Give me 1 (ONE) reason why this godforsaken shithole of a country should be allowed to exist.
Protip: you can't.
Give me 1 (ONE) reason why this godforsaken shithole of a country should be allowed to exist.
Protip: you can't.
Serbia should have been nuked
they make decent ak47s for us to buy
Shut up hybrid turk
They will be a good asset in the upcoming Crusade.
I don't care, mutt. Buy your guns elsewhere.
They make great traps
i ask that question everyday
with the smile
you could export your aks to us, but no, you want to pretend you're part of europe, that's why serbia is superior
>Protip: you can't.
Orthodox christian state who is allied with Russia and doesn't want to be a part of NATO.
Not again a Ex Yugo Thread pls go swhitposting /int
fuck off cunt, serb aks are goat
Na barjaku sitno piše, Odmetnika nema više.
Jure gazi Drinu vodu, I bori se za slobodu
They ought to burn you too, quasi-serb. I've never seen so many faggots in my life before I went to your country
I did drive a yugo to avala, had no idea they made a tour out of it
And what about making alliance and taking Croatia like we should have Italian brothers ?
I mean,bringing Greece and and returning two thousand year old Roman Empire alliance?
Doesnt sound so bad ? :)
What makes you think he was a trap.Looks like an ordinary fag to me.
Hungary is more European than Serbia though. Serbs have adopted Turkish features
Our mirror factories are widely considered to be the pinnacle of glassmaking. Glad you liked them.
>imlyping hungolia isn't a shithole and people aren't leaving in masses for western europe
They exist to quel the Albanians.
17 Roman Emperors including the one that ended paganism
Serbs identify as Slav(e)s,not native ahMeds.
>t.alboturk diaspora delusions
>based jacky chanović
remember, NATO (((accidentally))) hit the chinese embassy in belgrade 20y ago
>According to OECD estimates, the number of Hungarian emigrants who left the country in the past decade in order to live somewhere else either permanently or temporarily is closing in on 1 million.
>According to the survey, 40% of the 18-24 age group said that he/she or some of his/her relatives would like to move abroad.
check your horses attila
weaklings, all of you
Shut the fuck up, memeflag
it was part of communist yugoslavia, a based country
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Hungary's a MUCH BIGGER shithole. Aren't you fucks not even European? I read something that your shit language is Uralic or something? Go back to Asia you fucks.
You don't what your talking about muhammed
I fell in love with a Serbian girl a couple of years ago. She was pretty, sweet, single, and was a devout Christian, a wholesome family girl. She would laugh at my jokes and had this really sweet smile, and I thought that I’d finally found the girl that I’d spend the rest of my life with.
Naturally, she broke my heart and I never saw her again. I loved her and she didn’t even care anons... she didn’t even care
Sweden, you shouldn't be talking like that about your countrymen. They will become the majority soon, ya know.
PS: Do you live close to a no-go zone?
Should I order an Albanian wife?
you do realize that we feed on your butthurt
keep these threads coming fampai
Cringe and almost certainly fake.
Because 2pac is still alive here.
They are our only friend. Reason enough for me.
We could be friends instead ; )
He had a cute anime girl pic so I just assumed 'trap'. Could be wrong tho
We could, I always say Hungarian and Romanian histories are intertwined, but even then we would never abandon Serbia.
Hey, serb!
Absolutely based.
Thanks man, you guys truly are our only frens.
why the beef?
Its existance butthurts hungarian subhumans
Retarded hun monkey come to Horgoš I will stab you in front of border patrol faggot
I'd prefer to stay as far as possible from Serbian apes.
Why do you greeks all look like turks?
Serbs BTFO literally BTFO
give me ONE reason why should i reply to your low bait
I see what you mean, OP