Considering the climate is fucked and projections say we face major societal collapse within the next couple of decades...

Considering the climate is fucked and projections say we face major societal collapse within the next couple of decades, what is the point in getting a career, home, family and so on? Would you guys recommend having children, knowing how fucked we all are?

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What else are u gonna do? Even if there's a collapse you'll still be better off having valuable assets. If you really believe it'll happen start stocking precious metals and ammunition, etc. Learn survival skills in your spare time.

Problem is, if you're predictions are wrong, you look like a massive retard.

They're not my predictions, are they? My biggest concern is having kids. I wouldn't be able to bare having them and then have to see them grow up/die in a collapsed society.

Just realize that they've been making these predictions for decades and they never come true. If you're really worried just don't buy a house near the coast so you won't have to move if the sea levels rise a little bit.

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Why bother. The eastern half of the US won't exist in a few weeks

Didn't you make this thread this morning? I don't think it's even reached archives yet.

You said you didn't want to get a degree or start a family cause we're all going to die.

You're going to die eventually. It literally doesn't matter. As for your kids I would rather be alive than not exist. They aren't guaranteed to die but if you never had kids then they will be dead sperms.

Tell me more. Asteroid?

There is none, start getting involved in your local cell comrade!

because those with the greatest chance of survival when shit hits the fan in the next 20 years will be those who have money and are able to support themselves and have useful skills

That's not true at all.
the asteroid will do a flyby in a decade, not next week. They're just going to talk about what to do when it comes in 2029.

The real irony here is that climate change isn't a big deal. Worst case scenario, the sea level rises 2 millimeters every century.

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I wouldn't recommend counting on much of anything. Just get yourself a quiet lot, a nest egg, and have a gun or a sword in case shit goes medieval. No, it probably won't help, but you'll be better off than the guy without.

In a 1000 years humanity will be able to geo-engineer entire solar systems. Who gives a fuck about something as asinine and mundane as rising sea levels.

>these predictions for decades and they never come true

The total collapse hasn't happened, but most of the other predicitons have come true.
We are well past half of a major extinction event.

The sad reality is that humans are very good at surviving and adapting, so we will consume the entire fucking planet before 'society collapses'
it'll be sad and pathetic and dipshits like you won't see it coming even with all the animals already being dead

Stop overreacting you know nothing about the climate.

If you care

1. Develop a career that focuses on sustainability, environmental engineering or science, or politics with an environmental conservation based agenda.

2. have kids, educate them so they are part of the solution and not the problem.
3. try to enjoy life, its not your fault there are so many people or that most of them are self centered ignorant all consuming fuck tards

Bitch we've barely left the planet, in 1000 years we'll be lucky to not already be on the upturn of a return after apocalypse.

In a 1000 (sic) years, humanity will be on the same fucking planet doing the same fucking thing and fucking up in all the exact same ways; just like 1000 years ago, and 1000 years thence, and 1000 more beyond that.
Fucking up, being fucked, and just generally being a huge fucking disappointment in comparison to all the potential.

Humans: Disappointment. Forever.

more than 60% of all animals fish and insects are already dead.

more than 85% of the most at risk species live in the 10% most at risk places on the planet (pollution, over fishing, loss of habitat, etc)

OP is correct that shit is going to eventually fall apart, but it could be anywhere between 2 years from now and 75. Not the best range to hold your breath on.

>I'm an incel because of the climate change
try again

You gotta prove this guy wrong OP

It's fine to worry about the environment but you need to acknowledge you really don't know shit. You hear from people what is happening you don't know. No reason to throw away a future.

Perhaps, but i'm not OP

I'm a scientist and I know lots of shit particularly on this subject.
We've fucked this planet hard and most people don't even have the awareness level of OP ... which is sad because you are likely correct that he knows fuck all

Climate scientist? Also scientists don't know lots of things too. Either way nothing wrong with protrcting Earth but stop fearmongering.

No i'm a physical chemist

I'm also not fear mongering
The above stats are real
The amount of species we've lost is sad, and its only going to get worse.

>keep backpedaling
Jesus dude

>ruins entire life because planet got a little warmer

a 1000, as in a thousand, retard
You're implying we're somehow in the same situation as a thousand years ago, as if no advancements have been made.
Climate change isn't a big deal. Climate change has never been a big deal. Climate change will never be a big deal.
You might just be retarded and irrational.

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clever girl

>projections say we face major societal collapse within the next couple of decades
Now that would be new. I mean sure, there are about to be a lot more refugees and water and food might get scarce outside of the first world but it's unlikely to be anything too crazy.

>what is the point in getting a career, home, family and so on?
Assuming the career is built on some useful skill, it's always a nice to have and improves your chances to have a comfy life. Read up about society during other crisis periods, people with useful skills still had a relatively decent time.

Family is pointless either way but some people enjoy that shit, so why not?

It's a better reason than what incels have to be fair.

You got me
What a solid, well put-together argument

Also, you the nibba who says 'a couple of hundred of them'
>a 1000

>Climate change isn't a big deal. Climate change has never been a big deal. Climate change will never be a big deal.

Except the next mass extinction

This is the most apathetic response to global problems you can have. You don't deserve self awareness. The real underlying problem of humanity is uncontrolled population, maybe we should cull the herd starting with people like you.

Okay I guess I will just give up and die like OP. Or do you want me to donate all my money to some politician? Never gonna happen.

>Climate scientist? Also scientists don't know lots of things too
How is that a fucking arguement?

I didn't offer a solution, just a reality.
Sorry if that bothers you

Population at this point is beyond irrelevant. When certain parts of it use almost all of the resources and pollute the rest, it's not a problem with too many people.

If you'd magically made Africa and India disappear, climate change would still be a massive issue just a bit delayed.

How is climate change real hhaahahahahahaha like nigga if the water rises just move ya house hahahahaahahajaja just change the weather hahahaahahahaha

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This is the widespread response to global problems because the sad and sick truth is that the people doing the damage will almost always, invariably, outnumber people trying to fix it.

That's true of... pretty much everything.

You're right, OP. You should become an hero right now to reduce your footprint completely. Don't worry, I'm sure people will see and follow your example to save our planet

those are quite a few memes all wrapped up into one post. gone with the wind!

I genuinely can't tell whether it's supposed to be a joke or not. 2016 ruined the Interwebz.

Coincidentally, that would would increase the average worldwide intelligence exponentially.

Think harder idiot

Population is the major driver, but yes our behavior is a huge issue.

Turns out we're fucking the planet in many ways and we need a paradigm shift.

but I totally understand that thinking about more than 1 related concept at the same time overloads your brain. Sadly, this appears to be a problem with most people.

Saying you are a scientist is not an argument neither thank you.

raise strong noble ones

>i am an oracle who knows the future
Sure bud.

lol, the funny part is several people are telling you you're stupid and you can't tell them apart!

You could always help with the overpopulation problem. Catch my drift, wink wink, nudge? Set an example. Wink.

>wink wink, nudge?

Go on a killing spree?
Not enough, i could only at best kill 0.00000001% of the current population and that would be a long shot

No you are stupid You think the planet Will be ruined and you have no proof just words and threats.

First thing that came into your mind was a killing spree, huh? Fuck you!

I purposefully pollute as much as I can to make leftist cucks mad. Get fucked.

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But population absolutely doesn't matter at this point. Nor won't matter in the next decades. And potentially won't matter at all because it tends to go down as the economics stabilise.

I get that genocide is more fun than switching to renewables or ending capitalism but it's pretty pointless.

This is a carbon copy format of another meme. You just need to fucking lurk moar, faggot.
Like Just Log Off Hahahaha

There are literally hundreds of scientific articles about this subject,

but nah, they're all wrong and nobody knows anything.

>I get that genocide is more fun than switching to renewables or ending capitalism but it's pretty pointless.

Switching to renewables.... totally possible

Ending capitalism...... eeerrrrrr I think that is less likely than genocide.

> no sauce whatsoever
There is literally not a single credible scientist that believes in human made climate change. But you know better than all the scientists right....

Well, next best thing would be to find a green capitalism that focuses more on digital consumption and experiences. Maybe VR could do the trick. Guess one could focus the efforts of the market on sustainability with regulations.

In the end a limited environment and the idea of capitalsm are bound to be in an endless fight. And the environment doesn't look like a winner.

>There is literally not a single credible scientist that believes in human made climate change.

What the fuck, are you Fox News?

Daily reminder that BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION, after DECADES of climate change education, awareness campaigns, and millions of dollars spent creating green products, we are now closer than ever to mass extinction caused by climate change.

I do need to get laid!

>Guess one could focus the efforts of the market on sustainability with regulations.

This is the paradigm shift we need

not this one

Credible scientist = someone you agree with? Or like, the majority of climate scientists?

Been a while. Love the regrets that are coming afterwards. But, hey, everything's got a price, right?

We didn't stop loss of habitat, we didn't stop mass pollution by industry, we didn't stop agriculture from filling in wetlands and spraying the planet in herbicides, pesticides and insecticides.

Most of our 'effort' has been bullshit posturing from politicians.

It didn't work because we didn't fucking try

>wah wah the world is ending the environmment is being destroyed
>in reality the environment is doing great
>people are more environmentally conscious than ever
>natural beauty is everywhere especially in America
But all you retards who spend all day on the computer act like the environment is all destroyed. Yeah that's because you sit on your FAT ASSES all day. Get outside and realize you are retarded.

You're saying all this from an electronic device? Apply yourself

And also because climate fluctuates naturally and there's no problem at all.

>I saw snow and trees outside, so the environment is fine

This is honestly how my mom thinks

>I saw a chunk of ice break apart, so we're all gonna die.

If user spent all his life shitposting on a cheap laptop and ate barely any meat, he'd do more for enviroment than most.

>especially in America
spoken like a true american ignorant. way to perpetuate the clichee

>i read a article so the environment is destroyed

how about 40 articles

how about ones that have measured wildlife decline over the last 75 years? No? They're not really dead? They're just sleeping?

>their supposition is that our end is timed and closing in
>your only argument is against an argument they're not making and is the equivalent of 'well *I* don't think so!'
Just making sure, but you DO or DON'T consider yourselves adults?

>he's never witnessed the shear beauty of the American landscape
It's breathtaking mate. Sorry you can't experience it where you are at but trust me man it is wondrous.

the bar is low

>oh no they called me out better pretend like I don't think the world is going to end anymore

>how about ones that have measured wildlife decline over the last 75 years?
Who cares? That doesn't affect my live in any way.

American geography is stunning, but sadly is being destroyed

Okay I will just go back in time and fix all that. You kidding me man?

Never said it wasn't breathtaking, you little shit, but you're ignorant. There's nothing "especially" about it

Humans destroy the world, but you don't care.
That is your right, but doesn't mean it isn't happening.

No, i'm not blaming you. You didn't do it, but it DID happen and it IS still happening. That is all.

All you do is bitch you have nothing else to say than this?

... get it while it lasts?

>You didn't do it, but it DID happen and it IS still happening.
Okay thanks user that isn't very helpful.

We're not destroying the world. We're improving it. There's still lots of trees and animals and shit.

noone gives a flying fuck about some stupid animals dying

Congratulations for giving into fear. Just shut your mouth now and open your wallet to pay your environmental taxes like a good slave.

Yes. Can we have sex now?

Also, Al Gore bought beachfront property.

And by the way, try to get your women to lose a pound or two, then we'll be able to see your natural, especial, beauties

I guess he doesn't mind those tall waves in his house.

you type like youre actually retarded

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Sure why not?

Young women here are more fit than ever. It's the boomers and Gen Xers that are so fat.

I am. Lose some weight in the meantime, fatty. Can't see the scenery because of your fat ass.

>literally say that 'the end is timed and closing in' in my post
>moves the goalposts away from that
>then tells me I didn't say it

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Hey, watch that shit! I'm a gen x. Only had sex with zoomers lately, though

>they don't like their women plush and thicc
Didn't realize I'd hopped into fucking Plebeian general. How you doin', /plebg/?

But to comment on it, obesity seems to be an issue that plagues types of people rather than specific generations. I'd surmise on the simple account that it's honestly probably cheaper to get fat, you get the self-entitled sorts ballooning out a lot. After all, good care should come to them, they should not have to pay for quality-- they are entitled to it.

So, basically, you took it personal? Where is your sense of humour, fatso?