Trump is not on our side

He is a distraction of false hope. To try and keep us thinking that something will be done, so that our replacement migration can be completed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

tell me shill, who is the (((real hope)))?


Prove me wrong besides calling me a shill. Otherwise go back to your ptg containment thread

answer the question? who is the (((real hope)))

I already did

It's looking that way. Browning of America is only getting worse under him so far




Uh huh.

I'm white. do I fit the requirements or is this only for niggers? Fuck EU.

>g-guys drumpf is done
>no I don’t have any alternatives
>just DONT vote Trump
Sah gay.

Trump ran on America First and stopping immigration. He even talked about mass deportations.

Now that he's been in for over 2 years, all we hear about is expanding work visa programs, expanding immigration for business, putting up 57 miles of "fence", and lots of twitter BS about him shutting the border.

He isn't going to shut the border. Everyone knows that. Even the Dems arent taking this seriously.

CIA poster 1, where's number 2?

There he is.

Got two feds here. SOP followed to the letter.


They spent millions of dollars on a badly faked video just to convince 4channers to do things that could get them arrested.

There is at least two paid posters per thread on Jow Forums. They've been here for at least 2 years. They draw wages, they need equipment, support staff, writers, graphic artists, the management's salary, the overhead from their office/workroom and possibly the building it's in, all of it costs money.

It costs less than 200 bucks a month to run Jow Forums. None of us pays to use the site anyway.

>Damn good attrition rate.

you guys are out of your minds. Feds aren't going to oppose Trumps lame ass immigration record. Trump cucked to the deep state, so they will support him

lol, youre fucking retarded. Can you prove anything we are saying wrong?

all you have is glow nigger and shill posts.Anyone with a sense of logic can see what were saying as true.

yeah right, because anyone who points out that Trump is not keeping his promises must be a CIA psyop.

What a bunch of dufuses you guys are.

any anons with critical thinking skills figured this out in february.

Correct, trump and his son have already been controlled.
They are being used to strengthen Israel and accelerate the civil war.
When trump is killed, his son will be used as he next hitler since he is tall, white and blonde and will lead to more white deaths since only whites will be fighting wars.

You're pathetic.

Hard times are coming fast. Trump is indeed a distraction.

lol okay




Your next non-argument will be "but drumpf hasn't banned birthright citizenship so he is a jew!". And yet before Trump, no one ever attempted ANYTHING against birthright citizenship.

So what do you think is the smart thing for us to do- support Trump in hopes (it takes me literally no effort to cast a ballot for him) he unfucks things while working on my career in case he doesn't unfuck things


Sit on Jow Forums and cry with you that drumpf is a jew and only waiting for hitler will fix things?

Hint: anyone who isn't retarded will go with option A.

Come back when you have more substance, Ezra

>every time Trump does anything, even if it involves jerking off Israel, Jews call him LITERALLY HITLER
>"haha user I am not a jew- you are the jew!"

Fuck off and kill yourself you deflecting kikenigger.

Kirstjen Nielsen, head of homeland security, is fighting to prevent this. The wall is being built.

This kills the lefty shill

Lol all articles from 2018..

Let me know when he does ANY OF THAT.

He seems to be headed in the opposite direction these days

Trump has not yet kept his promises. Build muh fucking wall and get rid of the pig Latin babbling horde

OP is a faggot

There's a 20k caravan of "asylum seekers" heading to Mexico as we speak.

t. Reddit spacing retard

You are a kike nigger

I want to believe

Pls show proofs

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awwww whiny little faggot, baby need a binky?

are you saying illegals are bad???

>t. lazy spoonfed faggot

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Checked and based.

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Go watch the debates with hillary and come back and tell us how he lied so much.
Oh wait it all came true and he was right about everything and he did keep his promises

Uh huh. Keep it coming with useless replies. It's obvious who the real shills are here.

Trump is fake

What promises are those?

he may do this, he says he will do that

In reality we have more illegals than ever, more work visas than ever, etc

>useless replies
like your autism

>retard can’t read OP of ptg

read the news dufus. He is expanding work visas. He said he was going to reduce that and make america first

Too many jobs moron
He even said this. Sad

You honestly expect me to rehash all the debates?
I was trying to find an SNL clip the other day and ended up binging all the hillary trump debates. It was fucking awesome, literally everything hillary said was impossible was not only possible but been accomplished now. Fucking everything trump says has been retroactively proven gold. You just got to watch them. Remember when Obama said trump would need a magic wand to get manufacturing jobs back? Its that same shit but for hours of debate, it’s a good ride. Better watch than any new movies that have been out, 10/10 would recommend.

there's 100k homeless in LA county dipshit. The the labor participation rate is still extremely low

loads of americans are turning to crime as a result, and trump says too many jobs -- it's BS

Whatever that means

Trump has a ways to go. A nigger like you won’t hold him to where he needs to be to clean up this country. You suck kike cock and fuck everyone in the ass. Niggers more than others but not enough. Get back to work Jared and clean this fucking place up

Wow shill faggots sure are weak today

Trump cant stop them coming in and has used his max powers to have them removed. Record numbers are coming in cause the gates are closing. And dont forget we are kicking them out in record numbers too. ICE needa all the men they can get

checked and based.
Ourselves must rise up to destroy the ZOG

Tens of millions of illegal aliens are already here, have already been having children, and them and their children are treated as defacto citizens with access to gibs and voting rights.
The borders could be sealed tomorrow and it would be twenty years too late.
The only viable solution is retroactive revocation of birthright citizenship followed by mass deportation (millions per year).
Obviously that isn't going to happen.
Going forward the realistic solution is to pull a Jew by discouraging them from breeding.
That can only happen either with the Jews' help or by first removing the Jew.

Lol confirmed shill. No one here reads ptg except you Israeli shills circle jerking each other

he could fire up death squads south of the border to stop them. Reagen did that and it worked, so don't give me this crap that there's nothing he can do.

Tbf when trump says america i dont think he is talking about Cali

> Kicking them out in record numbers

Sauce plz. We're only kicking out there criminals if anything

Jow Forums has hated Zion Don for months at this point. catch up user

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Let me spell it out for you

america is lost. it has been lost for sometime. we have already reached the inflection point at which this country will be mostly mexican in a few short decades. trump's only job was to move the overton window slightly so when civil war inevitably comes whites have enough people aware of what is going on we can balkanize with a small piece of the pie.

you should: stay fit, eat right, love your family, keep your friends close, stock up on weapons and ammo and be prepared for when the civil war eventually starts. maybe it wont be you, maybe it will be your children, but it will happen

Rise, user. Put your vest on

You are


it's not just happening in Cali. It's all over the country. Labor participation rate is still very low.

That's a major cause of the opiod crisis in the midwest. Why did Trump lose the midwest in the midterms? because he promised lots of jobs for them and didn't do shit.

>read /ptg/

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He's a ptg shill

He cant until the ninth court is taken.
And if you check the news you’ll see he already had put people there and two more are coming, it’s almost been acquired. After 9th is taken Trump will have much less trouble using his legal authority.
Extending himself too far at this stage could create backlash against his appointments

>some dumbass neckbeard is the real hope
kek, you’re a retard leaf

>It costs less than 200 bucks a month to run Jow Forums
very wrong.

these invaders deserve a as chamber

The ninth court has no say over CIA death squads.

The CIA does whatever the fuck the president tells them to do. They answer to the president.


>literally you retards ITT

It’s nothing goyim.

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Reagen used death squads. Trump could too.

Like your delusion of yang getting more than 0% on any poll

said nothing about yang but you seem afraid kek

You are technicaly correct we kick out fewer. But our boarder is stronger so less are caught at the boarder crossing. If you look at interior ICE deportations it has gone up a lot. This is what happens when you strengthen boarders and increase ICE presence nationally. To be expected.
This is probably why trump is threatening to just close the boarder cause dems showed these spics could just fly in and not leave. But at least we have more accurate numbers of who is coming in and leaving now.

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>scared of faggots shitposting a loser who will never win an election

>factories take no time at all to build and create jobs
Okay midwestern retards


When Trump bent over without lube to sign that omnibus bill in 2018 he showed his true colours in my opinion. It's certainly one thing he could have used as a 'rallying cry' if you will.

I guess the one truly good thing that he's done though is that he's brought the 'fake news' media to the attention of a number of people who probably weren't even aware of it.

Honestly, at this point, it seems like Trump is an accelerationist...

CIA death squads? How would the president get away with that? Please enlighten me

We really need to do something with these people

Imagine being this retarded

I know, you’d open your ass for them

Best source for shills

Rescind the executive order prohibiting. First introduced by limp wristed Carter. The president is the only one that can stop death squads.

of course it takes time, but there is nothing happening. Remember when Trump said he was going to get Apple to move their factories in China to the USA?

The Wisconsin Foxconn factory won't be a manufacturing plant after all

op is correct

Whoa. You sure showed me.

Cry about it loser

Shill. Trump will win 2020.

CIA death squads were used in Latin America dating back to Eisenhower all the way thru Bush Senior.

They took out Che Guevarra and countless other people. There is a precendent for it.

Check’d and based
Trump 2020 niggers, there’s nothing you can do about it

Reagen and Bush senior used them anyways.

>when your enemies win they lose

thats not how it works

Brenton Tarrant is our only hope, may his army rise soon.