When asked if they are white supremacists/etno nationalists, many fascist will answer that they believe that "every race and culture has its place and that they should be preserved".
That is the most cucked answer they can give, in order to sound more "rational and reasonable".
No, we as fascists do not have to justify our actions in front of anyone, we follow our path, a path of greatness, power and dominance.
We should strive for total dominance, we should colonize and subjugate the rest of the world just like our forefathers, we should enslave every non european male, and our european warriors should impregmate every non european women, just like the romans did, that is the true race war, a man has virtaully unlimited seeds, so he can inpregnate as maby women as he wants, while a womancan bear a child only once every 10 months.
When asked if they are white supremacists/etno nationalists...
>Another limp-wristed retard trying to live out his fantasy
Kill yourself.
I just came here for the dump of brown beauties, don't mind me.
I would say my plan to save the world but this is Jow Forums and is a globalist web page, but it is actually extremely easy you don't even need firearms just the desire to commit the biggest mass genocide on earth.
Nothing wrong with that, you should find as many brown ladies and impregnate them with your european seed.
Unfortunately, I am not in a situation where I can do this. Should my circumstances change though you can bet money on just that.
We gotta get our numbers up before we can colonize again. Right now, if white guys from America or Britain were to settle somewhere else, there would be even less of the dwindling white population
First, we flood the US with tons of cringy little Jow Forums kids
Waiting is precisely why we are in the predicament we are in
Subjugation necessitates integration, you're ignoring history and are a retard. Fuck niggers and fuck chinks.
Is it true that black pussy stinks?
Lol no, we will not make the same mistake of bringing them to our shores, we will selte that land, we will dilute their genes, their mixed daughters should be further used for bleaching of the continent, their mixed sons should be further used for labour. 5 generations like that and they will be Europeanized.
>My fucking body is ready!
Enough with the pleasantries, we fight to the death!
Easier to just off em desu.
fucking kek pANSY's btfo
Forgive me uncle Adolf for what I'm about to do.
Lol and the mask slipped by the second post kys shitskin
Lol, we'll see nigger, I see that I hit where it hurts, eh?
>your european seed
Why not ours, user? Are you perhaps mixed?
Because I said "you" as him not "you" as them.
I will find as many non european sluts as possible and inpregnate them with my european seed too.
Only black for me.
Race mixing is wrong, and half breeds are disgusting.
We should just euthanize non-europeans desu
Hi trannies
KYS you piece of shit, stop spamming
2 triggered Obongo Cuckströms. Daily reminder that black girls belong to white men in body and soul.
Damn I thought nothing could make me physically disgusted on Jow Forums anymore. Niggers are sickening.
If we reform a greater Jugoslavia but this time fascist and imperialist, we will colonize Africa and get thousands of specimens like this for ourselves. What say you?
It would probably fall apart again
Lmao maybe talk to right-wing people outside the US. Over here they actually have members instead of feds
You have the big gay