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This will be fun

i wouldn't call him donezo yet. He knows the rule. Never apologize. Ever.


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>Denying video evidence

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They won't let it happen for this reason.

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Doesn't work on that side. You have to cuck yourself to oblivion before you can be even considered for redemption.

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Apologizing would be the absolute worse move he could make right now. His best bet is to lay low and wait for the public to forget about it, as they always do

This will be fun indeed. Everything is on footage. And it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Hahahaha what a dumb response. He's going to get ripped apart.


post page 2 or the footnote



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so this is how society begins in the movie
demolition man, they weren't even allowed to
kiss or hand shake.

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You’re wrong. Go look at Twatter. The entire left is defending him.

He just loves smelling young girls and kissing elderly strangers on the lips. Give him a break.

Hes Right

You're talking about Clinton Dems. Progressives, the noisy ones who are grabbing a LOT of power, are not having any of it.

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Woman is a sexual creature and therefore is bereft of self-consciousness, inasmuch as knowledge is predicated on duality. Woman can neither lie nor tell the truth as woman has no relation to truth.

Post him the picture of biden grabbing that baby' s crotch.


Evidence says otherwise. Enjoy getting metoo'd you piece of shit.

Fuck yeah Biden. Take the trump route. that worked out well for him... oh wait...

How else did you guys think they would finally mainstream pedophilia.
His actions on camera, countless actions, were just expressing affection, support and comfort.
Those little girls needed uncles comfort. How sweet of him to tickle their titties and poke their pussies. How brave risking it all to comfort these poor souls

Hes still gonna recieve backlash but if he doesnt apologize itll blow over

This is what happens to apologists.

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Their little twitter mobs are starting to fail. First Kavanaugh, and then that Virginian governor, an finally Tucker. If the can't knock Joe out, they will be proven toothless.

Honestly there's no point apologizing to people who won't accept any apology offered.

Panel 4 made me rage.
I'll never know.

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I bet he thinks he can shrug it off like trumps grab em by the pussy comment

My google-fu seems poor all I am finding is:
>“Even if his behavior wasn’t violent or sexual, it was demeaning and disrespectful,” she wrote. “I wasn’t attending the rally as his mentee or even his friend; I was there as the most qualified person for the job.” “Is it enough of a transgression if a man touches and kisses you without consent, but doesn’t rise to the level of what most people consider sexual assault?” she wrote. “I did what most women do, and moved on with my life and my work.”

What exactly is she upset about? He hugged her at a rally?

He's right. Fuck these commie pieces of shit using their favorite tactic to destroy the only democrat polling higher than Bernie. Fuck i can't believe i'm defending the ol' Creepy Joe. Remember, always do the opposite of what commies say.

That's not how you do it - you don't just deny the accusation, you don't just refuse an apology, you don't acknowledge it at all.

By explicitly saying 'not once did I act inappropriately' he's now opened the door. Every video of him getting overly touchy with a politician, aide, or their kids is now on the table.

In fact, we should be pushing that shit. Start spreading those video montages of Biden badtouching people. Sink his campaign before he ever gets the chance.

It's just so difficult to accept the fact that our once vice president is such a complete POS. It's like Michael Jackson. How could someone so famous and liked be a young boy fucker. Alot of people can't see past the illusion.

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>Trump claims to grab women by the pussy
>Jow Forums cheers
>Biden grabs women by the pussy in front of the camera
>Jow Forums can't handle a true alpha male.

>shows liberal GF Biden gif of him with young girl

"Oh he's just talking to her...
You know that isn't sexual assult right?? We all know he's a little creepy."

White female liberals are fucking cancer for this country.

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>how dare you take sides
>t. radical centrist


White male privledge in action folks

Blind to the suffering he cuases the victims. Cock sure of his irrevocable righteousness.

Dont be this guy. Dont be a bigot like Biden.


Thats only for the right. The left cover for their own

>could have apologized and media would have just memoryholed it
>instead refuse to apologize
Jesus and this guy is supposed to be trumps best opponent.

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its not a lie if you believe it.

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Indeed. Trump got away with apologizing about his pussy grabbing comments, but he smartly kept it to the comments he made. If he'd said that he never touched women inappropriately (or never touched them in a way that he BELIEVED was inappropriate) then he'd have opened a casket for the left to root though

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He sniffed their hair.

>Alert!!! YouTube is censoring and deleting truther channels before 2020 election!!!


>the future of free speech! 14 years in prison for sharing Christchurch video

>Chelsea Clinton BLAMED for Christchurch massacre

>recent show about justice, article 13 and Metokur

>pre-christchurch chaotic-good ACCELERATIONISM
Get comfy and redpilled!!

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He's got the DNC nom in the bag if he runs. They'll ram him down everybody's throat the way they did Hillary.

Assault expressions of affection, sexual support and criminal comfort REEEEE fucking white males and their explaining their rape culture.

She was about to go on stage to speak, and Biden walked up behind her, put his hands on her shoulders and gave her a kiss on the back of her head.

I’m not complaining, but hold dems to their own standards. All the little girl touching is where he crosses the line though

Is that resetera? Isn't that shithole usually more over the top than even leddit. They must be scared shitless to be defending Biden.

Plus he already has to apologise every day for being white if he wants the Bernie vote.

Yep, do as any wife would. Ignore, deflect, change the subject and dont acknowledge the act. The only way to win the game is to not play

Honest to Christ, if the left lets him get away with all the little girl touching, I'm done man.
>The only way to win the game is to not play
What the fuck? No what you said does not apply to that saying. To not play the game is to NOT PLAY THE GAME AT ALL. He's been playing the game his entire political career. Don't misappropriate little sayings you see to make yourself sound knowledgeable when you don't even know how to use it correctly.

He is such a piece of shit...just in general

Trump says women LET famous men grab em by the pussy. The key word here is let.

This guy goes down.

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Yes, it is the right that is being inconsistent.

Your "GF" cheats on you on a regular basis.
I hope you're fine with that.

He's a condescending and bitter old man, sexual assault aside. People like politicians because they're dumb and think they have to play on the team.

Right, Biden did not take the advice. He played right into the fire. I said he should have ignored, deflected, changed the subject and not acknowledged the act. Hes fucked now though

they all spout this until they're the one accused, not surprised anymore

If someone posts all the photos of him being creepy I can edit them into a video set to wacky trumpet music

Leave uncle Joe alone! He did nothing wrong!

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>Ted Bundy Interview (1977) (Rare footage) (Recopilation)

Would make sense to hold on to that ammunition tbqh

If you only knew how bad things gagagoogoo

what website is that

"Asking for evidence means falling into the pattern of rape deniers.
All survivors must be believed!"

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Democrats have always been the party of women that would let Biden/Clinton rape them or husbands that would let Biden/Clinton rape their wife/daughter.

They will totally excuse this, not the least bit surprised. However, if pressed enough they will relent but only out of shame.

No, not right. Anybody who is involved in politics and not being bad mouthed in the media is playing the game 24/7. What part of this do you not understand? There is no being involved in politics at that level, especially on the left, without playing the game. You know what that game is? Dancing with the devil. Internalizing the ways of the world. Being in the backpocket of lobbyists. Being bought off. Fucking over the little people for rich assholes. Losing one's soul.

>"I never believe I acted inapproppriately"
this makes it even worse

>p-please s-stop pointing out the creepy things Joe has done
>h-he's the o-only one who can stop the horrible orange Drumpf!

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They got him backed into a corner. If he apologizes, it is over for him. End of political career. The only play he has is to minimize it. They will start releasing more damaging shit soon. Trump & co. see him as a threat to re-election so they are dismantling him before it comes to that. Myself, I can't believe that anyone would vote for Obama's bitchmade perv second fiddle in the first place, but if a turd ran as Democrat the Left would vote for it.

Nah, the Dems need to be kept in constant disarray between now and the election next year. Every candidate who shows even an ounce of pulling ahead needs to be immediately beaten down. Turn every camp against every other camp. By the time the dust settles on the primaries the party will be so embittered and split that whatever poor bastard actually wins the nomination won't have a fucking prayer of getting the whole party motivated and unified behind them.

Keeping them in disarray and focused on election bullshit will also free up Trump to focus on getting as many things checked off as possible between now and the election.

Bernie 2020

Trump isn't the one trying to fuck over Biden. It's Obongo's pet, Kamala.

Hm, quite possibly.

That reminds me, have we settled on a nickname for Joe yet?

If not, 'Creepy' Joe has a good feel to it. Very reminiscent of 'Low Energy' Jeb and 'Crooked' Hillary.

Depends on what the media's marching orders are - and I like Biden. Your three quotes are correct, but we already saw how 'believe every woman' was treated when the offender was Bill Clinton.

they're trying to get ahead of this shit early and bury it before it comes anywhere near a campaign run. Fucking deluded if he thinks this is just gonna go away

... unless it's Bill Clinton.

>trump says woman would gladly let him do it if he wanted
>Creepy Uncle Biden does it and women get very upset

I thought it has been Creepy Uncle Joe for a while now

Idiot. Fucking moron should've just said nothing. There are dozens of videos of him creeping out women with his old man "charm".
That's it. He's fucking done.

Oooh, or 'Funny Uncle' Joe.

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Which brings up: did the Obamas sexually assault Queen Elizabeth when they hugged her?

It was against protocol -- but Michelle Obama comes from a culture which hugs.

If no offense is meant, should any be taken?

That one might be fake, but desu that's a pretty common way to hold a baby regardless. There are much better examples of him kissing 11 year old girls hair and shit.

Grabbing a women from behind and nuzzling them and kissing their neck is reserved for lovers. Are you autistic?

you don't have to go that far back. Justin Fairfax was accused of rape this year and the media didn't say a word.

The question, again, becomes why? Joe's already been through this with the plagiarism rap destroying his presidential ambitions in the 80s.

Who are his enemies now?

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>never did I believe I agreed inappropriately
Doesn't matter what you believe Joe #believeallwomen

Michael Jackson did not rape those kids.

Kamala is a suck-and-fuck whore with a white cuck husband. Black people want nothing to do with her.

Have fun with four more years of Trump if you let Kamala torpedo Joe, Dems.

> hay guys i only care about the abuse of women when it's politically expedient

Good point. The Left is fractured and the socialist crowd is trying to take control, so knock out the most popular guy that isn't full blown commie.

That's not what Biden did. He treated her like a father treats their kid before the kid goes on stage.

She was angry because the message was she was a neophyte and he was her teacher. She wanted to be treated as an equal. Joe would not have done that to a man, and she specifically states he was not her mentor at any point.

It wasn't sexual assault. It was an offensive dominating gesture in a professional setting.

Still not a reason to torpedo Joe, unless you want 4 more years if Trump.