Worried about my girlfriend being raped

My girlfriend has had multiple first dates with Tinder matches recently and I'm worried she'll get raped by a total stranger, how can I stop this from happening? What kind of evidence would there be?

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>My girlfriend has had multiple first dates with Tinder matches recently

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>My girlfriend has had multiple first dates

wth is this an Open Relationship or something?

Break up
She is with you and there is no excuse for using tinder

Yes, open relationship.

Poor bait.

I dont think its about unreasonable fear to have, shes said before that guys have pressured her to go home with them.

And what about you, how often do you date/fuck other girls?

break up with her so that she's no longer "your girlfriend"

>My girlfriend
>Tinder matches
this is a problem you've created yourself

Not that often, not since around the first month or two of our relationship.

Only arrange meets where you can witness the entire thing and step in if needed.

How many other girls have you fucked since you got into an open relationship with her?

oh and you can charge a bit of money for "convenience fees" when they fuck her. You can maybe even rent out a room in a shitty motel and set up a few "dates" in one night. and if tinder isn't enough, I think guys will slow down and talk to chicks standing on the side of the road in skimpy clothes.

Does it matter?

If she is going to be a whore, you should make money like a P.I.M.P.
If not, you're a bitch too.
Now get in the car ho before you see the back of my hand again.

Quality bait.

Yes it does, because if the answer is zero, this is a weak bait thread.

>My girlfriend has had multiple first dates with Tinder matches

she's not your girl nigga

she on that dick

trying to be poly only works if your a turbochad or if the girls BI and ONLY brings back OTHER GIRLS for BOTH of you to fuck.

Otherwise your getting gimped.

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or if the guy is bi and the girl brings back guys and girls.

>My girlfriend has had multiple first dates with Tinder matches recently
Fucking beta faggot, you are everything that's wrong with the world today.

nooooo sir. I thoroughly enjoy fucking beta cucks "gf's". Why would you be mad if you get a chance to fuck his gf?

>My girlfriend has had multiple first dates with Tinder matches recently
False flagging fags are the worst.