The Holocaust was real. Prove me wrong

Protip: you can't

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Other urls found in this thread: armaments#p.1

the holocaust happened but it was a false flag by elite 'jews'

Prove to me your not just a side thread.

>Protip you cant.png

Aye and I'll prove God doesn't exist right after.

Yes it was
And it is a good thing

This. The Germans rounded up Jews and communist (90% same fucking assholes ) so they could be relocated to "Palestine" and they'd get paid by ... the Zionists. It was called the Transfer agreement. The Zionist wanted Jews in Palestine and the Germans wanted them to stop fucking over the Germans.
There was no gas chambers, except to kill the body lice in their clothes. The showers were to de-louse them as well, because culturally, most of them never bathed. A dirty people as Gen. Patton said. Even so, they got Typhus and almost 200,000 died.
Gassed 6 million? That stupid lie predates even World War ONE

Of course it's jew bait!
Still, the NPCs don't know this stuff. We've not had a National Socialist thread in over a year, and the ones we did get were jew "pagan" shit.

Holocaust was white genocide. Terrible stuff. The German ZOG government must pay reparations to whites. Israel must pay back reparations to other white states for hogging all the reparations so far for themselves.

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Neva forget, the six million fleas.

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