Have you ever done something really weird because you were horny and felt ashamed about it afterwards...

Have you ever done something really weird because you were horny and felt ashamed about it afterwards? How do you get over it?This past week I've been stuck in a spiral of shame because of something weird I did a year ago. I'm not sure why I'm choosing to obsess over it now, but it's been replaying in my head for a week now and I think it's worsening my depression.

A year ago, my horniness got the best of me and I sneaked into a women's restroom and wacked off in a stall(i have a voyuer/pee kink so the atmosphere of a women's restroom had always been a fantasy for me), I felt instant regret and disgust for myself afterwards and told myself it's not something id ever do again. I know it could have been worse. I could have actually peeped on someone while i was in there or I could have sexually assaulted someone. In this scenario it only affected me, so it's mostly embarrassment toward myself and knowing that if any of my friends or family knew about it they'd probably want nothing to do with me, because it's creepy as fuck. I hate myself for it. I guess I just wanted to talk about this even if it's anonymously because I know I could never tell anyone about this.

Does anyone have a similar experience with shame/regret? Will this awful feeling pass?

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Hah retard

But seriously, just don’t do it again and ignore it because if you just say that people are going to be confused.

Be better, don't do that again. Like the other user said.

The shame you feel shows that your heart is in a good place...so don't dwell on this too much user

It's very clear in my mind it's not something I'll ever do again. I don't have the slightest urge now. I wish I could just ignore it.

There is nothing to ignore, user. You feel shame and now it has to pass. There is no reason to have the burden of shame as a reminder.

I've just never felt like this for such a long time. I really hope it will be something that passes. Thanks

I used my sister's dildo while I was visiting her one time. Not one of my proudest moments

You made the best choice you have made at the time, being the person you were and the knowledge you had. Now you know better, so when the opportunity comes knocking again (and it might), you will make the right choice.

popping in here to say youre not alone. i cringe thinking about it especially when i see her.

...so there were no women in the restroom, you carried out a fetish and it had no negative consequences for others ..and that should be oh so bad because?
It is not something you should be proud of or brag about, but to feel that much shame for this long over something so innocent is ridiculous.

not worse than z, he peeped at the window and got noticed by the girl and almost got thrown in jail if he hadnt run

I fapped while watching porn with a girl. She would finger herself. It waa weird af.

One other time there was this chick that wanted t fuck but a few minutes before i hears she had a std so i escaped to my room, but my neighbour let her in the dorm, thinking he could get some pussy. I told her she was allowed to sleep with me, but no fucking because i was "tired and had to get up early". Also kinda weird.

Or this one time my crush and i got drunk, i started fucking her and she started crying, that was hella weird.

I just wanna forget my past.

There were definitely women coming in and out. But I dont remember hearing many 'sounds' I wanted to hear(feels creepy writing that out) . All I recall is a bunch of flushing and the hand drying machine lol. But you're right. I realize it's ridiculous to dwell on, it's mainly me dwelling on how people I love would view me it they knew about this secret I'm bringing to my grave.

This is all relatively normal

Ive touched someone as they were sleeping before. I'd trade my regret for yours.

Sent dick pics on snap chat to people I knew IRL

Pretty messed up

You definitely have a mental illness, that's not even worth remembering lol.

Start taking 20mg of Citalopram a day before you kill yourself please.

wait, are you guys or girls?

It's embarrassing and weird but not enough to be depressed over. Seems more like a dumb animalistic thing that people will do from time to time vs some sort of sex crime. Just...don't make it a habit, then it will stop being a fluke.


OP I have a huuuge long past of regrets, mixed with sexual and loss of friendships or be it just political arguments with people who now I refuse to talk to.
thing is your regret spirals into you thinking you are a horrible person. In reality there are people who did something far worse, even those women have stories of their own.
So look at it this way. You did soemthing you regret. Instead of thinking you did something bad, try to look at the emotion you are feeling at 3rd person perspective.
" I feel shame for jerking off in the females bathroom" instead of saying that's good or bad, when you said it was bad, look at it as the emotion is there and it isnt good or bad.
You think you are a person who snow balls but in fact you admitted you were ashamed and feel tons of regret. That should tell you that you wouldnt dare go further. That is something you learned about yourself. I wouldnt tell any one but a therapist about this but take this as a case of being an imperfect human being with different impulses. Dont do it again, but understand you havent hurt any one and you arent a bad person since you honestly regret it.

I've fapped in airport toilets, train toilets, school toilets, a highschool stairwell (was decorating the walls while school was shut), at the beach, in the woods, in a friend's shower and bathroom, in my ex's parents' bathtub, in the basement of a restaurant I worked at, to name a few. I've also had sex in a lot of those places. No regrets.

Thank you. This actually helped a lot to read.

I never that far, but I used to secretly try on my sister's underwear and clothes