Slow relationship - help!

What do I do, Jow Forums? I met my gf 5 months ago. We haven't had sex yet, not even hugs or kisses. We love each other, but she wants this relationship to go slowly. I think she's afraid of commitment, since she hasn't been too lucky with men in the past. Should I break up with her, should I wait and date other women meanwhile...?

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>5 months
>no sex
>not even a kiss
She's not your gf.

I asked my friends, and they said it's OK. Not all couples go at the same rate.

> hasn't been too lucky with men in the past.
aka fucked a BUNCH of dudes and now regrets it.

I don't know, I haven't asked her. And why would she regret such a thing?

Unless you are both 15 then you are not a couple. Adults enjoy each others' bodies.

We text each other everyday and we meet once a week. She made me a gift on my birthday and we both exchanged presents on valentines day.

are you underage? in high school?

So you are both 15?

If that makes you happy... Anyway, I happen to have a friend with benefits, so I guess I'll have to keep having casual sex until my gf finally greenlights bedtime.

>If that makes you happy
>muh casual sex
Yep, underage.

Yep, a pedo.


so she is open enough to let you fuck your fwb but too anxious to have sex with you herself? and she doesnt even get jealous?

I smell Bullshit in the air.
Sure she might have no connection at all with her own sexuality because her uncle molested her, but if you are ok with never having sex with her, why have a relationship at all and not call it what it is: a friendship

Red flag to me OP.

If a woman if properly attracted to you, she won't go 5 months without any kind of intimacy. Girls want sex just like we men do. Either she doesn't really like you and uses you as an emotional tampon boyfriend, or she has some sort of major trauma which prevents her from opening up to you. And with trauma i'm talking about getting raped type of trauma of severe abuse.

>boast about all the sexors I has
>I is too scared to touch fembots
Low quality bait

The quote is from PLATO , why does it say unknown ffs

Whoa, when did I say she knows about my fwb?

Maybe there is a trauma involved. Or maybe it is the fact that she is religious - Church on Sundays, attending church events...

So why dont you ask her about this thing?
If you trust each other you should speak about it breh

That's what we did.

And what did she say about why she doesn't want sex?

Sigh... She told me it was too early for that.

I guess I'll have to pretend I don't have a gf after all ;_;

5 months of "dating" without even a kiss doesn't mean it's too early. She's just not interested in you in that way, sorry bro.

I don't feel like breaking up with her, so I will go on with this until I find someone better.

I hope you do because she clearly doesn't see this as a serious relationship.

So you're a cheater. No fucking wonder she's afraid of sexual shit when you're literally having sex with another woman. Break up with your gf to spare her the pain.

>really cares about an innocent sounding girl
>accepts she’s not intimate with him because she’s had trouble with guys before
>cheats on her to fuck her up more

>almost half a year
>no kiss
>no sex
>not even hugs
>”We love each other”

user, I..

>once a week

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