look up the "kibbutzim."

Or do a mitzvah and plant a tree in Israel:

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It's ironic how in biology a rapidly-growing foreign organism is a big fucking problem but in politics it's "vibrant diversity."

sorry to hear this bro


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The whole Jewish weltanschauung is contrary to environmentalism. They put man above nature. For (((them))), the environment is just a passive thing to be exploited (e.g. Marx).
Sure, there can be individual Jews or Jewish that are pro-environment. But they are a minority. Jews are mainly city-dwellers.

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*Jewish groups

I don't think there necessarily is a unified Jewish worldview to the extent Jow Forums believes in although you are correct in pointing out that Jews are overwhelmingly urban-dwellers.

City-dwellers don't necessarily hate nature, though. What country are you from? Here in Canada many urban-dwellers are passionate outdoorsmen in their downtime including myself.

>They put man above nature.
That's all abrahamic religions.

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If anyone has this shit in their yard, call your local conservation officers. It's an invasive species, and when the sap combines with sunlight, it can give you terrible burns, blind you, etc.

Nothing wrong with permaculture, don't let some hippie dumbass ruin an entire agricultural technique for you, lol.

It is painful to touch. I would say forget the conservation officers (they don't have time for that shit) get a solid pair of gloves and eye protection and uproot that shit yourself.

Burn the plant afterwards.

Tf? I love nature, it's all you see here

Or utilize as an attack on the cancer that is modern society.

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Yeah Jow Forums sometimes go too far with their generalizations like holy shit Jews and Negroes are humans who are fully capable of loving their families, enjoying nature, working productively, etc.

It's just a difference of statistics or averages, not absolute black-and-white divergence.

It has to be disposed of properly otherwise it will spread, and you have to practically wear a hazmat suit when handling it. I'm pretty sure the smoke is noxious too

We are talking about statistical averages here. Nothing personal. There are many good blacks and awful whites, of course.

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Wouldn't it be easier to just get rid of the Jews and niggers?

Population control in Africa is the most important environmental issue nowadays. And nobody in the MSM media is talking about that.

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Right now, no. Not opposed to it, but I'd have to go across the hills with an excavator to make it feasible to drive a tractor safely on the property.

I've worked out 14 or so acres of virgin land, by myself, with a broadfork and chainsaw. A lot of work, but it's profitable enough to pay dividends.

Lol. Every time someone in Western liberal media mentions "overpopulation" I start to understand why Nazis occasionally shoot up Mosques and Synagogues.

Yep. Read more about Sepp Holzer to find someone doing good work that isn't one of (((them))).

>Do you use any heavy machines like tractors?

There is nothing wrong with technology per se. It is how we use it. Of course it is not feasible to plow large areas without tractors.

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And (((they))) have the nerve to say that (((they))) don't want to genocide us.

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The message, deliberately or not, seems to be that white Westerners should stop having kids so we can accept the overpopulation of the Third World to replace us.

It's only fair.

I am not a neo-Nazi but this kind of shit makes me understand where you are coming from.

Again, I don't disagree with the fact that technology can be used for good (holy hell I wish I had a mini ex right now), but I literally plow giant areas with nothing but a broadfork, by myself, right now. You don't NEED one, even to turn a large profit, it's just a lot of work. I mean a LOT.

Then again, you couldn't pay for a workout this good.

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I agree with you. But as you said, you also spend a lot of time, that could be invested in other activities.

F bro. Hope you can catch the fucker with a gun next time

R.I.P duck

You can't run from politics anymore. There has been geengineering and HARRP for decades now. The sun is now white when it used to be yellow.

They already changed the atmosphere. It was as simple as putting aluminum, barium and strontium in the jet fuel admix.


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come on

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Go innnawoods and eat your fucking organic then. It's still going to rain toxins on them.

It's why I insist on emphasizing both points, to give you an idea, I'm projected to make enough off this season, to not only pay the land off and be financially independent for the rest of my days, but have capital to get things like a mini ex and more land to work.

For your average guy, I would recommend a cheap old tractor on flat ground, or a grillo/bcs walk behind with a berta rotary plow on hills, for terracing.

Though I swear I could outpace a normal rototiller with this giant broadfork, the trick is to use institutional/professional level tools instead of consumer-level, an example would be using shitty home depot chainsaws to log, you just couldn't do it and it would endanger you to try, not to mention taking exponentially longer.

Also depends on the crop. It's quite easy to grow all your own food with modern hand tools, it's a bit different to work enough land to make a good living with the same, but it is possible. And, considering hours worked, I'm likely better off than your average cubicle wage-slave.


Also, why is geoengineering the redpill everyone has a problem with? I'm beginning to think when people feel powerless against a thing they simply pretend it's not happening. Must be how pedos get to run shit.

>Giant hogweed
Delete this

>clean the seas
>implying anyone can clean the immense oil, filth, corpses, blood, human waste and radiation being deliberately spilled in it every day

>(e.g. Marx)
ofc because kapitalism doesnt amirite?

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Both Capitalism and Communism are Jewish poison.

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thx fren


depends on the countries i guess.
Here the town is mostly christian while muslims and atheist rather stay in big cities

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got more infographics if you want

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got also these
Historical Lessons: Side of Mountain.pdf[Open]

The Defense of Duffer’s Drift 12-33 The Defense of Duffer's Drift.pdf

Maneuver Warfare Handbook


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>"Ecofascism, more than any other right-wing movement, is destined for a surge in popularity the closer we come to environmental collapse. The earth’s ecosystems may very well collapse before liberalism, and when they do, the effects will be felt much more acutely. The anti-civilisation movement is tapping into dark territory that eco-activists won’t discuss publicly, but will stay up late thinking about."

What do you think?

also for my merrican friends

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tree cover

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Eco-fascism is pro-civilization. Because there is no healthy civilization without a healthy environment.

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My wife had a bunch of Cochin chickens that were really friendly. Not very consistent egg layers, but they were super friendly. The top dog roster was friendly as hell and let my wife carry him around and pet under his wattle. She cried bitterly when a weasel killed him and our ducks one night.

You got my sympathies, bro.

'Eco-fascism' doesn't exist. It's just National Socialism which placed great value on the environment.

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"Save the bees" meme needs to die. Bees are not dying and even if they were it wouldnt be a disaster like everyone thinks. Its still good to keep the world clean.