What is the man who has abandoned all desires supposed to do?

Pic related, it's me and my fictional best friend being very bored with what life has to offer.

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He must go out and not come back until a stimulant excites his mind so deeply that when the sun sleeps, all he wants to do is skip the night to get back to it

This was me until I forced myself to travel. Now I have goals and motivations again after being away from home for a month.

Stop being full of yourself.
>best friend is old
Oh, how refined of you. You must be one of those people who old relate to old and wise people, right?

Get the fuck over yourself. Every other pseudointellectual faggot like you has "discovered" the existential dilemma of coping with life's lack of inherent meaning. Operative word: inherent. Life does not have meaning until you give it one. You're more than welcome to wait around for life to thrust meaning upon you, but it likely will never happen. You are not intelligent for deducing the obvious lack of structure in being. It's basic bitch philosophy. Why don't you go live a life filled with stupidity so you can come out wise on the other side?


i'm talking about desire, not meaning. life already has meaning for me.

>You are not intelligent for deducing the obvious lack of structure in being.
also, sterling example of insipidity, if i legitimately deduced the 'obvious' lack of structure in being, i would be a wealthy and famous philosopher

You're not bored.

You're afraid to leave your comfort zone.

my question is about advice for a person with no desires

but you are also accidentally right about the comfort zone thing

How does one give meaning to life if they don't have hope to begin with?

Cool. Get brave and desire something, even if you might lose it. Your character sounds so lacking in texture, I swear to God.

my character is lacking in everything and no one will say a word about my redeeming qualities

but you are totally right. today i desire to learn mathematics.

Okay gay boy

lol, "he cute"

Kys mentally ill retard.

DAMN DUDE. I'm not OP, but you just blew my head back. I have been working on changing myself and trying new thing so I have been leaving my comfort zone, but this exact line of thinking never crossed my mind.

You got anything else you want to offer on this point? No bullshit. You have my attention.

>no one will say a word about my redeeming qualities

You're in a state where you're craving the affections of others. I know it sounds ass backwards, but the first step out of your problem isn't getting affection from others, but learning to give affections to others.

Don't study math. Study how to talk to people. And I don't mean study how to have a plain conversation about the weather. What you need to study is how to play with people. People love to play. Learn how to be playful with people again like children are with one another.

i hate this line of thinking that says "get over yourself" sorry to break it to you faggot but some people are just too smart for this world, and youll legit never understand this because you arent one of those people... you legit sitting here writing this bloated post about being a pseudointellectual lol fucking faggot talking about basic bitch philosophy... in this scenario you are the basic bitch

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ow the cringe

cringe is an npc meme... keep being lame meanwhile all the cool people will keep on posting cringey shit and being COOL AS FUCK fucking loser dont you have an assignment to study for

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u just gonna keep posting memes without saying anything like a fuckin npc

kek I can’t believe shitposting got you so butthurt. first day on Jow Forums, kid?

ive moved past irony... u're mistaking my acquired new-sincerity for incompetence... you rlly think i dont understand the dynamics of Jow Forums lol after posting here for the bigger part of my life. I just reject it and I reject YOU for being another instance of it loser read baudrillard


>implying others are newfags

Pack your shit and get out.


Person who has been involuntarily detained in a mental hospital here, due to depression and thoughts of suicide.

Long story short, I'm now on antidepressants (I was in an out of hospital a few times because basically I didn't want to take the meds, so I kept ending up not sleeping, not washing, not changing my clothes, etc., so they kept locking me up).

Are antidepressants ideal? No. Are they helping me think positively? Yeah, definitely. Are they reducing the changes that I'll kill myself? I am certain of it. I'm not thrilled to be on them. But I do now feel more positive about getting back into work. I think I can do it now. The psychiatrist said that once I'm back in work, I should probably wait about 6 months before trying to come off them. That seems reasonable. I'll try and do that. I don't want to be on them for life.

So yeah, that's my advice. Go and see your doctor and ask about antidepressants. I'm not saying you HAVE to do this though - if you feel like you can, then try and fix your life in other ways. Do exercise, eat right, get a job you like, etc. Most importantly, spend your time benefiting YOURSELF. Think what you most want in life. What you most want to do. Then do that. Be selfish - think to yourself "I'm not going to spend my time doing X obligation for Y person, I'm going to spend that time getting me a job instead because that's what's in MY interest". I mean there will still be obligations that are probably sensible to fulfil, but there are many others you can just say "no" to.

By the way, from what I've read, I think antidepressants are most advised for severe depression. For only mild depression, lifestyle changes are probably a better option. You should only resort to antidepressants once all other options have been exhausted, basically.

Hope this helps.

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You stupid child.

I gave out that advice because I used to be in OP's shoes, albeit not sounding like a schizo. It's solid advice. Not being able to control your emotional response to things that are ultimately out of your control is a sign of intellectual and emotional WEAKNESS.
>sorry to break it to you faggot but some people are just too smart for this world
Holy shit, gamers rise up. lmao Never mind. I didn't realize you were baiting.



The answer, OP, is LSD

mind and senses purified ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

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IDK if my story can help you with anything, but I wanted to shout it out anyways and I feel this is the right thread.

I don't intend to relate myself to you, but for various reasons I also seem to be dried out of desires.

When I went into college I did it cause was what i was supposed to do. No one gave me an alternative and with 18 yo I really had no clue about what i wanted to become in the first place, all I knew was that I like playing videogames, it was my only "passion".

I went to college but I always hated studying thing that are of no real interest to me. Met a nice gurl, fell in love, started dating for the first time blah blah blah. For a time things were fine, but my studies have always been extremely inconsistent, Feelings for my gf start fading away, I grow tired of people eventually, specially if I share a lot of time with them, it's one of my features. Computer science studies are a pain, I know I don't want to dedicate my life to it, so I quit without telling my parents. Living a lie is exhausting, can't stant my gf anymore, I simply quit everything and go back to my mom's basement.

I've been in this situation for around 6 years now, It's been like 4 since I last touched a woman, and not because of a lack of opportunity, it feels wrong to me. My self esteem has always been in the shit, but this is different, I don't feel the pain I usually felt, I feel peace at my own awareness. The first years were tough, I felt like a slime, now I think of me like a slime (we all pretty much are), but one who is decent enough not to fuck with other people's life. I don't have a steady job, never really looked for one. I usually work on season time in summer and that's it.

Right now I have no desire to look for a gf, much less start a family. I don't feel like there's a profession for me out there so my desire to become "something" in life is not there either.

youre a fuckin lolcow bro shut the fuck up lol... "You stupid child" wtf is that shit lmaooo

Just some last words from my message.

Reading my story one would thing I'm sad and depressed, actually is not the case. I've been extremely depressed in some moments of my life, to the point of trying to commit suicide once (with lame results I must say, just a pitiful scar in my arm). I don't feel like that anymore, maybe I've lost the desire to even be sad? Maybe, but now I feel aware of my emotions and action in a way I wasn't able to reach before. I feel peace at being such a self contained person, I see all these people driven by their emotions and the expectations and judgement of others and I petty them.

Like this user and the great song says, getting free from desire purifies you, the whole of you. I think it's the start to really be ready for life and cope with it's tribulations in a more satisfying way that those nearly apes that surround us, who can only clash their heads into the wall of they emotions and desires.

Hang in there, you're not alone in this, you'll find your answer, or at least you'll learn to wait for it in the most effective way.