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>Trump supporter Sasha and his Yang Gang mom
Please be aware that the mentally unstable anons, who have been making death threats against Andrew Yang, are false flagging by creating hundreds of anti-Yang images with his logos overlaid saying death to israel, atomwaffen slogans, windmills of peace, 1488, the NZ shooter, gore ect.. Simply put, this spam was created because certain groups are terrified that Yang's unifying message of moving forward will be the downfall of Zion Don and this is their solution to preventing that.
To address the issue of Carly being responsible for this general: She has nothing to do with /PAY/ nor does anyone on the staff of his campaign. Now it's a fact this will not convince those of you who are obsessed with her, or WhoTheFuck Media, and that's okay. A chief complaint of Yang's campaign is the inexperience of his staff and their far left ideological leanings, if Yang replaces her or his entire staff in favor of more centrist and capable people it unironically will be a good thing.
>tl;dr Don't feed the trolls, focus on the bag.
Wow this is sad what patgetic shills ye yang poster are . Ps dont forget to sage goys
Don't be an NPC user.
Try focusing on not being scammed like a retard by a gook commie.
This is you:
Sage this kike loving slope
You either get more of the same or you get more of the same with a chance at getting $1000
What part do you not understand, potato nigger?
Yang / Tulsi 2020
>announcing sage in a general the day before the 1st
newfag detected, I honesty hope you don't miss tomorrows fun.
Sounds good. Just get rid of all other gibs at the same time. Medicaid, welfare, unemployment and everything else for losers.
Yang will make Vaporwave the national anthem
A lot (though not all) of welfare gibs will be consolidated once medicare for all and UBI is in place.
>literally a Boomer
Imagine being this retarded and bad at creating OC.
Yeah your getting the $1000 like trump supporters are getting the wall ,ye fags are very pathetic
Shut up kraut go get fucked by a turk
Why not all?
Tulsi and Yang will give America hope again
Because in some cases the welfare program is more beneficial to that person than the UBI would be. However it's important to remember that people on welfare can't get UBI as well.
Yeah UBI aint happening ,has as much chance as obamacare
>please stop BTFOing me, o wise one
No. I suggest going back to r*ddit.
Buttman is gonna shit on yang's face
>don't vote for yang because he will give UBI to people
>you will never get UBI
Pick one and stick with it user
So then it'll happen, got it.
ffs lad I've come into your thread trashed kikes,gooks and commies ,this is why ye lads stand out like a swore thumb ,you kinda know the lingo but your way off on context . Try again retard
>more beneficial
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one
Sure just let it happen
Yang is a boomer
Sorry didnt post the image
You're clearly not even remotely politically literate. So, why do you shill against this insect so much? Also
I cannot tell if you're shitposting or legitimately retarded
Literally everyone who has ever shitposted against Yang sooner or later got exposed as a MIGAcuck redditor who is either an underage kekistani or a Qtard boomer. You are no exception.
This is Yang country now - boomers get rice thrown at them by chads in pink face
Post the original. This chick is hot.
>lingo off
This is my problem with Yang and UBI. It is just an expansion, no reduction. Because a liberal will always herd more onto the government plantation. Communism enslaves men by force, socialism by force. The difference is the same as murder vs suicide
1488! Yang-gang guys! Death to niggers and kikes!
Defragment your brain you schizo.
>Gets exposed on Jow Forums
ye lads really are sub 80iq retards ,yeah sure anyone who hates jews loves trump, right . Maybe i just hate this commie gook huh , is that an option i can have?
You clearly love ZionDon, as you've already shown with your MIGAtard propaganda, so whatever anti-semitism you have is evidently just a "meme".
No kike, the world is bright and clear to me. Everyone puts their own obstacles in place. I’m not going to advocate for my resources for the unaccountable.
How does it feel internalizing an ideology that was literally created by jews for the purpose of subversion?
Surely it's just a coincidence that MUH BOOTSTRAPS koshercuckservative boomers always deny JQ, sometimes openly claim jews have higher IQ and therefore deserve to rule the US, and are always obsessively Zionist. Surely just a coincidence.
just look up ultraviolet darling
>Havent said a single good thing about drumpf and posted anti trump images
"Yeah kiddo you love trump"
Shut the fuck up you retard your just making yourself look like a bigger faggot . Oh and because you glosed over it the first time , is it ok if i just hate this commie gook ?
Too good, I hope they pay you more than the others. Crying Jew to pilpul. Stealing from successful whites to give to the degeneracy of our time is wholly separate from The Question.
Yang Gang is dead. He's losing to a literal faggot named Buttigieg
Amazing what happens when the media ignores one candidate, and pushes another.
I would love to hear how a UBI is socialist.
>Stealing from successful whites to give to the degeneracy of our time is wholly separate from The Question.
>a VAT is stealing from "successful whites"
We should've had a VAT decades ago, it's the only way to actually tax corporations.
Same poster. Why so much desperation?
This ,after nz these fags became so irrelerant
Literally the definition of non-market socialism. A social dividend.
A VAT is a good idea but is not the only way to tax corporations.
the whole "VAT is stealing from successful whites" is completely wrong to begin with. It's a tax on corporations and the manufacturing process, not a tax on people.
>literally shilling for a marxist-leninist and rooting for socialism
Kill yourselves, all of you. If this commie gook fucker gets into office i will kill him before hes able to be inaugurated to uphold my oath to defend this land and constitution.
A value added tax is taxing everyone that pays for goods. Is that stealing from successful people? Under Yang it is because he is adding on to the already incredible burden that taxpayers have in this country. He has not advocated to reduce taxes on current taxpayers. Reduce taxes on taxpayers and add taxes to those that don’t pay taxes and now you aren’t stealing more. Corporations that don’t pay should pay. The 49% of american adults that don’t pay taxes should pay.
Yes, your social dividend
you won't do shit, you fat boomer. keeping making empty threats on 4chin –I hope the FBI sees this post and locks you up
Yeah the $1000 is gonna happen like obamacare and the wall as in it wont
You're the spammer in all of these threads. Someone finally banned you? Nice
>A social dividend
UBI isn't a social dividend.
>A VAT is a good idea but is not the only way to tax corporations.
It's absolutely the only way to actually tax corporations.
>Reduce taxes on taxpayers and add taxes to those that don’t pay taxes and now you aren’t stealing more. Corporations that don’t pay should pay.
You've got a better chance of Yang winning the presidency and getting a UBI than this.
>The 49% of american adults that don’t pay taxes should pay.
>low income people should pay more in taxes
I laughed. Have you actually seen how poor and shitty many parts of America are? And you want to tax them more? Based
More of the same. Much more. Yang is slamming the pedal down on entitlements. All paid for by the strong and successful.
> as Obamacare
you mean the thing that has been law of the land for many years now, and has repeatedly withstood attempts to be repealed? Great, glad to hear that UBI will have the same fate
Sure, they could push the cost of the VAT onto customers, but with competition still existing and automation on the rise that literally won't happen. some things may rise in price to demand, and then once those demands can be met, the prices go back down.
The reality is we get $1000, and shit still gets cheaper.
obamacare did happen, its almost like republicucks betray their party allowing democrats to get things done when republicans cant
You trannies suck with your yang gangbang marketing.
A social dividend is the return of capital owned by society. Here you enslaved the successful, taking taxpayer dollars and giving it away. A social dividend.
I live in Detroit, everyone here can pay taxes, except don’t take their iPhones, flat screen TV’s and cars, they should keep those. Show me a shithole deeper.
your sentence structure when it comes to noun verb agreement sounds off, like enlgish is not your first language, and reads more like russian
NV: 18-29 year olds:
@BernieSanders 31%
@BetoORourke 18%
@AndrewYang 14%
@JoeBiden 8%
@ewarren 8%
That should be the proposal. A 10% VAT for all goods. Successful pay more as they buy more expensive goods. Those that make poor choices in life pay less, buying cheaper shit.
Ha, classic kike Pilpul. Is that you Carly?
Obamacare didnt happen so i dont know what your quiet talking about
Banned for spamming if that were the case i dont know how any yang posters would exist all 20 of ye would be gone by now
>tfw 26 year old vet with wife and 2 kids
Blow me.
On another note, why do you support a communist?
>22 posts by this id
why do people get so ass blasted by $1000/month ?
if anything this only proves that Yang will skyrocket in national discussion once the debates hit.
People are willing to spend hours trying to poke holes in his platform, which is battle hardening the yang gang against any possible counterargument people could think of.
and the debates are still months away
Why? Because you are limp wristed faggots that make the afternoon go by. And you aren’t learning how to argue here, pointing to trumps kikery won’t work when your masters are watching.
>It's absolutely the only way to actually tax corporations.
You talk about commies but this sort of
flooding propaganda is the most commie antifa shit I've seen in my life, shill your own country oily spaghetti fuck
there are plenty of reasons why Yang would be better than trump
for starters he is isn't obese with a fake tan in his 70s
he also has like, a plan to do things that would actually help people.
not just building a fence in the middle of nowhere you could dig a hole under in 5 minutes