What does Jow Forums think of the LGTBQ movement and what is the end goal of the LGBTQ? Are we all gonna end up faggots or what?

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>and what is the end goal of the LGBTQ?

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>and what is the end goal of the LGBTQ?

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The end goal is Sodom and Gomorrah

Trannies are the worst thing this world could possibly have,genuinely makes me upset that people accept that and consider it normal

Is this a serious question? Do you need us to call an ambulance cause you fell over and hit your head? Are you retarded?

Their end goal is to completely control the levers of education, disallow any wrong think, and otherwise act as footsoldiers for the progressive flavor of the week
>t. faggot

Everything to the right of "LGB" as latched onto the homosexual rights movement and now they won't leave. Now us degenerates a pretty much forced to live around mentally ill individuals on the basis of "acceptance". I don't think this will end well and will eventually end up with "TQ+" ripping regular homo's to shreds in the coming decades.
If you thought shit like pedophilia in the gay community was bad now, just wait until every toddler is being turned into a drag queen for fear of being an outcast in their own society. Or worse, losing the rights to be a parent or see their own child entirely. Imagine a world where no one knows their own parents and have to be raised by state sponsored tranny indoctrination camps.

So how do we fight back against this faggotry or is ultimate faggotry and pedophilia inevitable at this point

they're all pedos that want to be able to fuck kids openly

I hate it, because it's a leftist ideology. I have nothing against gays, but I have something against pride and transexualism. Spreading it to society.

The goal is to drag more people into the pits of hell.
They parade their pride, just like God said they would.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

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They want rainbows, give them rainbows...

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>Destroy the family
>make pair-bonding impossible
>make all sex sterile, especially for whites
>asset stripping

They're not content to erase all ethnic, race and class distinctions, they're so enamoured of their Procrusteans beds that they want to erase even biological differences between men and women.


Transgender people are 55,555x more likely to kill themselves than slaves during pre 1850 America.

Transgenderism is being pushed ON children via social media and is resulting in a new phenomenon called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.

Scientists were forced to abandon research into homosexuality by left wing communist terrorists.

Activists openly admit to attempting to indoctrinate children into the LGBTQ agenda.

Gays are 2% of the population yet 33% are pedophiles, make up 67% of all AIDS cases, and 78% off which have at least one STD. 28% of homosexual men have had more than 1,000 sexual partners.

92% of children raised by homosexual parents are physically abused, 51% have depression, and 72% are obese.

Jews drove the gay marriage agenda.

There is a portion of the gay community that actively seek out sleeping with HIV/AIDS infected men to get infected themselves. It's called 'bug chasing'.

Mega list of studies showing transsexualism is a mental disorder and not healthy.

The book burnings off the National Socialists in Germany consisted of pedophilic pornography and Transgenderism 'science', among other degenerate topics.

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Just bully gays into suicide
It's a self solving issue
Don't gays make up like 3% of the worlds population

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Does anyone have the tf diaper furry picture that summed up the gay agenda pretty well

They want their perversions not only accepted, but mainstreamed so they appear to represent a larger social group than they already are. Gays are already being wildly over-represented on television, advertising and in movies. To add to the freak factor, todays news featured a lady that gave birth to her own granddaughter as a surrogate for her faggot son and his fudge packing butt buddy.

Im not sure what it is now but it seems to be increasing in the west, at least in part because of the lgbt political movement.

Bullying is part of the solution but i think things will get worse as long as its pushed by teachers and politicians

Im ok with LG and B
Its the T+ that is Degenerate and enabling mental illness

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Remember Homosexuals are 1,600% more likely to molest children

3% of the general population
45% of the pedophiles

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I think the best way forward is to divide the “LGBTQA+” community from just “normal” gay people.

Brand the LGBTQA+ movement for what it is - a bunch of bully activists. Think about the amount of stuff they have imposed on society. Direct people towards their city halls or state houses and ask if they think the LGBT flag - a political flag - is appropriate to fly along side the state and country flags?

Tl;dr - separate the “normal” gays from the flag flying activist bullies.

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>2% US population
>70% of new HIV infections

>Im ok with LG and B
>Its the T+ that is Degenerate and enabling mental illness
Nah. They're all bad. All of it.

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>Nah. They're all bad. All of it.

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Spread the truth. Wake people up.

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>homosexual men have had more than 1,000 sexual partners
>Chad faggot vs the virgin hetero

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Form right wi g death squads and pile homos and trannies by the millions

right wing*

I think all niggers and kikes should chop their dicks off and pretend to be wammin.

islam will end that debate


i know right... not june.. give fucking september or some shitty month instead

Whoa :O

I'm starting a gay militia to promote homosex in schools and church across the nation.

Right wing death squads when?

All satire here :DDD