"ill take on the whole world for ya, im a heavy hitter
'bout to cause a genocide so you can call me hi-"
Is he our guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
he namedropped r9k so he ruined Jow Forums
lol fuck those tards
>he actually did it
How can stormfags even cope now?
In this video?
I think that line was an intentional attempt to coax the media into doing the third rei... i mean, third adpocalypse
He’s been /ourguy/ since the beginning. He referenced Murdoch Murdoch a few times. 9 yo army rise up!
I like him
No, but he sure is a guy.
He's growing into someone I kind of like.
kek unironically mad man
I wonder if they'll fall for his obvious bait this time.
sound swedish
pretty cringy
What are you talking about? How so?
>Kill Mountain
>Not a viking name
He also mentioned kamikazes
when/where did he do that?
They sent him a cease and desist?
Subscribe to pewdiepie
he sure did