communism doesn't wo-
Communism doesn't wo-
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Real communism has never been tried.
>he thinks china is communist
it's fascist.
communism does not allow for a profit.
China isn't communism, with all those privately held companies though, is it you lamentable wog. If anything the chinks are using the British Empire playbook.
>China isn't communism, with all those privately held companies though, is it you lamentable wog. If anything the chinks are using the British Empire playbook.
they are all owned by the communist party faggot
oh so because they call themselves communist that doesn't mean that what they're doing is using a political philosophy in order to justify whatever they want?
As the politmaggots had feasted on the dead carcass of an ideology until only a monstrous shell remained, they found themselves scared of leaving the shell and to mature into flies as the masses would be distraught by the unfamiliar appearance or even sense weakness and division in the buzzing cloud.
It's actually text book fascism as expounded by Gentile.
communist goal is in the chinese constitution fag
would a real fascist market allow for such obsession with profit that it comes at a price to the environment, wildlife, and wellbeing of the unborn as seen in china?
no, they are anarcho-libertarian with a pseudo-monarchist vanguard-clique.
If I put on a blue shirt, tie a red handkerchief around my neck and shoot up a school tomorrow, will whites or communists get the blame?
ok? what i'm saying is that they use ideology as a blunt force object to justify retarded shit
guys try to hit the google link near the picture file info
google is absolutely C O M P E D
>portrait of (((Karl Marx))) behind the Chinese politicians
>Not Communist
We have pictures of Jesus in places where pastors preach to lay down your life for kikes too. What does it matter?
Do you guys really think China is that great? For most citizens they still live like shit. Yes the government gives off a vibe of competence but thats largely due to their very censored press where their faults are not highly reported.
nobody with a brain who has ever stepped foot in China thinks China is that great
It's a ticking time bomb dystopian hell hole that is strip mining the earth and subjugating it's own dissidents to a life of torture and abuse.
In all honesty we glassed the wrong orientals.
And the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a republican democracy of, for, and by the people. I mean it's in the fucking name.
China is the most ruthlessly capitalist country on Earth
Calling themselves the communist party and putting a few pictures of soviet idols up on the wall doesn't make them any more communist than me calling myself a woman and putting lipstick and a dress on makes me a woman
Communism can work, but for it it has to sacrifice the axiology of western cultures.
so yeah, we could all be communists and live under such form of society, but Europe would have to die spiritually
>Communism can work, but for it it has to sacrifice the axiology of human cultures.
Fixed that for you.
Not real communism
It is for the People, but do you know who the People are?
>We only had to kill 30 million people to get it to work!
>and ban nigger rap
Fucking this
China is the most capitalistic country in the world, if you got the money you get the connection which you can do everything you want without repercussions. money is everything in china
Ah yeah, speaking of which
> anarcho-libertarian
> big corps bend the knee to chinese gubmint
Tell me more about all these Chinese peasants own all of the means of production.
Way more died in the "Great Leap Forward" alone, fren. Never mind the tally of Chinese Civil War, the Cultural Revolution, the Conquest of Tibet, etc.
>Implying capitalists don't love forever wars and early death from exhaustion or addiction too.
Whew lad.
>communism doesn't wo-
china isn't communist. Chinese people can own property and private chinese citizens own the means of production and there's no version of communism that allows that. China is actually authoritarian capitalist.
Capitalism sucks too
Not real communism, they’ve allowed privatization
They’re Marxist, get it right
Despite what American boomers may think, China is not communist
Its American companies shipping capital to China.
Why should China refuse this??
They played stupid American capitalist out and now you are all jelaous.
If China was like Venezuela you would be like jews etc.
China is based and all of you know it ,and ALL of you would like to see etho state in the west like China is and not globalist NWO governments
Here's a good write up of their goals.
Daily reminder US government and people running it both financed Hitler and China,Hitler to collapse Europe and introduce NATO and police states,and China to maximize proffits on slave labour
China may be based, it's still pretty shitty. There are so many accidents during work and whenever people die in public, almost nobody helps, because that would be too expensive. Lot's of people in rural areas do actually starve, just nobody cares about them.
You do understand its 1.5 billion people ?
I don't see the connection there
I bet you're one of those pseudo intellectuals who thinks they'll be up on that panel and not getting beat on some factory floor in 10 hours shifts 6 days a week for a rice bowl a day.
I believe he's getting at that it's very hard to manage and smooth out every edge in a system with that many people and associated nuances.
Cheese communism is allowing state owned or government linked companies to mistreat the worker and under pays them.The government doesn't forces foreign companies to pay their worker everything. The only thing communist in that country is state own collectivization
yes thanks
Why the fuck does that Marx look like a chinaman with a big bushy beard? Typical Communism, but not what the multiculti globohomo Jews have in mind for us
It's quintessentially strasserist, orthodox fascism is relatively open on how to approach the market.
not communism
Trump is swearing on the Bible to serve Jews
its not communism if they are all from the same race retard.
>good write up
>literally just same old MIGA nigger MUH CHYNA rethoric trying to appeal to "le dumb nazi goys will fall for everything" throwing "Lebensraum" and "white" everywhere like buzzwords MIGA niggers have been repeating for decades
>Its American companies shipping capital to China.
Pretty much the entire west did this thanks to greedy kikes and pseudo kikes chasing extremely short term gain. They've now all got floating gin palaces and the rest of us are fucked.
move to China if you think it's so great
True,10/10 post
What is Communism when it's homogenous, nationalistic and there are private corporations?
National Socialism.
they are besmirching the master's good name
Quintessentially American post.
China is a Socialist Market Economy. Their state ideology is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and the eventual goal is communism. Lenin did a similar thing after the revolution with the introduction of the NEP which brought back some semblance of a Market Economy
>the eventual goal is communism
>he actually believes this
Hey great news comrade! The U.S. is now a communist country. That's right, we are communist now. We haven't made any changes to economic policy whatsoever but now we are going to call it communist. So now the revolution is over and communism is finally working, great job.
its very hard to explain that to amerimutt
>eventual goal is communism
Yea any day now, I'm sure they are just making sure they are ready.
What is the eventual goal of USA government ?
The transfer from a Agrarian feudal system to a Capitalist system is central to Orthodox Marxism dummies. I'm not saying the dissolution of the state is realistically achievable, I'm just saying that's what the ideology of the state is.
to suck the planet dry
the point of communism and socialism is better conditions for workers and a fair system of redistribution
China is a shithole. Its oppressive, highly polluted people are suffering. Its a horrible place to live.
>country with history
USA is not opressive ?
Did you see what happened to Roger Stone?
Just saying they're chinese sums it all up.
China isn't fully socialist, though. Retard. It's a Socialist Market economy. Also conditions HAVE gone up. Life expectancy has risen from 48 in 1964 to 76 now, absolute poverty has gone down, incomes have risen. Most commies realised that adherence Orthodox Marxism was fucking stupid, which is why you have shit like Social Democracies, Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, etc.
better give it a try
>be small-dicked atheist Chinese commie incel
>get bullied and cucked by Uyghur and Hui chads on a daily basis
You're watching the Winnie-Pooh monarchy.
China is not remotely socialist. It's just capitalist. SOE's accounted for like 90% of their economy when the soviet union was around, now it's down to 20%. Their economy is almost entirely private.
That's pretty funny considering actual Marxists are GULAG'd in China for fighting worker's rights against state capitalism.
Even Soviets had the decency to replace his mug with Stalin's or Lenin's. Hanging a portrait of a Jew in your state's administration building is pretty cucked and bluepilled anyway.
It never does, if China is comunistawhy are filthy rich people and extremely poor people?
Answer this you faggot.
It's not just Trump, it's the majority of Christians in the US
they are basically jews, they worship the jew.
>China is not remotely socialist.
Not entirely sure about that one, senpai. The largest companies in China are all state-owned. And again, they're a Socialist Market Economy.
How did USA go from most patriotic,conservative and Christian country in 1950s to this globalist leftist Saudi Arabia supporting disgrace ruled by Clintons is beyond my imagination
This is the case in social democracies like norway too. Nobody calls them socialist. Because that's not what socialism is.
Its a play of words
corporatism is not communism you idiot
Are you baiting right now?
You were the one who brought up SOE's as an example of China not being Socialist, I posted the largest companies in China as an example of the SOE's and said that yes, they're not fully Socialist because China is a SME.
I've said this three fucking times now, user. Reveal your flag so I can mock your low IQ and reading comprehension
Motherfucker if we go by comprehensive definitions china is less socialist than america. Can you fuck off now. Stop coming up with new retarded terms and words, socialism and eventually communism have been fairly well established in terms of what you have to do to achieve them. It's not exploiting your workers endlessly and profiteering while marketing yourself as a communist economy.
>Stop coming up with new retarded terms and words
Nigger this is the basic foundation of Chinese Socialism. It's not my fault you're a giant fucking drooling retard who doesn't understand shit.
>socialism and eventually communism have been fairly well established in terms of what you have to do to achieve them
Yes, you fucking IDIOT. Historical materialism dictates that in order to become a Socialist nation a country has to first go through the Capitalist stage. Lenin tried to skip this with Marxism-Leninism as Russia was a backwards feudal shithole but the whole point of "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" was the opening of the Chinese market for the preliminary stage of Socialism.
How the fuck do you not understand this, you giant moron?
What makes chyna a socialist state, right now? When by every definition of the word they are not remotely close to being one? Explain your stupidity.
>ruining /ourguy/ marx's name and image with their disgusting chink 'communism'
Fucking dictator scum, communism cannot work with non whites since it requires people to share and be well to each other.
slave people mentally incapable of liberty
Da joos, glownigger miscalculations and sheer incompetence paired with bad luck paired with slavery guilt.