Is it really worth chasing women anons?

Is it really worth chasing women anons?

I'm a 26 year old kissless hugless virgin and I never felt the desire to approach girls, not because I'm not attracted to them but because I thought it would take too much effort and time. Now that i'm getting close to my 30's I feel a strong urge to be intimate with someone but don't know how to start and feel intimidated by the dating scene.

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I'm in the exact same boat, but personally I would say don't bother. It's not worth it for a man in this day and age -- there's too much risk and too little to be gained, and you'd just be setting yourself up for heartache or worse. Don't become a MGTOW YouTuber but do try to find happiness within yourself, your friends, and your hobbies.

>too much risk
Risk of what?

No idea.

I'm 29khv and I don't see how I would ever overcome it, or explain it. Or how I would come to terms with the experiences/opportunities lost.

I shouldn't have to say this because it should be obvious to everyone at this point, but women have immense power over men and can swiftly and permanently ruin a man's reputation with just a few words. One rape accusation and your life as you know it is over, even if it is proven false. Besides that, women's standards are unreasonably high and the average man can't possibly align himself with them, and if the average guy can't measure up, then certainly somebody like myself or OP who haven't even managed to have a relationship after nearly three decades of being alive have no chance of finding a woman who would accept us anyhow.

It's a fucked up game, and in my opinion it's not worth playing.

oh, i see you are already going MGTOW.
Here's the tips, if whatever you thought is real, it's not.
Else you wouldn't had posted this thread.
You are having self doubt, and is questioning yourself.
deep down you want a women, the perfect one of course, but you know you can't get it either.
Now, admitting that you have needs is the first step.
Next is compromise.
Not all girls are as you thought, there's still girls that somewhat fulfill your requirements.
It's all on how much you willing to lower your expectations.

That's not going MGTOW, that's going full retard. Or going incel.

My best friend died a few months ago and my health is failing. The last thing I care about right now is whether or not I'm fucking anybody.

You are either a troll, stupid, or a tranny psyopper.

That's my perspective. If you want to try to change my mind, feel free. I'm open to discussion.

You will never know If you don't try

Give It a shot and see how It goes

Nah, you have made up your mind and no amount of facts will change it. You have chosen the path of the incel. You actually believe women hold power, when in reality men have all the power. It's only pitiful weaklings, the weakest of weak men, who have less power than women. Because you put pussy on the pedestal you make yourself weak and powerless, even weaker than women.

>Is it really worth chasing women anons?

In the long run, no, not really. Im also 26. Ive spent the better part of the last 6 years chasing tail, getting high and having a 'good time'. I would trade it all to be a kissless virgin right now if it meant I'd have a decent job and not be living at home. The only thing I have now is the memories of my past lovers, nothing more than apparitions haunting my thoughts.

>when in reality men have all the power.

So a man can ruin a woman's life by saying she raped him? Men have control over their own bodies and don't have their genitalia (legally) mutilated against their will in Third World countries and the US on a regular basis? The family courts give men custody 90% of the time? I could go on but I think you see my point.

As I said, no amount of facts will convince you. You have chosen to believe in inceldom, and logic and facts will not penetrate your shield of denial. False rape accusations are rare and will usually result in serious repercussions against the woman. Penis mutilation is only done in third world shitholes. You also should post a link to that 90% or otherwise will have to admit you pulled it out of your ass.
>I think you see my point
Yes, it was clear from the beginning you have swallowed the incelpill and are now just another mindless cultist. You will accept anything, no matter how false and ridiculous, if it fits your beliefs.

>False rape accusations are rare and will usually result in serious repercussions against the woman.

And permanent damage to a man's reputation.

>Penis mutilation is only done in third world shitholes.

It is rampant in the US and vigorously promoted in the rest of the world by the US.

>You also should post a link to that 90% or otherwise will have to admit you pulled it out of your ass.

>you have swallowed the incelpill

Incel this and incel that. All you have are buzzwords.

ooooohhh, slow down there, woman chaser. don't do it! fucking incels...

False rape charges will not result in permanent damage if the guy is cleared. Why do you keep lying? Because you are too afraid to admit you are a scared weak chickenshit who is weaker than women? Ordinary guys do what they want and rule the world. Women do not. You project your own weakness on all men when in fact you are in the bottom 0.01% of men.

>False rape charges will not result in permanent damage if the guy is cleared.

Tell that to the men who have lost their jobs and friends over accusations leveled against them.

>you are a scared weak chickenshit

Sure, I'm weak. I'm dying. But even if I weren't, that doesn't mean that women wouldn't still have the upper hand. When they talk, people listen. When men talk about their issues, people say "get over it".

I'm more powerful than any woman. So are most guys I know. Keep projecting your own weaknesses on others.

Would you be powerful enough to get custody of your children if your wife were to file for divorce? I wonder what would happen if you were to ever be faced with a divorce.

user just get on Tinder/Bumble and if you're not ugly as sin with too high of standards you can find a girl to fuck.

My ex dumped me six months ago and after about three months I got on Tinder/Bumble, hooked up with a girl and am balancing two fwb's. Are they dating material? Not to me but for some reason they want to fuck me and I'm like a 6/10

It is really not that hard. Just fuck a bit to get yourself out in the realm of things again and then try to find a girl outside of dating apps.

Not him but, this is ridiculous
>Ordinary guys do what they want and rule the world.
Pretty much all ordinary guys I know work shitty jobs they don't like and have ugly annoying wives.

Not giving a shit for that rape accusations stuff but let's be honest, life sucks for ordinary people in general, not just men. Rule the world my ass.

>you're not ugly as sin
too subjective, how the hell am I suppose to rate myself? I have a few moles on my face and I look like a baby but is that enough of a drawback that it makes me hideous to most women? I really don't feel like I want to be judged

You definitely need to work on your personality. An angry negative whiner who repeats incel mantras is not attractive to any woman regardless of looks.

By putting yourself out there and throwing some photos up on those dating apps? I've had photos I thought looked good be not received as well as others. Even with a dating app, you have to take some sort of leap by putting yourself out there. Those apps are the most vain things so at the very least you'll know if people find you attractive.

>be 26
>have given up on ever getting laid
>have given up on my hobbies and practically life
>move out, drop the video games and nerd shit because it depresses me, focus on work because staying in the office late means I spend less time in my empty home
>stop caring about practically anything
>girl breezes into my life, friend of a friend of a friend of one of my four friends
>she thinks I'm cute
>get laid
Life is stupid and none of this shit makes any sense, least of all women
I don't know what you'll take from this
It just felt appropriate to comment

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>focus on work because staying in the office late means I spend less time in my empty home
nice try

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There is nothing to take home from that. You got lucky and it's not a good idea for OP to think he'll be so lucky.

>There is nothing to take home from that. You got lucky and it's not a good idea for OP to think he'll be so lucky.
It wasn't lucky, if anything I'm starting to wish it hadn't happened
It didn't blossom into a beautiful relationship, it didn't build my self confidence for more than a fucking week, it didn't complete me as a human being or empower me with the knowledge I can make anything happen

All it did was show me that it's completely, pitiably out of my control whether I'm trying or not, and that the one woman out of the thousands I've met dumb enough to like my looks only needed an evening of more grunting than conversation to see what a broken hopeless sperg I am and never want to see me again

The only good thing I have to take away is the memory of one night of really nice sex, and even that now haunts every other night because I truly know what I'm missing

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Come on, son.

>I'm a 26 year old kissless hugless virgin and I never felt the desire to approach girls
Nothing wrong with being asexual user, the LGBTQ+ community is very accepting these days.

I know, I'm just down, I'll get over it

>no amount of facts will convince you
The irony

At 26 you better have money, girls will be looking for 'financial security' at that age

>social acceptance
>sometimes they arent cunts

you are supposed to chase them, your ego and behaving like a girl expecting them to come for you will make your life miserable

dont date btw, just get a gf

If you chase a pussy it will run away instinctively, like any being does when being chased.

If you provide food for a pussy and are relaxed, pussy will come to you. Then you only need to reach out to it.

user, once you'll find out what you are missing on you'll beat yourself over the head for the rest of your life.
No matter how much time will pass, you won't be able to forgive yourself for giving in to your shyness and your fear.