@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
WH Public Pool/Schedule:
>NECDir Kudlow on FoxNews 3/30/19
>Brad Parscale on WattersWorld 3/30/19
>GOPAd: Dems &(((MSM))) Were Wrong No Collusion 3/28/19
>Pres Trump News Conf @Mar-a-Lago 3/29/19
>Pres Trump tours Herbert Hoover Dike @Lake Okeechobee 3/29/19
>VP Pence @Turning Point USA Midwest Conf 3/29/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/ROK FM Kang 3/29/19
>NSA Bolton on FBN 3/29/19
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 3/29/19
>EnSec Perry on US Electric Grid 3/29/19
>Bannon on CNBC 3/29/19
>Giuliani on Hannity 3/29/19
>Trump Officials @NRI Ideas Summit 3/29/19
>SOCOM welcomes new Comdr ArmyGen Clarke 3/29/19
>StateDept Press Brief (SpecRep4Venezuela Abrams) 3/29/19
>This Week@State 3/29/19
>Pres Trump arrives/departs JBElmendorf-Richardson 3/28/19
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Grand Rapids MI 3/28/19
OP pastebin:
howdy y'all
Your memes. Give them to me.
>What all the wise men promised has not happened and what all the dammed fools said would happen has come to pass.
- Lord Melbourne
stik um up!
>Interesting how DNC leadership (((choses))) and not the dems themselves.
Same as it ever was.
>they still haven’t found the troll in the OP pastebin
Today is the last weekend day with the first car I ever bought, so I'm going to do one last road trip before I trade it in next week. I don't regret the decision, but it's still bittersweet.
Whats for lunch
People that interfere while others are cooking in the kitchen deserve a swift execution without a trial.
They've got their work cut out for them this time. 2016 was realistically just Hillary or Bernie. 2020 is going to be an absolute shitfest.
Enjoy your Nissan Versa.
Shit up nigger. No one cares
For some reason it also resembles a Union Jack.
It’s only 10am. Way too early to eat lunch
Is this an admission that Bill Clinton did more than just one?
Nope, new vehicle is a pickup.
Stop what your doing and make me some coffee.
>Listen an believe, unless it's about my friend Joe
I doubt this is going to go well for this kike
>They've got their work cut out for them this time. 2016 was realistically just Hillary or Bernie. 2020 is going to be an absolute shitfest.
Here's how it will work: They'll end up with nobody getting a clear majority on the first ballot at the convention. While the DNC says they got rid of super delegates, they actually didn't. They're just inactive on that first ballot. On the ballot(s) after that, they're Super Delegates again, and they'll pick the nominee.
It depends.
That's why they moved California up so early.
I’m not predicting good things for him. Even many never Trumpers or some of the #Resist crowd will refuse to vote Biden. Who wants to vote for a baby fucker?
>that one incident alone
how do you even measure this quantity of cognitive dissonance, ignorance, delusion, denial...
>That's why they moved California up so early.
Kamala's state.
Everywhere the woman looked, there he was; The Sniffer.
Wow. This is a garbage meme
bump for GEOTUS
>One incident
Joe "Franken" Biden
has anyone ever mapped out the different political factions in the US? What i mean by that is its obvious that Kamala is with team Obama, and it was obvious that Graham was on team Mccain, but has anyone maintained a map of the current factions and donors? Who owns who, and what is there goal?
>be professional cook
>cooking meals for multiple parties at once
>waitress comes in
>puts up a slip
>"Hey user, can you hurry up with this one? They said they're in a rush."
>this happens almost every day
oh really because I assumed the other customers wanted their food AS SLOW AS FUCKING POSSIBLE YOU STUPID FUCKING WHORE REEEEEEEEEEEEE
As I was taking deep breaths and preparing myself to speak,I felt two hands on my shoulders. I froze. “Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?”
I felt him get closer to me from behind.
>He leaned further inand inhaled my hair.
I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it.
>And also, what in the actual fuck?
Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?”He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head.My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. There is a Spanish saying, “tragame tierra,” it means, “earth, swallow me whole.” I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me.
My name was called and I was never happier to get on stage in front of an audience.
That's probably the strategy, but it's also a pretty flawed one because it means that whoever is going to come out of the convention is going to do so amidst massive party infighting and accusations of vote-fixing, instead of the typical post-convention bump in polling.
You ask 95% of people in California, they don’t know who she is, where she’s from or that she is running for President.
Consider the source.
> you now recall plebbit memes of Biden
saved. thanks for the spurdo, fren :DDDDDD :D
People dedicated enough to vote in the primary will know, especially once they start campaigning.
>be customer
>order my food politely
>waitress forgets to put in my order
>sit there hungry for an hour
>ywn go to the range with Keanu and play bad-ass operator through a live-fire obstacle course
Why must my suffering be like this?
>and what is there goal?
To destroy America.
Because 95% of California is illegal.
Standing in Bass pro right now. Feels good, man
am i going to regret not saving these gondola comey menes
Life isn’t fair
But you can be
It's just a bit of bad luck.
Brush it off and get back on the whores.
>Thank You
this the bread where we awoo?
> be me
> order triple onion layer to pizza
> they forget 1
> its still good
ehh ill let it slide tonight but not next time
she did it on purpose because you're short
They were designed to make people forget about the fact that Obama was a shitty President who got nothing done. Joe was great at one thing, acting like a clown to take away attention from Obama.
I'm unironically going to McDonald's now, thx blumf
Why is everything that comes out of that shithole such absolute unadulterated cringe? They make this place look like well-adjusted geniuses in comparison.
save them for the eventuality of Comey being arrested for the traitor he is
Or is this the awoo where we bread?
No alcohol, no drugs, no cigarettes blah blah blah.
But for those of us that do drink, how many times a week, how much?
>massive party infighting and accusations of vote-fixing
Same as 2016 though. Remember people dropping out back then because they realized it was rigged, like Jim Webb? Same old, same old.
dont put too much onions in the pizza
Trump's closing the border, but you still need to make kids! Contraception is treason!
dunno, they are stupid people pretending to be smart
Joe 'the human golden retriever' Biden.
Echo chamber / hugbox. You can't criticise anyone so long as they're with the narrative.
I put all of them.
>how many times a week, how much?
All of it.
They do it ALL THE TIME. And, most of the time, they'll tell the customer it was the kitchen's fault. It can not be overstated how much of a mistake letting women into the workforce was.
>jungle gym fever
Webb was a long-shot candidate from the start (also Martin O'Malley, who managed to hold a rally with literally 0 supporters showing up; 1 guy showed up but he was not convinced by the end of it). With Sanders it was easier to shut him down because the entire establishment and media backed Clinton. There's still no clear good establishment Dem candidate right now.
>jungle gym fever
holy shit that is funny.
>grope grope
>sniff sniff
Do you believe Biden's accuser?
Post all your Creepy Joe photos. I have a folder to fill.
No. Those little children he molests on camera are clearly lying
You will regret not saving every image you see and don't save on this site. It's always the ones you don't save that you have a perfect opportunity to use in the near future.
>jungle gym fever
Defend against this now
Biden just feels up all the girls right there in the public in front of their parents, including the parents.
"Just one incident isn't enough to disqualify him from president"
Some women are ok waitresses
Feeling up little girls is wrong desu
Biden is also into men.
>I didn't ask if you could count moon cricket
o fuk my sides
>children knowing shit about shit
yeah ok
larger collusion
>ywn shoot 3-gun with Keanu