I'm working on writing up a procedure for producing super soldiers for the ethnostate, currently getting a phd in biotechnology, here are a list of procedures in order that candidates must undergo.
a series of whole body gene therapy by via intravenous ProCas9 (protease bound cas9) and whole body thermally assisted electroporation via neck down submersion in a electrically conductive solution and body cage attached to a square wave generator to porate cell membranes at lower voltages and larger electrode gaps due to easier break down of cell membranes at higher the denaturation internal body temp of 42 Celsius. magnetic iron nano particles will be infused in the subjects blood and a oscillating magnetic field will effectively magnetic induction cook them for the duration of the electroporation. the head will be given a breaking mask and submerged in ice water to make sure no brain damage occurs. the genes modified will be; the DNA of the 16 amino acid segment of haemoglobin difference between crocodile and human blood to increase oxygen efficiency, prior to this gene treatment Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor will be injected into the patient to make blood stem cells migrate from bone marrow to the blood to make therapy more effective than it remaining in bone during the electroporation.
for the next treatment a humanised myostatin catalytic antibody will be engineered into white blood cells so that myostation levels are knocked down to negligible levels within muscle resulting in doubling of muscle size or more. (this has been tested and shown effective in humans before in clinical trials) ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
for the next treatment muscles specific protease will be used in the cas9 to target ncor1 within muscle cells ONLY which doubles the strength of muscles via metabolic changes some muscle growth is also present
Ethnostate Supersoldiers
for the next gene therapy in the series of treatments, a fibroblast protease will be used to incorporate spider silk protein into all parts on the body in combination with collagen, this will strengthen the material strength ligaments tendons muscles skin and bones and all other connective tissue in the body
T. medfag his shit checks out.
What do you need? Money to buy equipment?
new artificial base pairs encoding for new bases and purines will be incorporated into a synthetic xenotriphosphate analogue of atp which competitively participates in the myosin to actin cycle to more efficiently transfer energy into myosin motor heads resulting in as much as 7 -10 times ( as the atp analgue would have a higher intramolecular tension and ie energy when breaking due to the higher negatively charged ion on the first xeno monophospate group) the specific force generated from a individual muscle fibre contraction
Fascinating, sign me up, thou thus far I haven't been exactly good soldier.
Problem is finding suitable place and logistics, training etc. Groundwork is there.
You’re doing Gods work, user. Sign me up.
machines are cheaper and more efficient than the modified human soldiers
silicon carbide nano particles coated with special surface molecules to incorporate into bone will be loaded into liposome nano capsules with surface antibodies to stick onto osteoblasts, as the osteo blasts become encased in the mineralized bone they produce the silicon carbide ceramic nano particles will also become incorporated into the new bone throughout the natural 7 year bone replacement cycle. steroids and growth factors loaded into a slow release capsule will be implanted this will half or quarter that replacement cycle, daily or weekly intravenous injections of ceramic loaded liposomes will be administered which will result in 2-3 years bones which are 14 % ceramic nanoparticle reinforced resulting in bones tougher than most alloys
it's not possible to transplant brain
lipid profile of schwann cells and oligodendrocytes will be modified to increase resistances and thereby increase capacitance of neurons increasing propagation speeds many times over in white matter and central nervous system, this will increase speeds of communication within the brain and also result in faster reflexes
>implying AI wouldn’t be the most ruthless killer of Jews
>relying on machines to do the job you should be doing
ocumetics eye implant will be ised to triple long distance vision, and injections giving infrared vision will be administered cell.com
Based but can we focus on longevity too
This is good, but too far fetched, need more data for feasibility.
More sauce of this idea even working.
organic parts just make the structure weaker
>doubling of muscle size
What benefit would this have? Wouldn't it have the same effect as the bodybuilders with huge muscles, but 80% of the size is just water?
people with myostatin deficiencies also have tendons that break easily, thus making them weaker
>here come finbros to ruin my dream of getting my body back to full strength after 8 years at a computer stressing over my races (white) future
and finally in modifications and the most drastic, full joint replacements in most of the long bones with modified orthopaedic implants to utilise servomotors to add extra power to movements and torque, this also allows limbs to continue to be moves at full mobility regardless of how damaged a limb is as long as the bone is in tact, even when dead the soldier can be moved and used as a drone , this will be powered by an implanted triggered decay isotope battery using hafnium 182 or one of the other isotopes existing that can be triggered to decay, the servo motors can also speed up learning speeds during training by adding small amounts of force during predetermined manuvers until it becomes muscle memory and in future on board ai can be used to provide assistance in stabilising weapons to increase aim and combat actions to increase their combat efficiency to that of machines yet with the thinking and reasoning capabilities of humans including morals and emotions
read where i stated spidroin would be added to fibroblasts please here
read all my new comments i didnt have enough space in the op
bruh dont waste your time the black budget programs are already like 40 years ahead of you
did u rly think your the first one to think of this
We already have superhumans. You watch them in the NBA.
Is all of this realistic or is it sci-fi fantasy? I only have a b.s. in biology and havent done Jack shit with it so forgotten most things.
Just do some testosterone and you'll be back in shape in no time.
>dude just give up XD
Fuck off you "native" faggot. Go drink some mouthwash.
Are you the same guy that always pops up in the genetic editing threads? Loved your posts then
the tendons would be 30-50% darwins bark spider drag line spider silk resulting in tendons and connective fibers stronger than steel per weight
not sure
probably not tho
You never met a Ukrainian or Russian before, have you?
here are a list of all posts on the therapy read them in order
You don't need to. CoD and the likes already trains kids for that kind of shit, just make a control interface that resemnles a video-game with controllers or kb+m and even a kid becomes a soldier. Bonus points for the dissociative element that avoids them getting ptsd as easy because it doesn't feel real. Imagine something like the christchurch videos but you are remote controlling the shooter.
Nah I have more than average Whites. Why do you think I get called a nigger/chav? Because Europeans are fucking so low T. Anyway. it's just my joints that are a bit fucked. Getting better now I see progress from our side. In terms of muscles I am sweet.
I hope OP isn't a fag and can provide more than words that you find a biology book. We need guys like this.
you are living in a fucking fantasy.
the fabled "huwhite ethnostate" is never going to happen. at most, what will happen is a regional secession, wherein some - not all - whites migrate to a certain area and take it over.
there will be no military might like the US military etc. at all. at best you will be working with outdated an run down stuff from the private or black markets.
think soviet bloc post-collapse surplus.
there will be no "supersoldier creating military technology labs". if you believe otherwise then you are stupid and delusional.
where is all of the billions required for such things going to come from?
wake up an get real. the most that will happen with your career is that you will end up working normie biotech jobs for the medical field/industry, or you get hawked by the US government or military - the latter is highly unlikely unless you are TOP tier best-of-the-best in that stuff.
which I highly doubt, seeing as you are on Jow Forums posting absolutely delusional fantasies of the ethnostate-which-will-never-be.
wake up.
I consider myself a 'white nationalist' too, but I am just being realistic. there are many delusional people such as yourself in this 'movement'. you need a reality check.
Then why the memeflag and faggy plebbit spacing? I am down to earth as well but if he can do it and has the math down but doesn't have money or tools, why bitch about it?
Tfw you will live to see irl astartes
>flag checks out
fuck off jdif scum nothing i have mentioned is expensive, the electroporation bath and equipment is a few tens of thousands cas 9 and gnra as all hundreds of dollars. silicon carbide nano particles can be mass produced easily from organic molecules , combined total, each of these soldiers is going to cost a few mill in development and materials costs lets say 2 million each, or 45 times less than a single stealth fighter jet, shut the fuck up u jew cunt
You are over thinking this
Super humans are very easy to make if we use incentive based sperm donation eugenics.
Dairy cows produce 4 times as much milk as the did in the 1940's. Perhaps sperm donation eugenics could make humans 4 times as intelligent or more cancer resistant after a couple generations of treatment.
> be boomer
> use high IQ nobodies to turn them into supersoldiers
> they notice you are retarded and full.of shit
> none want to follow your orders
Wat do?
the entire process would occur in a hospital u dumb fuck nothing special needs to be built. rnd costs would be in the tens of millions not billions u fucking idiot and and a few ten thousand in materials per super soldier
oh I forgot to mention that the idea of an ethno-state is idiotic and dangerous and that incentive based sperm donation eugenics makes ethnostates obsolete.
>I am down to earth as well but if he can do it and has the math down but doesn't have money or tools, why bitch about it
I'm simply pointing out that this is pure fantasy and is never going to happen. if anything like this is happening, or going to, it is in deep black projects by the US government/military, as others pointed out already.
what OP is saying "hurr durr I have a plan to create supersoldiers for da ethnostate" - is literally never going to happen. ever.
it is absolute delusional fantasy to believe otherwise, and nothing more than mental masturbation. 100% pointless and not in reality, at all.
incorrect, post ur fucking geoflag u memeflaggot
>where is all of the billions required for such things going to come from?
Why would money be an object? You only hear of research projects costing a lot because people work for money not passion. In the event of an ethnostate forming people would work for self preservation. It’s not like any joke nations would even trade with you so money is pointless in the short term
not a single thing specifically argued about ANY STEP IN MY PROCESS so shut the fuck off u jdif shill
So, how are you going to make sure they stay loyal? Because I have a hard time believing that unstoppable superhuman soldiers would be content to accept orders from their normal human government, particularly if they're living in a fascist ethnostate where the cultural values would tend to glorify strength and reject the idea of equality.
Yes, every science advancement was only achieved through the gov. Like the airplane
you mean JIDF.
I am neither jewish or israeli. the fact that you call me both simply for criticizing your delusional nonsense is pretty telling, and amusing.
if you genuinely believe that "producing" 1 of these "supersoldiers" is only going to cost 2 million each then you clearly have no idea about what it costs to produce things and finalize and bring an idea to market, including all the trial-and-error and research and experimenting.
that isn't even including cost of electricity, supplies, equipment, and so on.
also where are you going to acquire people for this? both as test subjects and staff members for the lab/factory. do you think you will be able to do this on your own?
do you genuinely believe you will be able to do this under-the-radar without the government/military knowing about it or poking their noses in it?
again - you are absolutely delusional and living in a complete fantasy.
this mental masturbation is 100% unrealistic, it is never going to happen.
the fabled ethnostate is also never going to happen either.
I also highly doubt your credentials and qualifications due to how you type and things you have said. you will most likely as I said end up working a normie biotech medical industry job, at BEST.
huwhite ethnostate genetically enhanced biotech augmented supersoldiers... lol
keep dreaming.
also, you will no doubt say that I am now using a VPN, now that I have chosen "geographic location" as the flag choice.
Do we know what the physiological changes effect on supply consumption would be? Or if there would be any at all?
did u notice how i added in servo motors which can be controlled ...
See special forces, most are orginzed in way where military rank is irrelavent but experience is
by how you are acting/reacting and talking, you are very obviously not qualified for such an undertaking. nor are you mentally capable.
>the entire process would occur in a hospital.
oh yeah? what hospital? what hospital is going to rent you out the space for your aryan supersoldier factory lab? lol
fucking delusional beyond belief.
read this comment
You talk about pretty much the same things and you're from Aussie. Maybe it was just one thread I saw you in but it really stuck with me for a while since you seemed closer to reality than most of the supersoldier larps around here
strictly on principle:
>body gene therapy
>ruin genetic markup by doodling all over it
>somehow does not affect ethnicity
God, you are a special kind of stupid. The freaks you'd create arguably wouldn't even qualify as human and thus would be even worse for what you're trying to preserve than pic related.
There isn't a need for super soldiers you aspie, there's a need for actual borders.
the kinds of people who would migrate to and form this fabled "huwhite ethnostate", would not be the kinds of people you would want to have daily interactions with let alone be the kinds of people qualified for such undertakings. OP is certainly not.
also, things cost money. get real. unless you have a LOT of money, doing such a thing is not going to happen. (it's never going to happen anyway as OP is a larper living in fantasyland)
i am talking about when whites actually have a ethnostate u fucking mongoloid, read the title of the op u fuck, when we have our own hospitals
>shut the fuck off u jdif shill
again, it's JIDF.
and again, you clearly can't speak english and you are very obviously, by how you are acting and talking, not mentally capable or qualified for such undertakings.
We don't need supersoldiers.
We need men like Tarrant who are willing to do somethign and actually go out and do it. Everything else will just benefit the Jews because they control everything and can buy everything.
We don't need denser bones and stronger muscles. Just bravery and circumstances that really make us break.
u are a dumb fuck, nothing i have mentioned modifies the gene pool, nothing would be inheritable as it is all somatic cell engineering and not germline engineering
if brenton tarrant was a super soldier how do u think that would have affected the 49 people figure.... u fucking dimwit
This hypothetical would be after all that.
building a wood and paper craft that gets airborne is extremely different and worlds apart from designing and manufacturing advanced metallurgy high-tech fighter jet aircraft, let alone producing genetically enhanced nanotech biotech aryan supersoldiers.
2 dudes working in a barn with shit they bought from radioshack and the hardware store, isn't going to cut it.
I am willing to be the first supersoldier where do i sign up
jesus fuck why do people think im doing this in my basement to create a secret army lmao its in the title, this is AFTER we have our own territory
Death Squads are coming
See this post
Also listening to a subliminal is much easier
op is based and 99% of posters here is too mentally retarded to get it
you think it's as simple as attaching some wires and electronic components?
do you have all the required information and research data and know-how on how to completely control a human psychologically and physiologically?
I highly, highly, HIGHLY doubt that you do.
and you actually genuinely believe that ALL of this stuff (I read all your posts) is only going to cost 2 million per "supersoldier". you haven't got a clue.
jesus christ, dude.
you clearly are an idiot. you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.
I would suggest that some way to decrease supply consumption whilst maintaining fighting effectiveness via enhancements to enzymes in the digestive system should be more emphasised
he really isn't.
at all.
it's both sad and amusing.
not really possible to get the whole body modifications to the level im talking about through oral medication
>talking about when whites actually have a ethnostate
again, it is never going to happen.
you are delusional and need to wake up and get a reality check.
dumb retard larper, as a biotech scientist myself, any form of giving humans myostatin leads to early death from cardiac arrest, its no different then letting a roid retard abuse it going 200% his natural body mass. Unless we can transplant a complete mechanical heart and artificial blood type to maximize oxygen and blood pressure to efficient level, they wouldn't last a couple years from extreme increase of body mass and completely overworked heart. Also 30% muscle strength only use and not unlocking the brain to use 100% of muscle, i've come up with a plausible theory that allows primitive human brains to replicate how apes can use a higher percent of their muscle strength. This way we can have 7 ft tall human hybrid giga niggers that would pop heads of numales just with their sheer grip strength. Just for security measures and an insurance we will install a nanobot in their prefrontal cortex if they were to betray us and try to escape this will turn them into subhuman low IQ 30 negroids.
Nice autist edgelord fantasies.
Humans are already the best they can be because of evolution. All of your "improvements" would result in catastrophic failure on the battlefield.
Also, tendons are already stronger than steel gram for gram.
>Real life space marines
I'm in, where can I sign up?
Just don't alter the genes or we'll reach a dangerous singularity where our genetic cluster will be left behind
hahahah please leave this thread u have made ur opinion known dw, this thread is for talking about how to do it rather than just mindless ad hominem attacks
Completely impossible to have control over another creature
ID fitting kek
Nice. Doing the emprahs work.
I thought the modified heart would go without saying with the article about the croc blood
you are completely fucking wrong, decreasing myostatin and therebye increasing muscle growth DECREASES heart attacks u larper
decreased levels of myostatin increase heart strength also
Been listening to subliminals for 10 years but luckily it did turn me into an alpha male and I ascended an aspect of myself to heaven with the other immortals
Listen, buddy. I've been mewing and all you really need to do is submerge me in a large tub/vat of urine. Find some little chinese boy urinals and funnel them into the holding tank where I will reside with a respirator for weeks on end maybe a waterproof cell phone to give you status updates in the form of shitposts but by the gods I will be reborn.
Can i edit my own genes, or does it have to be before yoh are born? I saw they found a gene that when turned off doubles the life of the organism. I would like to try ir on myself.
it can be done to an adult
no!!! These will be suspended to controls by the 5g irradiation networks mossad is installing!!!!!
but probably not as extensively for a gene which requires to be expressed in every single cell of ur body
Complete meme idiocy. Robotics and AI are going to dominate the battlefields of the future as well as cyber war. Who cares about investing all this into super soldiers when you can just destroy the electrical grid and cause all of Californias food to rot, water pumps cease to function, etc.
Or how about cheap ai gun drones all networked together running on advanced AI algorithms that ruthlessly hunt down enemies with pinpoint accuracy.
Youd be better off coming up with a racial bioweapon, or focusing on life extension stuff that is only possible for those white genes etc.
>salty and lack luster replies
Now I know you're a faggot. Fuck your little experiment, you dumb sperg.
>it will happen in a hospital
FUCKING LMAO. Nice larp. Had me fooled.
>only read the abstract
Classic Jow Forums
Myostatin is increased to curb the heart's hypertrophy that results in cardiac arrest, aka athletic heart syndrome/AHS.
I would say to start a gofundme but most people here on Jow Forums are poorfag NEETs. However, I feel like this would be the start of privatized DARPA level startup programs that occur in home labs. I'm thinking of starting my own think tank for STEM related projects that i have in mind.
What kind of equipment do i need
>AFTER we have our own territory
not going to happen the way you think it is.
as I said - "you are living in a fucking fantasy.
the fabled "huwhite ethnostate" is never going to happen. at most, what will happen is a regional secession, wherein some - not all - whites migrate to a certain area and take it over.
there will be no military might like the US military etc. at all. at best you will be working with outdated an run down stuff from the private or black markets.
think soviet bloc post-collapse surplus."
the "ethnostate" is going to be nothing more than a bunch of low-budget idealists living in low budget self-built (not expert engineering either) buildings or old towns made in the 30s and 50s, and working with outdated equipment bought on the black market while fending off (((the system))) like guerrillas in constant skirmishes. whatever makeshift hospitals you do have, will be far too preoccupied dealing with a steady flow of casualties courtesy of stupid leaders such as the late Covington idiot.
people who have actual proper combat experience, or military leadership experience, are not delusional idiots, and will not be joining in on such an endeavor.
the people with the means (money) and know-how to actually build proper professional buildings and infrastructure like we see today, will be nowhere near this bullshit.
I won't either. because the majority of people who would actually choose to move to the fabled ethnostate, are complete delusional drongos like yourself, or cringey NEET autistic larpers who I and any other sane person, would want nothing to do with let alone live next to.
>gene editing
You are fucking retarded, G-d damn, what the fuck is the meaning of your ethnos if you just stuck your dick into thousands of years of genetic history and altered everything to the point where you won't pass a parenthood test with your unaltered parents?